[CLOSED] Win Wednesday! - 'Spinal' Figurehead (Sea of Thieves DLC)

  • The level 10 Athena’s figure head would protect you ship from the depths. Keeping you from visting the fairy of the damned!

  • The ghost figurehead is able too see deep in the water while in the night and travel to every place of seven seas.
    And when he comes to surface, everyone do a question: "Why I don't reach athena 10????"
    (Sorry for the english)

  • Behold the mighty Cannonball Figurehead ! It will replenish your cannons slowly as long as you have it on yer ship! Just don't touch the cannonball it holds in it's hands or it might blow your ship into shreds...

  • I would have to say donkey Kong. We haven’t covered his realm of gaming yet! I think with a creative touch, a big bad gorilla on the front of the sip could be really cool!

  • I Believe that the Ocean Crawler Figurehead brings bountiful feasts of delicious ocean dwelling creatures to those who place it upon the bow of their ship.

  • The figurehead I choose is the hunter Horse hunter Horse of course of course, but no one can talk to a figurehead of course unless of course the figurehead is the famous hunter Horse.

    It can speak.

  • The sea dog figurehead holds the souls of past captains that aid you in your time of need.

  • The new Kraken figurehead grants the ship the ability to summon the Kraken in a fight. This could be applied to the Megalodon figurehead as well!

  • I have to go with the stock figure head. A simple beam blessed by the sea, leading new sailors through the first steps of there journey to being a legend. No matter if a green horn forms a crew, or a legend it will always be there to remind those who have found there fortune of there humble beginnings. Even after many moons on the sea, a legend may leave there ship plain, guided by there faithfull figurehead.

  • With your ship attached with a Kracken FigureHead,

    Will put the beast fast asleep in the oceans Bed,

    And keep your crew sailing, alive and not Dead!

  • I think the dragon figurehead -(forgot its specific name)- should be able to set fire to and melt entire enemy ships. Consider it Rare!

  • The pirate Legend Unicorn...
    It has been proven that foes that are unworthy flee at the very sight of this glorious figurehead. As it breaks through the waves the glowing horn shines a beacon to beware as only the best pirates will dare to fit her on their ships. She heralds the best adventures and journeys, the most intense pirate against pirate fights and the best treasure!

  • Athena 10 ghost lantern figurehead will always shine it's lantern like a lighthouse. It gives ability to stay on route. the compass will always stay true, even in the roughest storms.

  • With the shark hunter figurehead , I would love the ability to be immune to the meg. Even have it be an ally in a ship battle!

    Or the athena figurehead, the ability to use your lanterns on your ship but by using stealth. So you see light but you are still cloaked bg darkness to other players. That would be cool.

  • I don't like it when the meg attacks us so my answer is the Hungering One figurehead. It can summon the meg to attack enemy ships at will, even it spawned to attack you.

  • I think the ghost figure head.

    You would be able to summon the fairy of the damded at will and it will fight beside you and help you destroy enemy ships.

  • The admiral figureheads feature Poseidon, God of the Sea, God of Sailing, God of a whole range of stuff like earthquakes, typhoons, rivers, floods, winds, horses, and drought. He could control water in all forms.

    The Ceremonial Admiral figurehead (the palest of the three) should be able to freeze the sea nearby, so that ships become stuck and players can walk on the ice. Cannonballs can blow holes in the ice, and players can be knocked underwater - let's hope they can find a way back to the air.

  • I would choose the bone crusher figurehead and give it the power to summon a skeleton crew that adjusts sails, steers the ship and more so I can get drunk without having any worries

  • The Huntress (Joanna Dark) figurehead should give one the ability to dual-wield weapons, e.g. two pistols at once, two swords, pistol and blunderbuss, etc.

    Either that, or summon a UFO carrying Elvis. Because why not?

  • The Sea Dog figurehead give you the power to Be More Pirate :)

  • Kraken figurehead ram another ship to unleash the karen on them

  • The Forsaken ashes figurehead
    It may appear to burn bright but she keeps misfortune at bay weather it be fire, lightning, big scary Sea rocks, or even just a fool on yer crew. She always brings us home...

  • A figurehead inspired by Conker, and he has a voice to comment our actions on sea with the typical ironic and doublemeaning how Conker like is. Thats would be a funny for long sailing.

  • I reckon the Hungering Deep figurehead could have the power to call on Meg for aid when endangred by enemy crews!

  • @pikaaroon
    the figurehead, with the 3 skulls and the knife between the teeth .... mounted on the black ship with dark sails flying the black flag ... in the distance in the mist, it shines and reasons at the approach of the fight, destabilizes the enemy and offers firepower and formidable firing accuracy to the crew of the black bro tanger. no mercy, no prisoners, announce this device to all the ships that cross the road of the ranger ....

