• Did nothing on a Merchant Lieutenant Voyage, fired cannons at our Galleon, used gunpowder on our ship, tried sailing off with the ship, stole rowboat and supplies, killed animals we had to deliver

    Avoid these two like the plague

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  • @discord-96 you dont seem to know the rules here but calling other people out is a no no, id remove those before you get dinged.

  • @discord-96 Matey, it is against the forum rules to call out other players for any reason here. That being said I understand your frustration and what you describe I believe falls under the term griefing, which does have penalties according to the pirate code. What you should do is submit a support ticket to Rare so that they can investigate. If you have any video or screen shots that you can send with your ticket that would be most helpful.

    If you can modify this post heading to delete the names, I would strongly recommend it.

  • You mean they played the game?

    Edit: oh they were on ye crew... my bad

  • @nofears-fun Tah, not be on in a while so sorry about that... Just wish there was a way to deal with it better as it was impossible to brig half a ship

    There should be an option that captains vote classes as two or something as having half a ship of griefers is fun for no one

  • @discord-96 Unfortunately, you have only a couple of choices.

    • Live with it
    • Play mind games on them (I have soooo many in mind like put down an Athena, but never do a single island on the quest wheel, just keep sailing around doing bottle quests saying you are heading to the next island on the list)
    • Report them for griefing
    • Try and work something out with them
    • Leave server and start over again.

    Truth is, I don't play open crew very often anymore. I haven't in a long time. But if I did, and I got someone that was doing that I would get proof (video and screen shots) then play mind games with them for as long as I could get away with it, without breaking the rules. But I am also PLA10, so I really do not need anything in the game, so wasting my time on them would not be the worst thing in the world to me. Or, depending on just how annoying they are, I would leave the server (after eating all the bananas).

  • @nofears-fun I know... Bit hard to find decent people when your friends work shifts that don't match yours, people don't want to play and so your only option is to either play with randoms or wait forever for the chance to play a couple of hours with your established crew

  • @discord-96 Have you tried using the official discord channel? While you can still end up getting someone that will play the games mentioned above, it is far less frequent. And you can do or join LFG groups there.

  • @nofears-fun I'll take a look at it next time I plan to play... Might be getting close to another break from SoT again due to uncooperative teams

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