The Kraken that killed a crew

  • Talked 3 friends into getting back into SOT
    Loaded up galleon full of supplies then took off
    Kraken spawn as soon as we take off
    Kraken immediately wraps around the hull entrance
    Kraken head on other side of the wrapped tentacle, no way to fire, no way go down and repair the ship
    Ship sinks
    Friends say stuff like this is why they don't play anymore, getting sunk by something that is out of their control.
    They log off to go play a different game.
    The End.

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  • They need to stop being babies after a ship sinks. It happens persevere and Over come only way to handle situations

  • If ever want to sail with us sometime gamer tag is Fuzzyh1ghland3r

  • @zormis LOL, weak reason to leave but pretty funny timing.

  • @fuzzyh1ghland3r are you not the one i just played with who rage quit after sinking in arena?

  • @classymines nah I didn’t rage quit I had to make dinner for the fam lol ;) was a pleasure playing with ya

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