I Hatched a Golden Idea...

  • Here's the chicken since I can't upload pics like a goober.
    What if chickens you have caged could produce eggs for your crew to cook up or sell? I think it would at least give caging animals another purpose, and to add incentive to keeping live animals on your boat. Maybe there could be a rare golden egg laid that the gold hoarder would love to buy off your hands, or you could keep the golden egg for yourself for its strong healing properties once eaten. Thoughts?

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  • @fourduckz Seems like a good idea to me! I think it would tie merchants and hunters together.

  • @fourduckz I like it!

  • I like it, hence the upvote.

    Eggs from chickens (love the golden egg idea), manure from pigs, and venom from snakes.

  • I like it. I feel like getting it to produce a golden egg should be a process however. Maybe you need to feed it a pineapple or a skeleton captain's skull or something. Just something little so it's not just RNG.

  • Works for me. Speaking of feeding chickens, I kinda expect to need to feed them grubs to keep them alive, much like you have to feed pigs bananas fruit. Which leaves the snakes, what to feed them? Maybe pork or chicken!

    Nice picture, by the way. :P With your permission I will re-host it for you:

  • @arsigi thank you for re-hosting it! And maybe bait could be food for both chickens and snakes? It’s not like bait is hard to come by either, so I’d definitely feed a chicken an earthworm for an egg.

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