Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p

  • Having weird issue with this game only it seems to be not utilizing the RTX 2070 fully. Sometimes it will hit 90%, but it is mostly staying in 80's.

    8700k running at 4.7ghz (Averages around 40% usage in game)
    16gigz ddr4 Corsair Vengeance 3000mhz
    Asus z370 prime mobo
    Evga 850 Supernova g2 psu
    Dell 1440p 144hz monitor G-sync off

    Game settings - Mythical
    V-sync off
    Tried limited and unlimited frame rate lock didn't make a difference.

    Any ideas?

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  • @mc-leggers ......?? I'm confused. Are you saying that you find it weird or bad that your gpu is only at 80% at 1440p or are you suggesting that is too high for your gpu to use??

    If any settings you are running and your gpu is using less memory or power that is a good thing.....unless all the computer knowledge I have has been completely backwards.

  • @xultanis-dragon nope you are absolutely right, acutally it is bad for hardware to run at full tilt (100%) all the time as it produces heat and draws a butt ton of power.

    It will shorten the lifespan of said hardware

  • @callmebackdraft said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    @xultanis-dragon nope you are absolutely right, acutally it is bad for hardware to run at full tilt (100%) all the time as it produces heat and draws a butt ton of power.

    It will shorten the lifespan of said hardware

    No it won't....Where did you get that information from? 100% utilization means the gpu is actually being used to it's full potential.

    There was already a study on it during the recycle mining cards era. It has absolutely no effect on the cards at all. They are designed to run at 100%, matter of fact they can easily bypass to 110-120%.

    Now can someone with game mechanical knowledge please help, thanks ahead

  • Ur pushing 144fps+ on a 1440p monitor and your cpu usage is 40%? That doesn't sound right.

  • @frostknighhd 6 cores 12 threads @ 4.7ghz..yeah

    The higher you go up in resolution the lower your cpu usage is

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  • @mc-leggers 100% utilization will produce quite a bit more heat on the die than 80% which in turn can degrade the life of the chip if not properly cooled. I like to keep my gpu below 70c ideally to ensure their is no degradation. If you plan on replacing the card in less than 5 years then running it at 100% and 70-80c is probably fine. If you are hitting 80 to 90 for extended periods, then yea, that card may burn out. Or it could be fine.

    You are cpu bound. Probably because the game is using a lot of cpu. If you lowered the res or AA you would probably see higher utilization. Make sure you don’t have any background processes that are stealing cycles.

  • @marsmayflower said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    @mc-leggers 100% utilization will produce quite a bit more heat on the die than 80% which in turn can degrade the life of the chip if not properly cooled. I like to keep my gpu below 70c ideally to ensure their is no degradation. If you plan on replacing the card in less than 5 years then running it at 100% and 70-80c is probably fine. If you are hitting 80 to 90 for extended periods, then yea, that card may burn out. Or it could be fine.

    You are cpu bound. Probably because the game is using a lot of cpu. If you lowered the res or AA you would probably see higher utilization. Make sure you don’t have any background processes that are stealing cycles.

    I don't sit on my computer all day, and this is the only game that doesn't utilize my gpu entirely. 100% gpu usage isn't going to hurt your gpu. I run temps at 58c on auto. As I said earlier, that theory has already been debunked anyway. If you'd like I will find the video/page of the experiment. Plus I had a i7 980x oc'd at 4.5ghz for 10 years. I kept my 1070 oc since they launched. The cards are made to handle it, this isn't back in the day where you had to where static bands just to even touch a mobo.

    I'm only using 40% of my cpu. This game isn't demanding.

    That is literally the most I can get out of it, 90%, then it drops back down into the 80's[/IMG]

  • I have a weird issue as well, my pc uses 100% of gpu even when I have it on cursed. FPS is barely 30. Can you guys help?

    Can't really understand the point of this thread. If you have a decent framerate, you don't have a problem. If you really want your GPU to go 100% render a video in the background or open two games at the same time, that fixes your problem.

  • @lucky-monkee said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    I have a weird issue as well, my pc uses 100% of gpu even when I have it on cursed. FPS is barely 30. Can you guys help?

