About Third person...

  • Hello players and creators, I'm already a fan of the game. I'm glad to see Sea of Thieves taking the right direction. I know that the question of a possible third person mode comes up often. I would like to have clear answers about that. A 3rd person mode will never happen? It would be a nice addition for 2019. I personally think it would allow the player to be even more "close" to his character. Customization is one of the qualities of Sea of Thieves, I would like to see this customization. Hoping to receive an answer!
    And see you soon on Sea of thieves!

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  • Yeah camera mode is fun to make pictures and movie scenes too i think :")

  • I really think it's cool given that the game is based on cosmetics.But I think that would have a lot of influence on development, including separate servers so that players have no disadvantage. Apart from the system of sighting, cannon, objects to carry (the grace of the plant is precisely it to disrupt the vision). In the end, I think Rare would not do it this way.

  • @doxjoxlox Welcome to the forums mate!

    There was actually a really interesting thread up recently which explained why they decided not to give a third person option, as well as many more interesting design choices they made. It was great to get a glimpse inside the mind of Rares development process.

    I will try and find a link for you!
    But it made sense for me to be honest, it spoke about immersion ect..

    2 secs I’ll try find it for you :)

    Edit: Here ya go matey, you might have to scroll down abit but it’s there I double checked for you. :)


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