Make Everything Shorter

  • This game is objectively a pretty casual game, with the ability to drop-in/drop-out of crews at any time and no vertical progression leveling or powerups so I don't understand the constant need to make everything take forever. It comes off as a very superficial way of stretching the available content out to make it seem like more, but all it does is increase the tedium.

    Every trading company's available voyages should always have a shorter option that can be completed within 20-30 minutes, [Mod edited] As you level up in the trading company, it becomes harder and harder to complete an entire voyage in shorter play times.

    The skull forts and skeleton ships should have no waves. Populate the entire fort, add some doors that must be taken down to prevent people from rushing the loot room and have the captain available to fight right from the start. The skeleton ships should only have a single wave. Take them down, collect the loot and move on. Doing wave after wave of the same enemy is not interesting in the least and it takes way too much prep time to even bother with. Adjust the loot to an appropriate level if you must, but I think you would see a lot more people doing these sidequests if the prep time was reduced and they would be a lot more fun. It may also even create more of a rush to get to these areas by other players since they know its not going to take an hour to complete it - more player encounters! If you want to go even farther, reduce the number of waves on the OoS voyages. Spend more time making smarter AI or different enemy types instead. Less is more in this regard.

    Even the new area has built in time wasters and it gets annoying. Volcanoes are erupting way too often, and the entire area design is meant to prolong the time it takes to do voyages in this region.

    This game has an identity crisis. It wants to be a fun, casual game you play with your friends but also wants to contain the grindiest time wasting activities from old MMOs. The intensely shallow and repetitive nature of the voyage system would be a lot less noticeable if we could cycle through activities a lot quicker.

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  • @personalc0ffee If you actually read and understood the post, you'd realise that I wasn't asking it to - I was suggesting that they should embrace it and remove a lot of the grindy features.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Can’t tell if your serious or just trolling......🤔

  • @inboundbomb I'm serious. If the game is supposed to be about having fun with your friends, or join random crews at any time, and there aren't any hardcore level or powerup mechanics, why do we need voyages and other events that can take hours to complete? It seems like the inverse of what the entire game is trying to achieve.

    Let me log on with my friends, do a voyage, roll onto a fort and then take down a skeleton ship within a decent session time. If I only have 30 minutes to play, I should have the option to accomplish something shorter.

  • Another millennial wanting things to happen faster because the old world is too slow for real time.

    People living in a digital world with no idea of an analog existence. Like perhaps during the age of sail, when mankind had barely just circumnavigated the planet in wooden boats, powered by wind, and with no satellite navigation or Google.

    Yeah, make things faster and have a grog.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Make Everything Shorter:

    Another millennial


  • Then I agree. Many times there is more tedium than reward.
    For me the most fun is fighting skelly ships, but that's not solo content and randoms are a stretch given the prep required.
    Why not keep the current experience for those with the resources, but add a single skellie ship that appears at random from anywhere on the map?

  • @barnabas-seadog I don't have a problem with there being longer activities, but there should always be shorter ones. Quick voyages that you can log on and do if you don't want to or can't play for 3-4 hours straight.

    Right now it seems like the game is designed to start excluding its main demographic by constantly increasing the time requirement for everything as you play the game. A lot of tedium can be reduced by cycling through a number of different activities in a shorter time span though. Things start to drag if they take too long and don't change at all during the activity.

  • More and more i see people drifting off to see this game solely as a level up through grinding game...Mr Chapman has explained hundreds of times how this game has to be seen. It's about making your own journey...if islands lay closer in order to reduce sailing time, if skullforsts can be taken down in 10 minutes or something? What kind of voyage would you have...Purely a dig up game and speedkill game in wich you rise up 5 levels per half an hour…

    Sailing took time in the old days and i'm the total contrary from you...i don't play SOT for an hour...SOT has replaced television, and movies in the evening...When i can play ,then it's a whole evening / night event...i don't give a hood if one voyage takes two hours because i got sidetracked because of being chased or other unforseen events that enrich the voyage at hand...

