Suggestion: Food selection wheel

  • Since the big update is here more food is available in the game. What I know there is no fast/easy way to select specific food. Only with tab or Q button (on keyboard)

    So what do think guys a food selection wheel is it a great idea?

  • 8
  • @joerivanbenten it is a good idea and there are two reasons why. 1. sometimes you want just a little health sometimes a lot. maybe you had a bite of pineapple but then fell and need to quicckly get some banana. 2. i cooked up a really rare fish and was holding onto it to turn in later. i nearly ate it by acccident while in battle. luckily the animation lasts a bit and i was able to stop in time but id been upset if i ate that thing haha would be nice to have an easier way to choose what we eat.

  • @joerivanbenten
    I think uncooked food should be on a separate system too. Imagine in the heat of battle you eat a raw pork chop

  • @joerivanbenten this would help cook food faster too. It would be nice to cook 5 pieces at a time before accessing the food barrel instead of having to access the food barrel after each piece. The cooking process is especially tedious if one person is using 2 cooking pans.

  • You can currently use a shortcut to cycle through food.

  • @lonegoatknifer said in Suggestion: Food selection wheel:

    You can currently use a shortcut to cycle through food.

    The priorities in the order seems a bit weird though, you would think the best fruits should be cycled first, maybe meat should be first as well? Cooked, best fruits, rest of fruits in descending order, raw meat. A wheel would also be quite handy to select specific fruits if you need a specific amount of HP.

  • Raw fish and meat should be a separate inventory slot. You could still eat it by accident but it needs a separate hotkey and slot.

  • good to know that I'm not the only one :D

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