    Can't really understand the point of this thread. If you have a decent framerate, you don't have a problem. If you really want your GPU to go 100% render a video in the background or open two games at the same time, that fixes your problem.

    Because I want a consistent 144fps, that was just a sitting still shot it shoots back down into the 120 to 130's when moving.

    Your issue would require knowing more about your computer.

  • @mc-leggers okay, then it might be a bottleneck somewhere. Have you updated all the drivers/bios etc?
    Also have you tried lower resolutions to see if you can hit 144 at all?
    Try disabling certain features on the graphical side, try lowering only single settings at the time. Maybe it will help you find the culprit.

  • @mc-leggers the utilization is irrelevant when it comes to degradation. It's the heat. And so you probably have well built systems with good cooling. a chip that is only hitting 60c can do 100% for virtually forever. others may not be so lucky for many various reasons.

  • @mc-leggers oh, and yea, if your computer is not plugged into a grounded source, then you would be wise to wear static bands. nothing has changed in that regard. that's physics.

  • @lucky-monkee said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    @mc-leggers okay, then it might be a bottleneck somewhere. Have you updated all the drivers/bios etc?
    Also have you tried lower resolutions to see if you can hit 144 at all?
    Try disabling certain features on the graphical side, try lowering only single settings at the time. Maybe it will help you find the culprit.

    This is literally the only game that does it. I went through stuff left and right lol aI give up

  • @marsmayflower said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    @mc-leggers the utilization is irrelevant when it comes to degradation. It's the heat. And so you probably have well built systems with good cooling. a chip that is only hitting 60c can do 100% for virtually forever. others may not be so lucky for many various reasons.

    I'm not advising others on what they should do, I have a pretty decent water loop running on a built in prediction pump. So yeah, if it kicks up a notch so does my coolant.

    But my real issue is with this game, it's weird, any other game I can get the full potential of the card, this one I can't. I do computer work, I don't do gaming mechanics. So what happens on the other side of the fence I usually read up on. I am buying the 2080 next week, so I will get a fps bump regardless if it's running only 80% or not. So I will leave it alone.

  • @mc-leggers there are plenty of other games that are cpu limited because of how they are coded- that issue isnt limited to SoT, although you may not be playing any of them.

  • @mc-leggers said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    No it won't....Where did you get that information from? 100% utilization means the gpu is actually being used to it's full potential.

    There was already a study on it during the recycle mining cards era. It has absolutely no effect on the cards at all. They are designed to run at 100%, matter of fact they can easily bypass to 110-120%.

    Now can someone with game mechanical knowledge please help, thanks ahead

    Where in your head do you believe that your computer needs to run at 100% at all times or that its suppose to run at 100% at all times?

    Your GPU is running your settings just fine at 80% and you are complaining thats its not higher?

    If you run your cards and processor at 100% all the time you are going to kill your system. Its not a matter of "oh I don't run it all day" its a matter of cooling. The tests you are talking about were ran with extreme cooling conditions. They were not optimized for idiots who have poor cooling, circulation, and for individuals who never clean out their cases.

    There are actual people out there that believe dusting out and cleaning our your case is a myth, just like some people think getting your oil changed or your transmission fluid changed is a myth. (I've worked in a mechanics shop, there are people who actually believe this)

    Running your system at 100% kills your system slowly. If its cooled properly and taken care of it can last for more than 5 years, only problem is that most of us upgrade our rigs every 5 years or so, so we really never noticed.

    Now onto your "its full potential at 100%", what full potential are you talking about? Your computer is running just fine at 80% which means it does not need to run at 100%. Your computer is optimized enough that it does not require the extra power.

    Its like arguing with a friend of mine that overclocks his PC just because "no man, overclocking is more power" even though when I tested it his rig can run every game on his PC at full settings without needing to be overclocked. I try to tell him overclocking will kill his computer if he does it needlessly, but like you he believes that the parts are made to run at that setting. The computer dies every 2 to 3 years and he complains about having to always buy new cards or new processors. At the moment he hates amd and radeon. Even though the issue is with him not the cards or chips.

    I've built PC's and fixed PC's my whole life though, what do I know.

  • I've seen the one x on sale quite a bit lol

  • @xultanis-dragon alot of people (I used to be one of them) feel that if they aren't getting 100% utilization out of their high priced rig, then something must be wrong and needs to be fixed. I was that guy, worrying about getting 2% more frames and squeezing every drop of performance out of my rig.

