Most efficient Athena's route ever?

  • So myself and @LucianSanchez82 logged on for one of our nightly Athena quests. I drop the quest down on the table, the daggers go in and upon inspection of the quest wheel we see to our delight:

    Wanderers Refuge:

    Snake Island:
    -X marks the spot

    Stephen's Spoils:
    -Cargo Run

    Crooks Hollow:
    -Cargo Run

    Barnacle Cay:
    -X marks the spot

    And to top it off the final Athena chest spawned back on Crooks Hollow! From start to finish (digging up the Athena's) it took 1 hour and 1 minute, that included sinking two brigs and a sloop, doing an additional riddle map and collecting all loot.

    We have noticed getting maybe two maps on the same Island every once and a while but nothing like this! Anyone else been getting this recently?

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  • @octopus-lime I have done a couple of solo Athena lately that I had 2-3 quests on an island. It is truly a treat when it happens. The other day I actually got both OoS and an xmark map on Crooked Masts. While having that many waves of skellies coming at you without the ability to use your cannons was exciting, I was able to complete most of the rounds before some friends joined me to help finish off the last two rounds. I also had another island (I think it was crooks hollow) where we had a riddle and a cargo pick up. Not only were there the two islands with 2 or 3 quests, all of the islands were in that area.

  • @nofears-fun Yea it was great, apart from Wanderers Refuge which was (not that far) north west of Snake Island, all the rest were adjacent in a row. If only they were all that kind!

  • @octopus-lime Easy pickings eh! More like this please!

  • Last weekend we had two OoS on the same island, same or close spawn point.

    Most of the time we have two on an island, it's a cargo run and another one.

  • @ant-heuser-kush
    Yeah it was a lot of fun; we also had to pick up cargo on the same island (Devil's Ridge).

    Went into the cave on the east side, yelled 'I found one of the crews' to my mate then ran out, 'found them both' :)

  • @octopus-lime Over the weekend I did a normal athenas. When I pulled up Discovery Ridge it has 8 chest, I thought to myself what the... and then realized it was my only dig map. Having both on one map was awesome.

  • So last night I logged in and started a solo athena. And another awesome Athena from a least amount of islands to visit standpoint. I had an OoS, xmark and Cargo pick up at Devils ridge (skellies on the beach so even better) and I had the other xmark and skellies on snake. Skellies on main island close to beach so again not to shabby. I am really loving the fact that you can now have 2-3 quests on the same island.

  • i've had skellies a riddle and a x marks the spot on one island. certainly took a while solo'ing the athena but it eventually got done. lol

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Most efficient Athena's route ever?:

    @lem0n-curry said in Most efficient Athena's route ever?:

    Last weekend we had two OoS on the same island, same or close spawn point.

    Most of the time we have two on an island, it's a cargo run and another one.

    Two OoS on the same island from a legendary voyage? Wow! I've had messages in a bottle and islands with riddles and X's on the same island, but never the same island for OoS. That is amazing! My journey will not be complete until I experience this. Teach me way...

    Seriously, though, if this were a higher possibility it would increase the overall experience for everyone.

    I had 2 OoS on The Crooked Masts yesterday, while soloing an Athena's. I giggled like a schoolboy with excitement. Lol

  • Yes my crew did one more Athena after i left.
    This is couple weeks ago.

    We did them in the DR and they continued in DR.
    Their Athena was just 3 islands to do and completed all in 38 min.

    An other Athena we did in DR had OoS on Forsaken Brink. But because we been sailing long and collecting all. We had 2 more OoS Bottle quests on that island. Athena 4 captain. Bottle 1. had 4 captains and bottle 2. had 3 captains. It was insane! Cannons could be used tho

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