    You call this a casual game , and if you give it a fast glimpse of the eye then you are right ...But if you spend time , if you get caught by all the visuals , music and the people around you ,then you start to see that the ground before your feet sinks away in depth...This game has more depth then you would imagine...But yes , you need some luck with thy crewmembers but if you have found those then , and only then SOT will grow on you in a way i'm far too limited to explain, in language and knowledge…But it 's more than just a casual game...
    And if Rare should listen to you and make things considerable shorter then be sure that once again the Forum would be burning by those people that really love the longer time they can play and enjoy the world of Sea of Thieves.

  • @clumsy-george your right mate

  • @clumsy-george I don't see how any of that precludes having shorter activities to do. If you want to play for 4 hours, you can still do that - you will probably string together even more voyages, forts, ships and other adventures together than you do now.

    More different things with your crew in the same amount of time played as you do now.

  • Just one AI galleon that can be engaged, instead of a Meg now and again.
    Preferably with a captain/crew in a rowboat with or without loot, as the cursed ship sinks.

  • @imadeyoureadme said in Make Everything Shorter:

    I am not saying that they can't add smaller quests in the mix, but for anything outside of an athena's you have the option of just not finishing the quest.

    I said:

    Right now it seems like the game is designed to start excluding its main demographic by constantly increasing the time requirement for everything as you play the game.

    At some point, the game forces players out because of the time requirements. If rep levels are based on things cashed in, why does it matter if a level 45 quest is the same length as a level 5? Obviously the shorter voyages will have less loot and progression would be proportionately lower but people would still be able to complete them. Yes, there should also be short Athena missions for this reason.

    You can just abandon voyages whenever but this depends on your crew- if you've just joined a random crew, maybe they aren't going to head to an outpost until they finish the rest of the maps. This is why we have people going AFK on the ferry - they had to leave, but wanted to get something out of their time spent.

    Having overly long voyages just to create some false sense of "working" for what is ultimately a pointless end goal is the only ridiculous idea here.

  • @imadeyoureadme

    The problem though isn’t just that it’s time consuming. It’s time consuming in a way that’s boring and not engaging. That, and there’s no way to necessarily make progress without going the full way through and spending the extreme lengths of time that is necessary to make progression in this game. I hit legend and Athena 6 way long ago, so it wasn’t an issue for me, but the fact of the matter is that it’s poor design. Games are supposed to be fun.

    The difference between Sea of Thieves and any other game, is that I can get lost in another game for hours and be like, “whoa time flew by!” But then on Sea of Thieves, 10 minutes in I’m like, “ha, nope. Nothing changed, still pointless to play.”

  • I'm fully on board with what D3ADST1CK is saying. There have been multiple times of late, where I think about spending some time on SoT, but decide against it precisely because I only have an hour or so.

    Allowing Athena voyages to be split up would be helpful. Let's say you have to complete ten maps before the Legendary chest map pops up, but you can complete two maps in your first session, four in your second, and four in your third. On your fourth session, you lay down your Athena voyage and the first map is your Legendary Chest.

    Also, if a legend only has a half hour to play and they want to buy a level 5 gold hoarders voyage, let them.

    Non-wave enemies would greatly improve the experience in my opinion. Filling the forts up with several dozen skellies would be far more satisfying. Golds in the tower, shadows on the walls and cannons and overgrowns roaming within the walls. You could even give them a respawn timer like players, adding some urgency to the mission. Imagine the Skelly captain raising his arms to the sky and calling the bones of his defeated crew back together. Awesome.

    Same with OoS island skeletons. Increase their number, mix them up so a three captain island has a Shadow, Gold and overgrown type roaming three different parts of the island: Maybe with eight or nine of each type. Twenty to thirty skellies roaming the island and the captains have a more limited version of the re-animate ability I mentioned above.

    In parting, I will add the amount of bottle and scroll voyages that have been added recently is a help. If I only have a lunch hour to play on, I'll often just knock out a couple of these, precisely because their shorter, but it doesn't fully mitigate the problem.

