Glad to be counted in the 93% :)

  • Not the most praise worthy indicator, or indeed what the team behind SoT were pinning their hopes & dreams on.
    None the less.. made me smile on this dark & rainy day.
    That I'm not the only one, and can count myself in very good company. :)

    alt text

    I think that "Beano's" Novello still has the edge :)


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  • Guess the majority (if not all) the regulars on these forums are part of that group :p

  • @nessiroj Can't imagine anyone else liking the game as it is ^_^

    But in all seriousness I like how people like the game @PirateCraggy Thanks for sharing this fun news :-)

  • @Hynieth

    But in all seriousness I like how people like the game

    You & me at least then :)

    The Game

    Well it hasn't been smooth sailing, granted.
    It's such a different beast now from launch.
    It's should be a happier place, but I feel expectations remain out of step with the game development.
    A difficult thing to balance and manage.
    But we are getting there, patience required at every turn :)

    The Current state of the Forum

    It's all very easy to fall into the trap of moaning, fighting with one another.
    Adopting contrary positions to arguments, and for threads to continue to fall apart.
    Repeating topics pop their heads above the parapet, to be shot down, others note worthy... ignored.
    It's a strange place at times the forum, nothing as strange as folk I guess.
    Our duty to be responsible, and civil to one another at all times, even in the face of stupidity and ignorance.
    I've heard it all before... now these days I reside on "The Outer Shores" of this forum. It's nice out here, I lurk in it's depths... :)

    But regardless to our issues, a great place to meet up with you guys.

    One thing that does bind us... is this game... and our love of it.
    Whether we agree or disagree.... at least we share in this game.
    The Game like our journey.... well... it's getting there :)


  • @piratecraggy
    Something doesn't add up...It should be 94 percent because i love the game too ( * Oooow, Jezus , do you do this on purpose ,Moron? Percent isn't a single person, fool...Do you see now what i have to deal with , he's too stupid to help the thunder roar over Cologne...).

    But about the Forum: i miss the Pillars of Our Community , the Ones who came first and created an atmosphere that is slowly but certainly dissapearing...The involvement of Rare , which was very present in the beginning , has dwindled away to very neutral dataspreading but seemed to be forbidden to have a connection with any Forummember...

    Old dissapeared Pillars have been replaced by new members with their Talents and quirks, wich is great . But the Personalities that defined this Forum aren't replaced as rapid as they dissapear...Therefor this Forum is losing it's " Soul and Spirit" ,slowly…

    Oh, i don't throw a rock to anybody and look to myself with shame that i slowly let the Forum slip away. i can not turn a tide , i never had nor never will have any talent to do that , but i still believe if there would be more connection from Rare with the Forum , that new Members would contribute , without fear of verbal slaughter , by opening their Heart and let that shout how wonderful this game and the adventures at the Sea are...

    You disagree? You may disagree with me but ...answer me this : In the past their was a Title called Boatswain for positive ,Friendly and Helpful Forummembers . Today ,i still see people that are worthy of that title but they will never get it because the Boatswain nominations stopped as quickly as they rose , a year ago…The same can be said about Deckhands ...Once they were with thirtheen, today with seven and not all of them are active on this very Forum...If Deckhands who have a stubborn trait would write like they did with thirtheen , they would burn up like an Icarus...That would be unhealthy and now you see the result : Deckhands are tired, can't write 24/7 as they have a right to have to maintain their real lives too and they take a lesser and more healthy forumrythm...No offence ,nor blames , but there is no intent from Rare to repair the Forum as it was in the beginning...There is only a Police Force that slaps you on the fingers if one is using bad mod edited words...But this is not how you revive or reinstal a Spirit that could heal others on this Forum...

    i have loved the Old Forum and still follow the Forum of nowadays but i can't write nor read as much as before because i do get fed up from the inner shadowry bickering that puts Pirates against eachother rather than putting them on the same line...
    The Forum of Old was a one of a kind Forum, the Forum of today, allthough still filled with Good Souls can be found on other places as well...It lost something and i doubt if we will ever retrieve it again...i'm sorry if i sound darkminded , but i can assure you that i'm not suffering from a gloomy day , it's how i feel it, like it or not.

  • @clumsy-george
    Out of the Park again me Matey!
    Seriously good read, and you really struck home with me.

    i miss the Pillars of Our Community , the Ones who came first and created an atmosphere that is slowly but certainly dissapearing

    You and me, and honestly everyone, who knows of them really feels this!
    There are names that simply no longer post, dare I say names that (we won't go into).. who have been banished from these shores, who I may not have held their views pre-say... but boy I miss them. I actually liked them & learnt to respect their standpoint. It was difficult at times, but some private DM's calmer waters emerged. We are all people at a end of the day, and we all make mistakes. It's what makes us human.

    i do get fed up from the inner shadowry bickering that puts Pirates against each other

    Wow... yip. Going to try my best to keep the waters around me as calm as possible, don't need that in my life or to get involved. :)
    Today I keep those mateys nearest to me... close, hopefully new Legends of the forum shall arise and a brighter air shall breathe life back into all of our threads.

    The Forum of Old was a one of a kind Forum

    It was that... and something we can try and instil once more, not an easy task :(
    All I can do... is remain true to myself, and hopefully it's enough for my part of the world.
    I try to be kind, it's sorta my starting point.... good things tend to happen I find :)

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