BUG: Crash from cooking during server change

  • Just had my biggest haul of meat & fish I've ever gotten over a solid two hour session, was really happy to turn in the haul. As I pulled up to Stephen's Spoils, the server did a switch on me, while I was cooking some shark.

    As soon as I took the shark off the pan, it said NO_NAME_II (or something like that). I tried to access my inventory and bam, game crashes and I instantly lose my epic food haul.

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  • @letterafterz Ouch. I try to keep my anchor raised at all times to prevent these kinds of issues. The server will not merge you until you’ve dropped the anchor.

  • @they-sank said in BUG: Crash from cooking during server change:

    @letterafterz Ouch. The server will not merge you until you’ve dropped the anchor.

    This is false, server can merge with anchor up. But everyone does need to be on the ship for a server merge.

  • @turtle-time3220 Are you sure? Most times I’ve merged it occured roughly 5 to 10 seconds after I dropped anchor. The only exception I’ve experienced is when the anchor is already dropped at a skull fort, then the server waits until you’re done with the fort before merging.

    The weekend before the anniversary update, I was in a dead server for roughly 5 hours until, not paying attention, I panicked and dropped the anchor to prevent slamming into cannon cove. Only 5 seconds later, the server merged. It was easy Athena and Skullforting during that 5 hour window tho!

  • @they-sank I was just saying the server can merge even with the anchor up.
    Happened once as I started to climb up onto the ship. The anchor was up and all crew was on board.

  • @turtle-time3220 hmmmm. Yeah I don’t get them very often, but I will continue to make note of the situation anytime one does occur.

  • Yeah, anchor was definitely up as I crashed into Stephen’s Spoils cause the server switched just as I was about to anchor, preventing me from doing so.

  • @letterafterz

    I hope everyone is reporting these bugs. Looks like this update has brought in more bugs than it fixed today unfortunately...

  • Tried to submit this as a bug and got this response:

    Ahoy LetterAfterZ,

    Thank you for contacting Sea of Thieves support.

    Treasure chests lost due to server shutdowns/game crashes are not something we can assist with. Treasure and the rewards inside of it do not belong to a player until cashed it at the relevant NPC.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Best regards,
    Sea of Thieves – Player Support

    Ugh - def still an active bug but I guess they think a CTD is the same issue as losing treasure on a server swap...

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