Movable Ammo Crates

  • The Problem: Ammo crates have been annoying since the beta's. Every single time you want to reload, you have to run belowdecks, find the ammo crate, and run back up. This process can take a while if you are inexperienced. This is why I came up with a solution.

    Movability: These new ammo crates look exactly like the ones on your ship and in Skeleton Forts, but there is one distinct difference. These can be moved. You can find them on islands just like gunpowder barrels, but these tend to be found near encampments with campfires and structures. These can also found full inside the Skeleton Fort loot rooms.

    Downsides: These may seem a bit overpowered, but in fact they are not at all. Each of these crates is found with 40-50 pieces of ammo inside. If you reload your gun, you take the appropriate amount of ammo outside of the box. Once the box is empty, you can return to the Merchant's Alliance at any outpost and refill it for 500 gold. It doesn't matter how much ammo was removed. The Merchant's Alliance will only restock it for 500 gold.

    Pricing: If you're an entrepreneur pirate, you can decide to sell these to the Merchant's Alliance. If empty, they have a base price of 30-40 gold. If they have ammo in them, the price goes like this. 100-120 is the base price and you get 2-5 gold for each remaining ammo piece. You can earn up to 370 gold this way, but it is far more useful in combat.

    New Commendation: A new Bilge Rat commendation and an xBox achievement would come with this new item. For the xBox achievement, it would be shoot 1000 bullets that came from ammo crates. The name is TBD. For the commendation, it would be for restocking empty ammo crates 25 times. The title awarded is Legendary Ammunition Dealer. There is lesser ones with the Legendary replaced by Master, Apprentice Novice. Each respectfully needs 10, 5 and 1 ammo crate restocked with the same criteria above.

    Arena: This item would be especially useful in the new mode coming out in early 2019, the new Arena gamemode. This can be used on ships to a great advantage in PvP.

    Conclusion: This item was created by me, FearingLocket36. If this isn't an original idea and someone else posted it on the forums before, oh well. I hope this gets implemented in the game. Suggestions would be appreciated to improve this suggestion.

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  • I really like the idea of a movable, but limited capacity, refillable ammo box. I wish all ammo boxes were at least limited capacity and refillable by 'bulk purchase'. Imo we need purchasable supplies. I know the criticism against this is that the wealthy players can hoard endlessly, but placing a cap/limitation on storage (on board barrels/crates), can still preserve balance of supplies per player, per crew type. Hoarding can be prevented by storage/capacity design, preserving balance, AND we can have more to spend our gold on, which is a common complaint. Cost vs benefit/detriment. Worse comes to worse, beginners could get a 'basic income' or 'basic default supply set', incase there's an unfair imbalance due to newbieness or lack of skill.

  • @fearinglocket36 I posted a similar idea to yours a few months ago (there was also a suggestion in another thread to have ammo boxes on rowboats) - it didn’t get much traction.

    I think the general consesus was it’s too overpowered. Just learn the lay of the land; all the large islands and forts have ammo boxes there already; for the smaller islands - just pop back to your ship.

    It’s one of those features that isn’t a necessity right now; maybe we’ll see it in the future.

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