Character change option

  • Hello, I am a long time player of sea of thieves starting from day one. When I first played sea of thieves I quickly picked my character hoping to rush inti the game and starting getting treasure and untold riches. Now then after many hours of pirating I tried to change my character (After noticing all the cosmetics beards, clothes etc.) but I only realized you can only do this if you delete your character with all of its levels. I would like to suggest to add a option in this game to buy a new character using the character creator tool so any player can solve disliking their pirate look and have the ability to save your old characters look Incase you ever want to go back. Thank you and please leave any feedback or suggestions to my idea!

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  • Obvious oversight. Or purposeful oversight: they’ll micro-transaction you to do it sometime starting “soon.” Only $29.99 +s/h.

  • @haydnsym45 this is not EA

  • @jelliott2002
    As a lot of people said, it would be handsome if they would add some sort of surgeon that is able to change your apparance for a good amount of gold.

  • @trichommaster Paid character changes are a common feature in the MMO market. You can create your character for free, but when you decide to change the current one later on - you either make a new one or pay dollars for the surgery. It's a great way for the devs to make some money as it is entirely optional to do.

  • @archaell
    That would be a nice move to gain a little more money for the game.
    Anyway I have to admit that I would like to have both ways unlocked;
    I mean, you can use you real money for instant change your character and use a lot of gold in game to have the same result.

  • @xpacco98x see your point but that would be a soft "pay to win". MXT should be only for cosmetics that are not in-game or optional features like this one (that I think is going to be at the store but want to be in game for gold)

  • @amancebacabras
    How could changing your pirate be p2w? Just asking.

  • @xpacco98x Some people would probably switch to a thinner model, in the minds of some people, this would be a p2w scenario... Even though the hitboxes are the same regardless of gender and model size.

  • been getting suggested soo much now, if the devs dont add this i have no hope for anything in the world anymore

  • @danish-crusader
    Wow man, thanks for the explanation, I would never think something like that.
    I understand that a thinner PG can be more stealthy but man...I would not say "P2W"

  • I would like this as option for RP purposes so i can role play as someone different once in a while would make the seas a funnyer place but not as mtx for gold would be nice need something to do with my millions ive hoarded lol

  • @xpacco98x Changing your pirate is not pay to win. Giving the option to spend real money to bypass ingame work (if the option is present with in game gold too) is a soft p2w. The character change should be only by gold or by mxt, but not by both or we could start to move in a dark grey area

  • @amancebacabras
    I just wanted to know which are the bonuses by paying for character change...
    I don't see anything that could even be "Soft P2W".

  • @xpacco98x You're not understanding me because I cant explain me properly, sorry. I'm not talking about "buy this and kill that guy", but for the other types of pay to win such as the Black Desert Online or things like these, is not a "pay to win", but if you can reach the same goal with a week of work or with 5€, you're going to feel that you're being "forced" to spend that 5€ if you're one of the collectors or something. I know is a bad example because sot have not real progression, dont know if now I've explained my point better.

    I think that shouldn't be for both, in game gold and money, because that could open the door to some requested things like "a better stocked ship at the start for people who spend money" or things like these. The character change should be implemented with in game gold, but if they make it mxt, that should be the only form to earn it.

  • @amancebacabras
    Ok, now i did understand by the fact that I played BDO time ago.
    Anyway until it does not give you something that you need to go futher in the game it does not count.
    For exemple; in BDO players could by skins to gain exp boosts and pets to pick up stuff.
    Those thinks are usefull for the player to go on in the game.
    A reset of your character which only makes your look different does not influence in anyway the game.
    You don't need it until you get bored of the look of your actual pirate.
    If you get it with gold or real money is just your choise.
    If you use gold is because you played a lot and you can afford it.
    If you use real money is because you want to support the game and do not waste the money that you have in game.
    Remember that gold in the game are not used for "Anything".

  • @trichommaster no it isn’t EA. But they’ve been consistent about adding micro transactions since the beta at least. Seems perfectly reasonable that they’ll monetize character changes like virtually every other FTP MMO game once they pull the trigger on transactions.

  • @xpacco98x that would be ok but not real mouney they can edit more merch for real money, but nothing ingame that would destoy the game experience for me and i think for many ather people too

  • @archaell i mean u should can edit your charakter once and after that u should pay ingame gold. That would be ok but if they begin with puting stuff in the game that costs real money, i ll see it coming that u can buy deplomes or gold and that would be the end of the game for me

  • @haydnsym45 i hope rear is better. When they want some money it should be possible that u can spend some money end get for it some exclusive shitt like a mounthly payment to get every mounth a swort snipe pistle or charakter skin. That would be a good option

  • @xpacco98x A soft P2W win could be a rifle or Pistol with an Crosshair/Iron Sight(And only have those types of weapons available as MTX), to give you easier aiming.
    But when it comes to character changes, there are no bonuses(Other than the ability to hide better with a slim character), but nitpickers will always find something to complain about =P

    I don't want to redo my character, I like her very much, but I don't see any problem with having others have the ability to do so.
    So, you have my vote for this option.

  • @trichommaster Not sure that is better at all. You really want to pay a subscription to earn things? I’d rather they didn’t.

  • @danish-crusader
    That was what i was saying :)

  • @jelliott2002 I feel a little like you do. Rushed in to the game too (excited to play!) and even though I think I did spend over an hour choosing my character I’d still like to change her body shape a little as now I see dresses just don’t suit her body type. And I’d love to tweak her face, just a little. My ideal would be to have a second slot so I can really take my time in choosing without having to start all over again :)

  • @lizalaroo
    The second slot could be a really nice idea, even to role every pirate in a different way :D

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