3D modeled a sword

  • First try, what do you think?

  • 6
  • @zormis
    Well mate , that sword does not only look very good but it also looks quite strong and heavy. Please don't think i insult , i love it and i hope you make more of these Swords with yer computer...i would love to see what your vision would be on a Legend Sword or a Pirate Lass sword , to make a more feminin sword a bit like Arwen's Hadhafang...if that makes sense...

  • @clumsy-george Thanks for the feedback mate, yeah I made the sword thick for some depth but I like you idea what a ghost sword will look like I might have to try that!

  • @zormis
    Go for it ,Sir...You never know if yer swords or parts of yer sword get's implemented in future weaponary of Sot...That would be great wouldn't it...And don't hold back on using imagination or yer fantasy , i think that Rare would like crazy or out of the ordinary swords ...Let yer mind dream away...But don't let it escape , catch it and put it on PC if you can...

  • @zormis looks awesome and as george said a legend version would look great. But maybe give the blood edge a faint glow. Just please dont make it a purple p1mp sword like the clothing.lol

  • @zormis it looks nice sir or madam

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