Update This Week?

  • Ahoy Mates!
    We've all heard this news by now:

    Forsaken Shores has been delayed till next Tuesday.
    Forsaken Shores
    But what about this week?
    Should we get an Update for the game this week to fix some of the current issues or should they just release all the fixs with the Forsaken Shores content update?

    An update this week would allow them to add a Tease for Forsaken Shores in the world, so I'm all for that!
    Just Imagine going to Thieves' Haven and finding that guy from the Trailer!

    Anyways Mates, let me know what ya think!

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  • I would love to see at least the tease added! I'm not sure how they're organized internally, though... if it's the same team working on both, we likely won't see an update. Fingers crossed though!

  • My answer is: it would be nice, but probably won’t happen. Since Rare is in overdrive trying to create a stable build for us to play with on live, they’re probably focusing all of their resources there. I would expect a teaser closer to release next week.

  • @blam320
    Well, for an in world Tease (Like Merrick) to happen you need server maintenance.
    So if there's going to be a tease it'll be this week...
    (That is if there's going to be Maintance this week)

  • I'm still waiting on the proper Forsaken Shores page that usually would have been out a week and a half ago going by previous updates.

    I doubt they'll patch anything or touch anything in live game this week, since anything they change will probably have to be accounted for going into the FS update as well.

    Probably easier and more stable to get their bug fixes in now and focus on going into FS next week than putting out another build they may have to adjust even more to by next week

    The 27th is also a Thursday ;P

  • @tre-oni
    Oh boy I hope they Release the Forsaken Shores Web site this week!

  • The game is currently playable. An update, especially with some tease, could introduce something unintended requiring they drop what they are doing to address it. I'd rather they just focus on polishing the actual Forsaken Shores update.

  • @ghostpaw yeah that is a problem.
    I believe the Game Development term for introducing new bugs with an update that is intended to fix bugs is called:

    • Regression
  • Yea i think in-game content is a no go. Remember it was going to release this week. So they have nothing prepared, and they're throwing all the resources at bugs and the issues with the FS patch (for whatever all they are outside the "memory leak"). So that would be rushing content again that could introduce MORE bugs if they rushed for content this week - for sure, or next week even not enough time to test. So best we just hold tight for 2 weeks while they fix things up and release FS, then they get back onto a good schedule (their time, not ours. Better testing and testing regression...no dates), where they work content, test it, then release it as a surprise to us in a patch.

  • I'm really happy they decided to delay this. It's not even about the bugs at this point. The fact that they knew and the community knew that they were really awful bugs sometimes each weekly event or major content update. They listened, they learned and they did something about it. That is good pro consumer service right there.

  • Nah, if the reason for the delay was to go all-hands-on-deck for the FS release, then siphoning off devs to work on adding extra (presumably unplanned) additions seems entirely counter-productive.

    A delay for good reason is a good delay.

    A longer delay to allow time for adding some extra fluff to make up for the fact that there was a good reason for the original delay would just be frustrating.

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