SLOOP is unplayable at this state.

  • With this new update and destroyable ship parts, the sloop needs to be updated, the capstan needs to be placed where it is on the brig, or damage between the capstan and the wheel needs to be halfed, I have no problems with players, but NPC's literally shoot at the wheel and never miss, it makes it impossible at unlucky times to even approach a skull fort solo, and its getting ridiculous, if one shot hits that capstan, you have to repair that and 2 wood on your wheel and the skellies aimbot it and hit it over and over, also its right where you have to stand to even be capable of steering or to raise the anchor so... once again rare you kinda screwed over anyone that doesn't want to pug a 4 man gally or 3 man brig thnx,-The Brave Vanguard…..

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  • I feel it. The new damage system is OP and kills my fun in the game. The ship takes a couple of hits and the anchor goes down irrespective of whether the capstan was hit or not. Then you're expected to bail, repair and get the anchor up all whilst being under fire, then the mast goes down. It's just not fun anymore .. great idea terribly executed.

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