Devil's Roar Shanty - Cinematic Orchestral Arrangement

  • Hello everyone,

    So my main passion in life is composing music. Been teaching myself to do it since I was 12 years old, and here I am still going strong 10 years later. I'm really hoping to get cultivate a career in video game or film music, since video games are a major hobby of mine. I may try and get involved in Rare's musician internship at some point.

    I usually write original compositions, but back when the Forsaken Challenge was being held, I created this arrangement of the Devil's Roar Shanty as my entry for the challenge. I wanted to share it again because at that time it did get buried by a lot of fantastic work by other super talented creators.

    Here it is, from my YouTube channel. Perhaps once I finish my current original works in progress I'll venture a few other shanties! (or all of them as a short album??)

    The Devil's Roar - Cinematic Arrangement

    PS - At some point in the process of putting this into .mp4 format and getting it on to YouTube, the audio got a bit compressed so please forgive any unintended distortion you might hear (Its killing the perfectionist in me!)

  • 7
  • Wow! That sounds so dramatic... great work!

  • Great job man! It really does capture the overall feel that Rare was going for when making this song I feel.

    If you make more songs I shall definitely be listening to them!

  • @kenji-salk

    Thanks a lot! I really appreciate that!

  • @blustar101

    Thank you very much!

  • This is a really killer arrangement! Great work!!

  • @r0guesquirrel

    Much appreciated!

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