Pioneer recruitment

  • It’s been awhile since I’ve heard about any new plans for additional pioneers. A couple months ago they seemed to have a plan to expand on the amount of testers but I haven’t heard anything. As a software tester who loves sea of thieves here’s hoping they open up new slots.

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  • @chiefinhalos I thought they did open it up.

    Have you applied? I never got the email thingy working, also I'm not too fussed about it and can't be trusted, so I never really followed through on signing up for it, but I distinctly remember feeling like it was a thing I could apply for at the very least.

    I think Rare have their own internal selection process to choose who gets in from those who apply. Who knows what the criteria for that is.

  • @boxcar-squidy as stated in the faq ( )

    Who are the Pioneers?
    The Sea of Thieves Pioneers are a select group of players who receive special previews of upcoming features and improvements to the game. Invites cannot be requested and are non-transferable.

    So unfortunatly you can't apply for it ;)

  • @chiefinhalos Download the Xbox Insider app if you haven't already. There you can find the invite that let's you join the program.

  • Any update on this program would be greatly appreciated. I also work for a software/hardware company and can provide invaluable feedback on this wonderful game.

  • As long as they don't give me a spot on the Pioneer team :-P
    I love the game so much but I also love talking about it ;-)

  • Back in December I met Joe Neate. I asked him about the Pioneer Program changes. He said me that when they apply the changes, all of us can be pioneer if we met the requierements (unknown for the moment).

  • @captain-nicklas said in Pioneer recruitment:

    @chiefinhalos Download the Xbox Insider app if you haven't already. There you can find the invite that let's you join the program.

    While anyone is able to freely download the Xbox insider app, only those selected to be pioneers are able to join.

  • @foxdodge Yeah that's true. Should've mentioned that.

  • @captain-nicklas said in Pioneer recruitment:

    @chiefinhalos Download the Xbox Insider app if you haven't already. There you can find the invite that let's you join the program.

    I knew it! In your face poster below my other post! Nah just kidding.

  • I hope I get it sometime.

  • unfortunately m8, there is no actual way to apply... it's more about being active in the forum's, put in the hours on SoTs, make suggestions, share your feedback, ect. I promise you, if you continue to put forth the effort of leaving a positive footprint in this community, it will happen. Just give it time :)

    I went through pre-alpha, alpha, beta, and full release stages and THEN got invited to be a pioneer. it was a long process, but its greatly rewarding.

  • Yea well theres tons of pioneers that's never on and still have it for some reasons while we others who sailed like 15mil miles and play this 24/7 ain't getting it.
    Ridiculous but life isen't fair either so :P

  • @cappjacksparrow you do need to be signed up to the insider thingy though.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Pioneer recruitment:

    @captain-nicklas said in Pioneer recruitment:

    @chiefinhalos Download the Xbox Insider app if you haven't already. There you can find the invite that let's you join the program.

    I knew it! In your face poster below my other post! Nah just kidding.

    I think i am the poster below your other post..
    I dare you to try it out ;) If you are not invited, you can't join the program..

    You doesn't find an invitation, the invitation finds you ;)

  • @ktingaling Yeah, you can apply to the insider thing. Rare pick the pioneers. I believe from the people who signed up to the insider thing.

    I'm pretty sure they don't randomly select people who haven't signed up to that.

    As for the criteria in terms of who they invite, well that's a secret, but appears to be that being an active player, who contributes meaningfully on the forums is taken into consideration. I imagine being able to stick to an NDA is also considered an important quality in the aspiring pioneer. They definitely don't just pick people who only have good things to say about the game though (because that would be counter productive)

  • @boxcar-squidy i think we reached an impasse here ;)

    I am almost certain you can't apply, but you got selected for it. However i can't find any information that confirms, nor denies it.
    The only information i can find, i had already linked here, is the FAQ. Maybe one of the @Deckhands can provide us with some information?

  • @ktingaling maybe an actual pioneer could explain what they did or did not do, so long as that's not wrapped up in an NDA. I have a poor memory for stuff that I didn't really know the details of to begin with (not that that has ever stopped me from commenting as if I know what I'm talking about)

  • @ktingaling

    Why do you want any information that confirms the official FAQ? As said in the Pioneer FAQ, it's Rare who is inviting new Pioneers to the Programme.

    Invites cannot be requested and are non-transferable.

    However, you might need to be an Insider first to let Rare know that you want to test upcoming features and improvements to the game.

    The Pioneer FAQ is also stating they are looking for "dedicated players" - which can mean a lot of things. They have their secret criteria but things might change in the future as they want players to be able to join it more easily. Maybe by reporting bugs, providing feedbacks and being a good community member is a great start :)

    @Boxcar-Squidy I believe no Pioneer knows what they did or did not do to be invited to the Pioneer programme, except for joining the Insider thing ;)

  • It is odd how many threads get opened on a subject within hours/days of others asking/addressing the exact same thing. It's always happened on these forums tbf but if only people would check one page back BEFORE they post, they'd more often than not find the answer to their question.

    This is (I think) the 3rd or 4th topic on this subject since I made one 2 days ago, asking for someone in the know to post a link to where we can get information on the current state of the Pioneer status. A moderator promptly made the info available in a reply and a few people added comments thanking them and asking follow-up questions. Since then, so many topics have been started asking pretty much the same thing over and over... is it really now so alien a concept to most people on forums now, that actually looking for an answer to a question BEFORE asking it just doesn't cross their mind?

    It occurs to me that if more people did just that (something that was always considered normal forum etiquette in my experience) then we would have a LOT more relevant, informative posts on the first page, rather than lots of smaller threads, with very few responses and missing information due to over saturation of the given topic. It's no wonder so many oft requested features get overlooked by Rare JUST because forum users either didn't use the search function OR even simpler, just click ONE page back on the recent posts to check before they type.

    Not an attack on OP, or anyone really, just a plea to fellow members to think before they act in the interest of promoting a BETTER forum for us all. Swift winds and happy sailing all :)

  • @skulliah I quoted the same FAQ in my first reply, but that was not enough prove for some ;) So i hoped someone would confirm my statement as you just did :)

  • @ktingaling said in Pioneer recruitment:

    @skulliah I quoted the same FAQ in my first reply, but that was not enough prove for some ;) So i hoped someone would confirm my statement as you just did :)

    In reading the thread again, I think it is due to misunderstandings :)

    Clearing up any doubts, it's working like that:

    • You ask to be part of the Insider Programme,
    • According to their own criteria, Rare invites you to be part of the Pioneer Programme,
    • You accept the invitation on your forum account: Always good to check from time to time there as sometimes their emails are quite broken.
    • From there you have access to the Pioneer forums. Then, to download the Pioneer Client you have to download the Xbox Insider Hub App first and you have to go to the Sea of Thieves section in it to check your eligibility.

    And there is nothing more official than what is already in the Pioneer FAQ :P

  • Aye! waiting with anticipation, but not to hold ye breath.

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