    And I have destroyed my fair share of mobos and video cards. And today's cards are no different. The first batch of 2080Tis are notorious for burning out after a short period of time because of overheating.

  • @vapor1080 for real.... yea, its only 30fps on OneX but man those are some pretty frames. I was contemplating building a new PC rig and then I got an X. I can wait.

  • @marsmayflower it just seems easier to me then the work and expense everyone puts into the hobby. I know pc and xbox argue about it back and forth but idk i just couldnt justify the costs for those builds and to have to update them so fast. xbox is your all in one box w minimal expense. SOT plus My one x with my samsung uhd tv is glorious. Im good with that lol

  • @vapor1080 You only have to upgrade it once every 5 years or so, and honestly even then you might only have to upgrade the chip or the card. Which might only be a $200 or $300 upgrade.

    If you have a good enough case, cooling system, and power supply. You can survive with upgrading only a few parts every now and then and still have something that runs better than a console.

    Also most PC players are mostly adults with jobs. Most console players are students or kids. Its not anything bad. Its just accessibility that dictates what people do.

    Consoles have good exclusives and anything that is not an exclusive just looks better on PC. Plus PC has a lot more in ways of selections of games and multiplayer.

  • If you see your cpu is at 40%, try changing the view to each core. You will probably see that one of them is utilized much more then others. It doesnt have to be exactlu 100%, it can be maybe 80 and all other core like 30. The one with 80 is running the main code thread and waiting for the rest of the cores to do their side jobs. Every time, there is some core waiting for the other. Somewhere between their job is to also do some stuff with graphics (cpu must send some commands to gpu what is should do). If all these side jobs are done you have one frame and the cycle repeats. Within this cycle is always something that the speed of this cycle depends the most. It doesnt have to be related to the slowest hw in your pc. It can be just this device is being much more often then the slowest device. What is this depends very much on how the game/software is programmed. This also means that most of the time your hw is doing nothing waiting for other hw. How well balanced is something that can sometimes be seen. For example, in world of warcraft there was always one cpu core at 100% and the rest maybe at 10. Gpu was maybe at 40. In this case, you cant sqeeze more from gpu because cpu is doing his work that does currently not involve gpu commands. That 40% doesnt mean its running at 40% its power. It means that for 40% of a second it was running at full power and at 60% of a second waiting for another commands. In many games you wont see it this easily. Even if all cores are at 60% it can still be cpu bound (as your gpu is much faster then your cpu). Or it can be related to memory, disk, etc.

  • @xultanis-dragon I've come full circle. I could easily afford a gaming PC but at 46 with a family and career, I appreciate the simplicity of a console and the performance of the one x, especially with the SSD, is just fine. Can't wait to see the next gen consoles. Hopefully 60fps+ becomes more common. That's the last thing that will keep me from building another PC.

  • @marsmayflower I think the 30fps will be the norm for a while. Unless there is a disclaimer saying that any system that dies from overheating will be at the expense of the customer.

    Consoles are very tight spaces and airflow is bad, 60fps would require a bigger bulkier console which apparently doesn't do well in homes.

    If they did manage to do 60fps, that would mean that graphics would have to take a stand still in development for a few years so that the hardware wouldn't have to push to hard.

    So I don't know if 60fps is even doable on console since as graphics and programming are always developing further but the hardware in the consoles is always the same.

  • @xultanis-dragon these are the 60fps titles i have installed on my xbox one x...

    dead by daylight
    forza 7
    halo 5
    shadow of the tomb raider
    elite dangerous
    forza horizon 4
    rocket league

    actually, the majority of games i'm playing are 60fps

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    @mc-leggers said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    No it won't....Where did you get that information from? 100% utilization means the gpu is actually being used to it's full potential.

    There was already a study on it during the recycle mining cards era. It has absolutely no effect on the cards at all. They are designed to run at 100%, matter of fact they can easily bypass to 110-120%.

    Now can someone with game mechanical knowledge please help, thanks ahead

    Where in your head do you believe that your computer needs to run at 100% at all times or that its suppose to run at 100% at all times?

