Row boat question for Rare

  • Are the [Mod edited] going to be able to sink rowboats with canons?

  • 31
  • It seems that way, Yes.

  • @letslipthedogs Ahoy matey!

    The rowboats will be fragile and so, like all other ships, are susceptible to all threats out on the sea!

  • That was a silly question. If you decide to sail around in a ROWBOAT, it gets sunk, and your loot stolen, then YOU, my friend, are the idiot.

  • @letslipthedogs said in Row boat question for Rare:

    Are the PVP idiots going to be able to sink rowboats with canons?

    Refering to people that PvP as idiots is disrespectful to almost the entire community. That you don't enjoy PvP only says something about you and not about the people that do. As it is part of the game, you either need to tolerate it in a respectful manner or find yourself another game.

    Obviously the rowboats can be sunk as they're tiny fragile boats, so it can probably be sunk by cannons, gunpowder barrels volcanic rocks, maybe even by gunfire or crashing it into the beach.

  • Seriously? That's where we stand on this topic? That we feel rowboats should be provided some sort of immunity from damage because? Reasons?

    I'm not big on PvP... but it is part of the universe, and for I and many others part of the fun. I'm not 'usually' that big on attacking people out of the blue. But I'll be damned if I don't do it. And you know what, that's good that I have that power.

    Heck I was in a galleon last night , and I'll be damned if I didn't give a sloop parked at an island every chance to avoid getting sunk by me (aside from stopping asking for permission to fire then waiting for a reply). We had the Kraken stop us about a grid square away, and we fought it proper while in sight of an eventual target sloop, only after did we realized a sloop was parked at the same island we were heading to - we raised sails and left only 1/4 of the rear sail down so we could creep up. Then we finally fired. Sure we sank the guy like he was built of paper mache, and I felt a bit guilty firing on what turned out to be a soloist.

    Until I noticed the soloist was brandishing the rank 10 Athena's figurehead and had a sloop stocked to the brim with captains chests....

    Sure, we were meanies. But let's face it. Sometimes it's fun to shoot cannons and sink ships.

    That doesn't make anyone a PvP idiot...

    It makes people who presume that if you give the internet cannons they won't fire them... the idiots.

    So while I'm all for a local sanctuary where pirates can meet and greet, and sailors could get their chill on... outside it's eat or be eaten on the high seas. Rowboats included.... Just wait till fishing becomes a thing! Then people will kill people who ain't doing nothing but staring at the horizon!

  • Genius. Indestructible row boat tanks. That's what we need.

  • I would hope that whilst they would be fragile they would also be a pretty small target and also agile, so hitting them with a cannon would take some skill.
    I do wonder how CCB might affect them (or rather might not), I am assuming they don't have an anchor, they don't have sails - would they be immune to the cursed nature? Would it matter? Would they be sunk in one CB hit anyway?

  • what [Mod edited] of question is this

  • If your rowboat is getting shot at with cannons there is a good chance you will die to the cannon fire before the rowboat sinks anyway.

    @Dooby Cursed cannonballs don't do damage to ships.

  • @dooby i guess they will sink if u dont bail and repair it...

  • @lonegoatknifer said in Row boat question for Rare:

    If your rowboat is getting shot at with cannons there is a good chance you will die to the cannon fire before the rowboat sinks anyway.

    @Dooby Cursed cannonballs don't do damage to ships.

    Ah, I wasn't sure, I had a feeling they didn't, but maybe if the rowboat isn't affected by the curse, it will just take regular damage instead.

  • @dooby Using any of the purple cursed cannonballs on a rowboat, would be similar to using one on a skeleton. Since the rowboat moves with oars, you'll want to shoot it with something like a wearyball, or any other green cursed cannonball, to stop it without sinking it.

  • @lonegoatknifer Wouldn't the green ones be affecting the crew of the rowboat really though? I guess its possible for some of the purple ones to still have an affect (the ballast one for example) and maybe the one that affects the sails could affect the oars instead.

  • @dooby Yes, they would be affecting the crew not the boat. But, by immobilizing the player you would essentially be stopping the boat as well. It would still move a little, but I doubt they drift very far.

  • @letslipthedogs Yes rowboats will take damage!

  • @lonegoatknifer very true, I guess I was thinking more about whether the purple ones would have a logical impact on the row boat, or whether they really just translate to 'stops moving' 'cant steer' etc rather than taking into account whether the rowboat has an anchor or tiller ...(actually, that's a point, does it have a tiller/rudder?)

  • I hope we can steal the row boats off ships and/or destroy it while it's attached to their boat.

  • @letslipthedogs Please refrain from name calling and derogatory language directed at portions of the player base, as it is a violation of our forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    @el-Dunco Please avoid making posts containing nothing but an image, as it is considered spam. Your post was removed in accordance with that rule.

    @LeoNewgate Swearing is not permitted on our forums, your post was also edited.

  • @lady-aijou thank you for being fair.

  • I really want to be able to barrel-boost in a row boat. I hope the barrel fuse timer is not too fast for the speed of the row boat.

  • @lady-aijou said in Row boat question for Rare:

    @el-Dunco Please avoid making posts containing nothing but an image, as it is considered spam. Your post was removed in accordance with that rule.

    I'm offended that you think my native tongue is spam.

    Lint licker.

  • @lonegoatknifer If you hit a rowboat with a Helm ball, will it prevent you from using the oars? Will the ballast ball sink it a bit in the water? Will a barrel ball lock up the storage?

    There are certain CCs that would make sense affecting the rowboats - the others, obviously not.

  • @treefittymonsta I believe the devs said they would be vulnerable to attack on the ships. If you can steal them... that would be cool, too.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Row boat question for Rare:

    @treefittymonsta I believe the devs said they would be vulnerable to attack on the ships. If you can steal them... that would be cool, too.

    Pvp opportunities are vast. I will say this is one feature I'm looking forward to. I wonder how easy it will be to load treasure on the row boat . And I onder if u can load treasure on it while it's attached. And I wonder if it instantly detached from a boat upon it sinking. Fun times ahead indeed.

  • @treefittymonsta My guess is that it goes down with the ship if you don't detach it, but we'll have to wait and see.

  • @bran-the-ent It's possible but I know I would never use them. I'd rather hit it with one that affects the players or a regular cannonball.

  • @lonegoatknifer I agree it may seem a waste of a CC.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Row boat question for Rare:

    @treefittymonsta My guess is that it goes down with the ship if you don't detach it, but we'll have to wait and see.

    It would pretty cool if it floated to the sufrace with a portion of the supplies of the boat that was just sunk.

  • @treefittymonsta I doubt it... but, ya never know.

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