  • The 2 crossed pistols of the huntress's figurehead serve as secondary cannons and increase the skills of the crew with the gun, try to believe!

  • @pikaaroon I would have to say that the ghost ship skeleton figurehead head would be able to make the ship and its crew that uses its powers to disappear and reappear 15 seconds later for a surprising attack on its prey.

  • @pikaaroon Ahoy Laddy!

    Why not a mystical power that helps you #BeMorePirate? The Ghost Reaper figurehead could glow its lantern brighter, the closer you get to another ship that has loot on board! The more loot on board the ship you're heading towards, The brighter its glow becomes!

  • The Spinal Figurehead causes unlucky pirates, defeated in battle, to serve the crew of the dead. Although immortal, their tortured soul seeks the promise of a treasure more valuable than gold, freedom.

  • I'm so excited to see whom will win these good lookin codes of yours, it's givin me shivers down me spine.

  • @pikaaroon A ship lies broken and battered in the water, it's deck submerged beneath calm, moonlit waves. Something is off tonight... As you approach the sunken ship the caws of gulls circling overhead pierce the stillness. Something catches your eye, a flicker of movement? The glow of a villainous skull? The ocean explodes as the ship erupts from its depths, the gaping maw of the bilgerat figurehead is the last thing you see as it unleashes its cannon fire upon you! (Bilgerat figurehead allows your ship to 'sink' below the waves).

  • @Pikaaroon

    I had the most curious encounter when I delivered cargo to Sherry Shipwright. It was a dark night to be out in any open waters. The song of the kraken filled me ears. Made the very hair on me last leg stand. As I did my normal doin with Sherry and got me pay a fierce storm has us pinned as quick as I came. I's given no choice but to stay til it's passin. Now one too many grogs with Sherry is enough to get any old pirate like me in a tizzy, the whole tavern comes to life with her... erm so like I's sayin, next thing I know, Sherry becomes real serious like in her tone. She even leans over to grab hold of me hook and tells me I should start protecting myself better on these late night hauls. Of course I think she's trying to hustle an old man with another marauder's tale. She assures me it's not business we discussin. According to the lady, what is now known as the "Admiral Figurehead" is a symbol of understanding and what you may call peace treaty between us and those who do their business in the depths beneath us. In a time long before both my legs walked these lands, battles between the merfolk and every buccaneer raged on. All leading to the great Battle of the Wilds. No victor would be crowned in this fight Sherry says, out of hundreds the two sole survivors was a wounded admiral and the son of Poseidon himself, Triton. Both exhausted and beginning to accept their fate the admiral himself knew he couldn't take on Triton alone. And Triton, although as powerful as he may be, didn't have the energy left to finish off his foe. Both left grasping on to floating ship wreckage, this admiral breaks all the rules and actually tries to help Triton with his wounds. Touched by the admirals generosity the prince of the sea used what strength he had left to carry the wounded admiral to dry land. Neither of the two said nothing. According to Sherry it's said that the admiral had the figurehead made in honor of Triton and the day his life was saved. Any sailor who bears the figurehead is granted protection through the darkest of nights and the waters that spread from here to the horizon. Ye never know what kind of thief may be climbing up your ladders.

  • @pikaaroon The Athena 10 Skeleton with Lantern, which is the best visually looking figurehead in game, would have the power to turn you and your crew mates upon clicking on the lantern's light into skeleton versions of themselves with different skins until death. (shadow, gold, leaf and bone) Would make for some fun encounters to have a crew of different skeleton looking players sailing around at lvl 10 Athena.

  •                                        **"Bear & Bird figurehead"**

    It has long been known to everyone that bears roam the streets of Russian outposts and drunken pirates roam around ... yeah, they like to drink vodka with strong rum. But few people know about the magical power of the "Bear & Bird figurehead".

    One Russian pirate learned the secret "Bear & Bird figurehead".
    Gathering a team of 4 pirates, he wanted to go in search of adventure but things did not go according to plan. It turned out that every member of the crew on board the ship becomes drunk and is able to "fly out" overboard the ship straight into the water at the very same moment as it ascended the ship.

    Imagine how fun it is to sail on such a ship.
    It is rumored that this team of drunken pirates still floats on the Sea of ​​Thieves... but that's another story.

  • Parrot figurehead

    Its vibrant colours are eye-catching and will bring more life to your hull. Its mystical powers is to send a message to all landlubbers that you have a chip on your shoulder.

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