a new "double gun combo"

  • I have been running into a common issue where enemy players are shooting me with a blunderbuss and then immediately swapping to the sword and swiping me once and killing me before i have any real chance to respond.

    I would say that there may need to be a little bit longer of a ready animation on the sword than it currently has. If for nothing else than to give opponents of these players a chance to defend themselves. and hopefully put another "double gun" meta to rest in a grave.

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  • The blunderbuss does 10% damage with a 10-pellet spread. The cutlass does 20% with a slash and 50% with a charging stab. This means that to do what you describe, they would have to hit you with:

    • 5+ pellets & 1 charging stab, or
    • 8 or 9 pellets & 1 slash
  • @galactic-geek and at point blank range that is exactly what is happening. because then you are already also in sword range.

  • @deadactionjones a point bank shot and then immediate change and then simple quick slash and you are dead and had no time to do anything because by the time they have already swapped and slashed you are still reeling from the blunderbuss shot.

  • You can one-shot people with a point-blank blunderbuss shot anyway... if someone gets that close to you with gun in their hands and you didn't either attack first or stay out of point-blank range, the opposing player kinda deserves the kill.

    Adding one additional sword slash doesn't really change anything, if an enemy manages to get close enough to blunderbuss you and get a swing on top of it, your chances of survival weren't great from the start.

    And I guess I'm being pedantic by now but gun+sword isn't double gunning :P

  • @deadactionjones said in a new "double gun combo":

    @galactic-geek and at point blank range that is exactly what is happening. because then you are already also in sword range.

    At PBR, you're dead without them ever having to draw their sword; if you survive the shot the knockback should give you enough time to react.

  • @deadactionjones I one shot with the blunder a lot and dont need to switch to a sword. This is perfectly fine and just means you barely survived a blunder shot when you could have been dead.

  • @bloodybil "double gunning" in this situation refers to an attack, a swap, and then another immediate attack that happens in a fashion so quickly that they you cannot do anything to get out of it and not so much that it has two guns because the term came up first referring to a pistol and then a sniper fired back to back immediately regardless of semantics.

  • @galactic-geek it isnt like the knockback knocks you out of the room with them if you get hit by a blundy on a ship you arent going "away" you are gonna hit a wall or a barrel and be stopped right there and then are gonna be dropped by the immediate sword swing.

  • Either way I dont come to the forums to bicker about who can survive or die to what shot. I come here to give feedback to the devs so that they can do what they need to do with it.

  • @deadactionjones said in a new "double gun combo":

    @galactic-geek it isnt like the knockback knocks you out of the room with them if you get hit by a blundy on a ship you arent going "away" you are gonna hit a wall or a barrel and be stopped right there and then are gonna be dropped by the immediate sword swing.

    Still, the range you have to be to hit 8/10 pellets is pretty close to point blank. If you are fighting in close quarter inside a ship, even with the original delay between sword+gun switching, you probably wouldn't have time to do much before getting slashed. Being above deck, there a re high chance you will end up further from your attacker after the blast as @Galactic-Geek mentioned.

    I don't get why point-blank blundy doesn't botter you but a double-attack combo does. You wouldn't have any more time to defend yourself or to respond.

    Double gun was a problem because you would get shot twice at range without much chance to counter. With the blunderbuss, you have a chance to keep distance from the thread.

  • @deadactionjones said in a new "double gun combo":

    Either way I dont come to the forums to bicker about who can survive or die to what shot. I come here to give feedback to the devs so that they can do what they need to do with it.

    Yeah that's great, feedback is always good.

    It's just the 2 attacks vs point blank that I don't get why one is ok but not the other, not really trying to bicker either, I was just messing around with the double-gun thing.

  • @bloodybil nah you are good I wasnt upset or anything merely stating that I dont come here to talk in circles about getting shot and dying. the reason that the two combo attack bothers me over the blundy one shot is that blundy oneshots are not as common to replicate imo. if you get one then sweet you killed them in one shot. but if you can shoot someone, swap, and then swing and guarantee a kill in almost the same amount of time it becomes alot more of an issue in my opinion.

  • @deadactionjones yeah it's a fair statement, after all that's one reason they slightly nerfed the EOR so you can't do 1 bullet + 1 slash right away either.

    I guess it's just kinda hard to balance it out since any other guns won't let you kill someone with 1 bullet + 1 slash, yet the blunderbuss is designed to be able to one shot if close enough even without a following sword strike.

    If you are 1 slash away from death after a blunderbuss shot, that means you got hit by 8 or 9 pellets out of 10. I feel that at that point it's pretty much a fluke that you didn't get one shot and is probably very unlikely to happen often.

    The probabilities that are more likely to happen is that either you get killed, or you survive with enough life to survive a slash.

    At least that's how my experience feels lol, it seems like either you kill or you miss with half the pellets since the spread is so big.

  • @deadactionjones well i mean the blunderbuss can one shot anyways, so it doesnt make a dif in my eyes, just means they have no way to fight at a long range so what you should do it get a pistol and keep your distance and you know what, that guy cant do poo can he

  • @d4m0r3d if somebody gets on/inside your ship and does that combo to you you are not gonna be able to swap to a pistol and "get away to long range" it doesnt work that way.....

  • @bloodybil which is why i recommended extending the ready animation on the sword just a bit to make it not quite so instant.

  • @deadactionjones so just always have a pistol or a sniper on you like basically everyone already does

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