Sheet Music For Concertina Shanties!

  • 'Hoy all!

    I'm fairly new here, only been playing the game for the past few months, but I love it, and I thought I'd share somethin' I made with you today.

    I'm going to a convention next week with a pirate theme, and I thought it'd be fun to bring a pirate costume and get an actual concertina (if I can fit all of that in my generally already over-packed luggage) to play some easily recognizable shanties around the space, but first I had to learn them. I found some sheet music by JoshMcMeow/Rogue Sea Dog (which he posted here:, but they were designed more for full accordion/piano and weren't as suitable for a li'l concertina, so I decided I'd transcribe my own versions. I referenced them to speed up my transcribing process, especially for the melodies, so, credits there, but I tried to more closely match the concertina solo versions in-game, and fixed up some of the chords that felt off to me.

    I was considering holding off on posting these up until I had some videos of me playing them (both to have as examples AND so I get the first crack at 'em, ;P) but they sure ain't easy, and while I'm fairly musically inclined, I'm still a beginner at the concertina, and it's gonna be a while before I truly have these up to performance quality (the only one I'm even close to is Becalmed, and even that one still gets choppy halfway through), so I figured I'd release them early and give more experienced players their shot at it. If you use these to learn the songs and make any videos or anything, link back to this thread so other people can find the sheet music, too! :)
    If I get good enough at any of them to make videos, or if I get any decent video from the convention that doesn't make me look like a fool, I'll post them up here!

    These are all technically possible to play on English concertina (though not easily), save for a couple measures here and there where a note gets double-used, but it's not too hard to come up with ways to play around them. So, without further ado:
    Bosun Bill:
    Grogg Mayles:
    (Piroshki is my other online alias.)

    I'm planning to do Summon the Megaladon at some point, too, (probably not Ride of the Valkyries) but I knew I was already gonna struggle just getting these 3 ready in time for the con, so I didn't worry about it yet. I'll add it here whenever that gets done.

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