I'm not sure what the appropriate greeting is here among-st the pirate clan... in this virtual pub of virtual reality in this great game....

  • ..... but I have to say howdy to all you good mates/pirates! I'm an ol' school Cowboy Pirate that so far has had nothing but great fun in this game and unfortunately some bad times with the PC hackers and please don't question my opening introduction... I'm just very frustrated with them, I know the difference. I was trying to play the arena part of the game and was having great fun until nothing would work with my controller. I'll figure it out... thanks for reading my post and thank you for killing and robbing me in the future... if you haven't already... aimbot or not... yea I'm very verbal in this world, having been a beta tester for many years will bring that out, but anyway, peace and may you dig up the experience you so deserve.! I'm probably making a lot of enemies with this post... but at least it's honest as an Ol' Cowboy Pirate can be!! ;)
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  • If you are tired of sailing alone or want to gain more in depth knowledge of the game AOD is the place to be. We have players that have been here since the beta as well as people who are brand new to the game! We are a very diverse clan with members from all over the world. We have around 3200+ members across an ever-expanding list of games who are ready to welcome you aboard. Will you come join AOD and become another member to a clan who has been around for almost 20 years? We hope to see you soon on the seas!!

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  • Thank you kindly for the info! Much Appreciated Mate!

  • @sir-popatop said in I'm not sure what the appropriate greeting is here among-st the pirate clan... in this virtual pub of virtual reality in this great game....:

    ..... but I have to say howdy all you good mates/pirates! I'm an ol' school Cowboy Pirate that so far has had nothing but great fun in this game and unfortunately some bad times with the PC hackers and please don't question my opening introduction... I'm just very frustrated with them, I know the difference. I was trying to play the arena part of the game and was having great fun until nothing would work with my controller. I'll figure it out... thanks for reading my post and thank you for killing and robbing me in the future... if you haven't already... aimbot or not... yea I'm very verbal in this world, having been a beta tester for many years will bring that out, but anyway, peace and may you dig up the experience you so deserve.! I'm probably making a lot of enemies with this post... but at least it's honest as an Ol' Cowboy Pirate can be!! ;)

    welcome aboard mate this is a pirate game after all so try to look on the sea for ships when your on a voyage and then you'll be fine

  • @closinghare208 Thank you for the words of wit! :)

  • @sir-popatop said in I'm not sure what the appropriate greeting is here among-st the pirate clan... in this virtual pub of virtual reality in this great game....:

    @closinghare208 Thank you for the words of wit! :)

    and wisdom mate

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