  • @D3ADST1CK As the game's technical alpha was and is under NDA, please avoid posting any content related to the alpha. We've edited your post accordingly.

  • @Lady-Aijou I don't think I posted anything that would be in violation that hasn't been posted elsewhere on this forum, and as far I know those have not been removed, but your rules. At least I know you are reading these posts I guess.

  • Yes, I wish there was a shorter version of the athena voyage. I'm level 4 or 5 right now and I don't really feel like doing it.
    I need to either join&leave random crews until I get a competent one, or go to discord/xbox and make a group. Once the group is ready, we need to do 8 maps (of the same content) for that one chest at the end.

    I much rather just log-in whenever I feel like it and do a short voyage with a random crew which will allow me to progress a bit, instead of doing this whole process.

    The immersion and the time it takes to travel is good, just make the voyages shorter. If you want a long voyage, just do more of them.

  • serious? Let me tell you a story boi, back in my day (referring to in-game I’m just a millennial) we had to grind hard to reach our goal of pirate legend. Forts were difficult not because of the ai but because all of us were scrambling over each other to get the treasure. Now, letter of recommendations, devils roar has increased gold, skeleton ships and skull forts are dead, you can finish one in under 10 min, and you can complete Athena’s voyages on your way to pirate legend so by the time you get there you are done Athena’s Rep.

    Tl dr: This game has a good span of levelling that happens organically and how much you do in a session is dependent on how competent your crew is.

  • @sytoki None of that addresses the points I made about the unnecessary and artificial length of time added to voyages as you level up in a game that is, at its core, designed to be a casual adventure.

  • @d3adst1ck Voyages do not need to be fully completed fyi. The only thing you gain rep from is the items you sell. As for things like skeleton forts being difficult or long because of the waves...I complete all my skeleton forts (as long as my crew listens) in 10 minutes. Add 10 minutes to find and arrive at a skeleton fort, 5 to hit an outpost and sell and boom you’re in your time constraint. The voyages take as long as you make them take. Granted if you get voyages with islands scattered all over the place, best to reroll.

  • @sytoki I'm aware that you don't need to fully complete voyages (excluding Athena missions). You basically acknowledge the design flaw with your last sentence, though.

  • @d3adst1ck No not really because some people like to do longer voyages, the option is there to do the shorter voyages but also the longer ones. Athena’s will always be long because that reputation is meant to be the grindiest.

    You can get on and play as you see fit, no issues with that, but it’s like complaining that a shooter game has 10 minute matches and you can only afford to play for 5 so you want them to shorten all the matches by 5 minutes.

    There is realistically zero reason to complete a voyage unless you’re aiming for commendations which as a casual gamer you shouldn’t be concerned about anyway.

  • @sytoki Its a casual game. Why do Athena quests need to be grindy? Shouldn't they be interesting or fun instead? Adding time to voyages doesn't make them harder or more interesting, it just makes them longer. Adding waves to OoS or forts or skeleton ships doesn't make them any harder than the first wave, they just take longer.

    There is literally zero reason to have long voyages other than boosting the time requirement, which seems to be the exact opposite goal that a pick-up-and-play casual game should be aiming for.

  • @d3adst1ck Sandbox game*

  • @sytoki Those two things are mutually exclusive?

  • @d3adst1ck No but you’re excluding elements of a sandbox by calling it strictly a casual game. Point being is you gotta take a look at the community. Rare have a sandbox game that they can shape to meet the needs of the community, and they are doing just that.

    The majority of players I run into are either pirate legend or very close to it and have no problems with the length of voyages, because they, like me, enjoy the grind aspect of the game. You prefer the casual side of sea of thieves, so you may enjoy moreso the little things in the game or the interactions you have with other players. Both play styles are perfectly valid in a sandbox game and neither one should take priority over the other.

    Don’t expect the grindy aspect of the game, aka voyages to be changed to suit only your liking, because then it would not suit other people.

