Guys help

  • Is the game worth a buy now? I loved it when it was in alpha, but I saw the many problems. Is it better now, is it worth it?

  • 9
  • Problems?

  • @mzargothekhajit

    A loaded question. I would say yes, but that's just one opinion.

    Are you on Xbox or PC?

    It's on Gamepass, so you could try it on there. First month is only a $1.

  • I guess that depends on your income? There is no way to answer this question without knowing that.

    If you only have a $50 games budget for 2019 then no, I would wait for Borderlands 3.

    If you can afford a half dozen games in 2019 then definitely buy it.

    One thing I can say for sure is that it's way more fun playing with friends. So if you have friends who play SoT then it's well worth the money.

  • Wait and see for the opt crossplay.

  • Yes definitely. The play through experience from beginner to Pirate Legend I would imagine is ten times better now than at launch.

  • I think you should buy this game! It's a "game service" so most dlc will be free and it's constantly being updated per feedback from the "community". I personally am glad I paid full price at launch even tho I recently upgraded to Ultimate for 3 years so I'll have access to the game during that time. I'm a bit burnt out on it at the moment even tho I love Arena BUT due to the focus of that game mode for the moment is digging up chests and I feel like I've dug enough of those for a lifetime. Plus I am really REALLY digging FALLOUT 76 Nuclear Winter BR mode, it's such a blast!!! But yes I think SOT is worth the buy or at the very least worth getting Gamepass trial to check it out!

  • If you played, left and now are asking about it, it's probably still not a game for you.

  • I guess it depends really.
    The game has added a lot new things since Alpha (Just letting everyone know, I got the game around March 2019).
    It mostly depends on your income and deciding if its more important or not.
    I recommend you watch some recent videos of Sea Of Thieves, wherever TallTales or Arena, I highly recommend watching some up to date videos before deciding on it.

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