    Your GPU is running your settings just fine at 80% and you are complaining thats its not higher?

    If you run your cards and processor at 100% all the time you are going to kill your system. Its not a matter of "oh I don't run it all day" its a matter of cooling. The tests you are talking about were ran with extreme cooling conditions. They were not optimized for idiots who have poor cooling, circulation, and for individuals who never clean out their cases.

    There are actual people out there that believe dusting out and cleaning our your case is a myth, just like some people think getting your oil changed or your transmission fluid changed is a myth. (I've worked in a mechanics shop, there are people who actually believe this)

    Running your system at 100% kills your system slowly. If its cooled properly and taken care of it can last for more than 5 years, only problem is that most of us upgrade our rigs every 5 years or so, so we really never noticed.

    Now onto your "its full potential at 100%", what full potential are you talking about? Your computer is running just fine at 80% which means it does not need to run at 100%. Your computer is optimized enough that it does not require the extra power.

    Its like arguing with a friend of mine that overclocks his PC just because "no man, overclocking is more power" even though when I tested it his rig can run every game on his PC at full settings without needing to be overclocked. I try to tell him overclocking will kill his computer if he does it needlessly, but like you he believes that the parts are made to run at that setting. The computer dies every 2 to 3 years and he complains about having to always buy new cards or new processors. At the moment he hates amd and radeon. Even though the issue is with him not the cards or chips.

    I've built PC's and fixed PC's my whole life though, what do I know.

    I don't think you actually know what you're talking about at all. The only games that don't utilize full potential of gpu's are either old or you have your settings too low.

    100% in increments of gameplay is absolutely normal. I have no idea where you get your information from, besides the I build my own computer line you throw out, guess what...I built my own my entire life too!!

    No one is even talking about overclocking.

    I mean there was literally test done on gpu's that spent over a year in cryto machine's and they didn't show one sign of degradation. What are you talking about?

    Let's get some fact straight, 100% utilization is not what kills a card, it has absolutely no effect on pcb, not a dye, not a chip. Most cards are killed by exceeding power limits and heat. That's like telling someone to stop putting files on their ssd because it only has a million uses. Makes no sense at all. Use it as it was intended to be used.

    Show me one fact that 100% utilization kills a gpu

    5 years..Right thats why I can still benchmark my 980x at 4.5ghz from 2010 as it's never been ran at stock speed. That's why after market manufactures literally sell overclocked products with huge warranties. I mean please, I have a freaking 8800gt that still works.

    What are you even talking about dusting and cleaning for? How does that have any role in this conversation at all?

    If you debated 90% as a constant, I would agree with you, but not 80% at 1440p. Especially not when a month ago I could get 97% out of this game. There has not been any amazing new drivers released, nor has this game been better optimized.

    I seriously would like to how you think a gpu will die if you game with it at 100% load, and I never said anything about running 100% at all times, ever. I expect my games too, especially at higher resolutions, because it is normal.

    I mean the c**p people have said in here, there's one guy claiming the 8700k is bottlenecked... I mean what??

  • @marsmayflower Really? Then I stand corrected. I thought 30fps was the norm on consoles. My bad.

    @Mc-Leggers dude you need to understand what the hell is going on and really understand how things work. Also the game was optimized back in end of February.

    You state running benchmarks but I don't think you actually know what you need to actually be looking for. You think in the lines of as long as the numbers are showing fine who cares about the fire that start inside the case, the benchmark is fine.

    There is nothing wrong with a system that is running at 80%. Is the game running fine? Are the programs in your system running fine? If there are no issues and the temperatures are going crazy stupid, then your computer is running optimally.

    Also maybe you should go back and read a little more carefully. Myself and others have stated that when things are ran at 100% you have to take care of heating issues and making sure things are cooled properly. So this comment

    "Let's get some fact straight, 100% utilization is not what kills a card, it has absolutely no effect on pcb, not a dye, not a chip. Most cards are killed by exceeding power limits and heat. That's like telling someone to stop putting files on their ssd because it only has a million uses. Makes no sense at all. Use it as it was intended to be used." - means you did not bother reading anything or trying to understand anything we are telling you.

