They don't listen to us

  • The devs don't listen to us they listen to the selected few that are pioneers I put a post up so they can read it and they locked it be it was all in caps (Mod edited) I type in all caps all the time it's how I type check out my post alliance with a friend on the same server

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  • @rpaxdrotimes314 Well first of all, no cursing and no all caps is in the Pirate Code, and you should probably adhere to it. Second of all, you give no explanation to how they only listen to pioneers.

  • @rpaxdrotimes314 No they listen to everyone..and they locked it more than likely because you broke the code..they would not just lock it for no reason.

  • Your first post is in all caps and your second is low quality, you tell people to check your low effort posting and you expect to be heard?

    I am not going to miss you.

  • @rpaxdrotimes314 Me matey I have locked your thread as it is a statement rather than a question and is not conducive to comment or debate.
    If you feel your feedback is important you might want to search and add yours to a compatible thread and please refrain from trying to bypass the profanity filter as this is against the Forum Rules
    Obscene and Vulgar Language

    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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