    You can technically do whatever you want in sea of thieves, but if you want to experience the grind of sea of thieves, then do so and if you don’t like it, then stick to just sailing around and having fun. You gain nothing from grinding aside from being more efficient at rep and gold gain.

  • @sytoki I never said that there shouldn't be long voyages. The problem is that eventually there are no short voyages and there is no reason for it.

  • @D3ADST1CK I like the idea of breach mechanics to enter and take over a fort.

    I think the pre-PL voyages are probably ok as they are for the types of voyages available. However, I think Rare needs to adjust the way the spawning of skeletons happens during voyages. At many times there are too many skeletons popping up over and over. It is like the spawning gets stuck in a chain and the waves do not stop. The waves can also have way too many guns and gunpowder barrels.

    As most have posted in lots of threads volcano range needs to be shortened and the eruption frequency made less frequent.

    Athena voyages need to be brokened apart and not served bundled with a bow on top. Allow PLs to select the voyages they want to sail from the available vendors. Once a set number of the combination has been completed, an Athena chest voyage can become available. The skeleton damage and health could also be reduced slightly to speed up the voyages at this level.

  • I've read people's feeling about the time spend in game.
    So I think we need to keep the long time achievement (so you feel proud after completing it). But Rare should add kind of little quests for players who wants to play only for half an hour.
    Sea of Thieves is a game that takes a lot of your time.
    You often need to play the game for 3 hours or more to have the feeling you have acomplished some goals.

    Finally, you spend most of your time sailing.
    Rare needs to add some things you can do while sailing because it can be soo boring when you are just waiting to travel all the map with wind on the wrong side.

  • @d3adst1ck If all you’re asking for is another option to do a short voyage then that’s fine by me but it doesn’t make a difference. They can’t make you get as much gold as someone on a regular voyage so you will be netting the same if you started a regular voyage and hit one island and sailed back to an outpost.

    The voyages aren’t going to be an effective means for you to achieve max rep and attain lots of gold if that’s what you want, and you. Can do any voyage and halfway terminate it to sell the loot you got. The sole difference is the voyage commendation counter which should not be something a casual player is concerned with.

  • @sytoki I don't expect shorter voyages to provide the same gold or rep as a longer one. It would be more fun for me to change through different voyages at a quicker rate than slogging through a multi-wave OoS voyage filled with the same enemies.

    Basically the option to choose shorter adventures, forts and skeleton ships would be a lot more interesting than a grindy long ordeal that seems to become more and more common as you naturally rep up in the trading companies.

  • @rakan-le-rouge

    Yes we need to have more things to do on the open sea. Fishing and cooking is a given. However, I also hope we can still fish anywhere and cook on campfires on the islands.

    Would be nice to have dice to gamble with your crew. Dueling and shooting fruit off your mates’ heads would provide lots of laughs and fun.

    Could even come up with a shuffle board game using the skulls we collect. : )

  • @d3adst1ck So mostly I would assume its the Athenas more than anything that would be a problem for you, since they need to be completed to get to the legend chest. Otherwise what does it matter if you actually finish the voyage or not? You get the rep and gold still for whatever you complete. I will agree maybe how the athenas are done might need tweaking but even doing them you can do speed run versions if your just after the legend chest anyway in an hour or two (with competent crews anyway). I'm just not sure what your looking for I guess other than if your going after commendations for completing the voyages.
    EDIT: and while the skelly ships take a bit longer, I've done solo runs of forts in less than 30 minutes so they are definitely doable in your time frame assuming you don't have to fight for it.

  • @muzackmann said in Make Everything Shorter:

    I'm just not sure what your looking for I guess other than if your going after commendations for completing the voyages.

    That's another good point. New content is likely to include new commendations for doubloons to buy limited time stuff. If new voyages come out, you are automatically going to get the longer versions of them because you are higher level which makes it harder for you to get the commendations within the event timeframe because you have no option of selecting shorter voyages.

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