    If your computer was running at 80% and the computer was running slow, having issues, or crashing all the time. We would help you figure out what the problem is. However, all you have said is "hey guys my computer works perfectly fine and everything is fine and dandy, BUT my computer is only using 80% of its power. There is obviously something wrong with my computer since its not at 100%, because 100% is better than 80%"

    I've built AND fix computers my whole life. Yes that is a statement that shows my understanding. I've also built and fixed computers way back when everything wasn't practically compatible with each other. Back when you actually have to make sure the chip set, ram, and every else had to actually be compatible. There is no issue with your computer.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Only using 80% of gpu at 1440p:

    @marsmayflower Really? Then I stand corrected. I thought 30fps was the norm on consoles. My bad.

    @Mc-Leggers dude you need to understand what the hell is going on and really understand how things work. Also the game was optimized back in end of February.

    You state running benchmarks but I don't think you actually know what you need to actually be looking for. You think in the lines of as long as the numbers are showing fine who cares about the fire that start inside the case, the benchmark is fine.

    There is nothing wrong with a system that is running at 80%. Is the game running fine? Are the programs in your system running fine? If there are no issues and the temperatures are going crazy stupid, then your computer is running optimally.

    Also maybe you should go back and read a little more carefully. Myself and others have stated that when things are ran at 100% you have to take care of heating issues and making sure things are cooled properly. So this comment

    "Let's get some fact straight, 100% utilization is not what kills a card, it has absolutely no effect on pcb, not a dye, not a chip. Most cards are killed by exceeding power limits and heat. That's like telling someone to stop putting files on their ssd because it only has a million uses. Makes no sense at all. Use it as it was intended to be used." - means you did not bother reading anything or trying to understand anything we are telling you.

    If your computer was running at 80% and the computer was running slow, having issues, or crashing all the time. We would help you figure out what the problem is. However, all you have said is "hey guys my computer works perfectly fine and everything is fine and dandy, BUT my computer is only using 80% of its power. There is obviously something wrong with my computer since its not at 100%, because 100% is better than 80%"

    I've built AND fix computers my whole life. Yes that is a statement that shows my understanding. I've also built and fixed computers way back when everything wasn't practically compatible with each other. Back when you actually have to make sure the chip set, ram, and every else had to actually be compatible. There is no issue with your computer.

    I read what you wrote, you said 100% usage kills gpu, which is false. I came bring up Nvidia's own opinion of their cards if it makes you feel better, as so it's not just he say she say.

    Would you like a screen shot of my gpu running 100% with only 50c?

    I've done the exact samething my ENTIRE life too lol.

    I also didn't say there was a issue with my computer.

    As I said prior, I don't know how many time, I'm not playing at 1080p. The 2070 is not a 4k card. One would expect at 1440p to being actually using more than 80% most of the time. Which is not the case, there is a limit factor going on in game somewhere. Prime example is FFXV. It literally runs at 99% at a constant, never even touches 70c. My computer is not going to die because it is actually using it's intended power in FFXV. Let's back up though to a less demanding title, like Splinter cell, Splinter cell run at 95-99% most of the time, and it is from 2013. The graphics are not even remotely as demanding as Sea of thieves is. Let's even take the usage out of the picture and go with just a solid clock speed. I run at 1860 stock, this game doesn't even push to 1860 unless you force the clock.

    Your earlier statement, is mind boggling as even BF5 runs at 99% and it was the RTX baby game. Games with Dlss already run are full utilization, what makes this one so special?

    So, to word this clearly as to what I am trying to get across, is I want a consistent 144hz, which means running my core speeds all the way, which the game doesn't do. The core speed raises the amount of draw (power) aka what I am utilizing, and this game doesn't do it. I'd expect this at 1080p, but not 1440p.

  • Lol all these "but but you want your card to run at 10% so it doesnt die of heat" are hilarious. Cards are designed to run at 100%, and even designed to handle high temperatures. Theres a reason the card doesnt thermal throttle before it hits 92-94c. It can handle heat.

    Im having the same issue as OP.
    I9-9900K / RTX 2080TI here. Running 144hz 1440p monitor as well. SoT uses 55-60% of my GPU, and only hits around 95-120 FPS in game. Lowering settings does literally nothing, cause the game will not use any more than 55-60% of the GPU at any time.

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