• hello everybody. my name is Anthony and i have been playing since day 1.

    i have to ask what is your most memorable expierence in sea of thieves?

    mine was the hungering deep. teaming up with 3 galleons and a sloop. great time, new friends and lots of laughs. we ditched the galleons and all boarded a sloop, we (3 galleon crews on a sloop) took down a fort within 5 minutes. a pc sloop came by and saw us and did nothing about complain for 10 minutes till he joined us lol

    what is everyone's favourite memory with this game?

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  • Mine is when i tried to kill my first Meg. I was in a sloop with a friend with limited supplies and no experience in killing sharks. So a random dude just appears in our ship, greets us, kills the Meg and just dissappear with the cannon without taking anything.

    I salute this man for giving me this experience.

  • The Hungering Deep was a special for sure.

    Recently we had a very good time at a fort, defending versus 2 Galleons and a Brigg, fought them off many times, got the key, fled with it, got all attacked by the Kraken, throwed the key into blackened water, sunk, boarded the last Galleone what was alive and chasing us, killed them, let the Kraken do the rest. Collect a skull with a rowboat, found the key again, saved it at an outpost, selled the skull, got a new ship, got the key back, went to the fort plunder all and selled everything at outpost.
    Was and still is a little bit unbelievable, but we did it as 3 Pirates on a Brigg.

    Was amazing and i'd say one of the most memorable moments i had ingame until today.

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