Need Help with Laptop configuration

  • hi pirates. I've always played on ps4, I don't have xbox and I've never played on PC. I wanted to try Sea of ​​Thieves on my laptop. it has good specifications: Intel Core i7 (7th gen), 8 gb ram ... the problem is the stock video card. is an Nvidia GeForce MX130 .
    I'm not a PC component expert. in theory it should be higher than the minimum requirements but not born for gaming. do you think I should have big problems with my configuration? Thanks in advance

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  • @meros97 - Then search for SEA OF THIEVES and then you can see if you can or cannot mate.

  • I'd guess this card is not performant enough.
    There are even 2 models.
    One with DDR3 and another with DDR5 RAM.

    You can try it, but i guess you will have trouble loading islands and also see fps drops a lot if not unplayable at all.

    The official system requirements for SoT is a GTX 650.

    Here is a comparison to your card.
    I think it wont run.

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