The Exciting Maiden Voyage Of The Raccoon.

  • Come all ye sailors and listen to me! Ill tell you a tale of our ship on the sea!
    For when ye sees the sails of the fish and a mermaid on bow, we our presence allow.

    Myself, the quite greenish Captain 'Fresh' Taco, and me helmsman, Wasbeer were sailing one faithfull day.
    Completing our deliveries and plundering treasures along the way. You must have sketched an image of we have ye?
    For this is what the navy perceived us to be:

    'For this is what the navy perceived us to be:'

    So we set afoot on an island in the middle of the waters and as the helmsman ran around collecting the livestock for our next delivery, i took a well deserved break from my captaining duties. As i sat on a rock, eating my bananas and watching the seas, me eyes spotted something with glee!

    Out in the sea we saw a prize as big as whale! And the best of all, it was only docked out at the fort waiting for the gale.
    Me mind started speaking with two voices, one Faithfull, one Whiled. I yelled to me helmsman, ready our ship! we're going on a voyage so wild! We sailed at a speed unfair, with a trick in mind that only the bravest pirates dare. Our sloop was about to assault a galleon with a daring trick to vault!

    As we neared a the dock, I thought of a good plan to mock! We put our explosive at the tip of our ship and we would hit them with the speed of a whip. I took the helm and me helmsman bailed from the ship, for his order was to cripple the crew on land to the hip. As our bowsprit ran them through, the explosion launched me it is true! As I woke up at an island away, I could see in the distance the galleon sway!

    As it looked like our ship was blown with me I climbed aboard and set sail again I tell ye. Me leg be broke and me arm was bad but still I had my trusty and whiley head. I sailed to the dock a second time. And there I heared that faithfull chime, as me helmsman clamb aboard, I jumped to secure the hoard. The helmsman circled the island and harrassed the fort for there where still members there of the galleons accord. As I smuggled our finds away me helmsman led the landlubbers with cannonfire astray.

    Then at each pass we made we secured the booty that we stole, me helmsman looked through his spyglass and saw another Galleon coming to fill us with holes. It was the other galleons relieve, or actually the same one as before it seemed. As my helmsman made one last pass, I took the chest with spine and away our ship was cast. We sailed though the storm with a galleon on tail, and made it to the outpost with one more trick to end this tale. For it is the galleon that was hardy and strong, and it's crew that wanted to make sure our ship was gone! (To the bottom of the sea that is of course)

    So at dock we loaded quick and informed another sloop that lay there of the incoming danger that was about to bear. The kindhearted lads helped us unload our ship and I felt a stroke of pain at the last trick we pulled. We changed our ships hull and sails to match that of the other sloop. and then we both set sail with the galleon on tail and weaved our courses through the storm.

    A Rare sight it is not for a galleon and two sloops to be spot, but we ditched the other crew and away we flew, for there was more loot at the fort we knew. As we sailed for the fort and almost a kraken made our trip abort, we escaped the tentacled clutches of the beast at sea and we arrived back at the fort with a delightfull glee. We took the final hoard and saw on the horizon the other sloop and galleon abort. We sailed for an outpost far away and turned in our final loot with a delightfull sway.

    The first part of our hoard
    The second part of our hoard

    And that is the tale of how the name of the masked, whily and furfull robber that is known as a raccoon, became the mascot and the name of our ship laying here in this Lagoon.

    So For all ye young sailors that listened to me, keep a watchfull eye on those seas.
    Because before you know what you have been hit with, the attack and your hoard will be added to our myth.

    Cheers lads! I be signing of to me quarters now.

    • Captain 'Fresh' Taco, Captain of the Raccoon
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