Pages from the Bitter Wind - Master Bell's Personal Log IV

  • Master Bell’s Personal Log IV

    Has the cap’n gone mad?! He wants me to rig the ship, in preparation of turning INTO the storm?! How the hell does he plan on surviving that? I’ve seen ships destroyed by storms tamer than this one, crushed and capsized by the waves, before washing up on land, far from where they sank. The worst part about it is, the cap’n KNOWS the danger! He knows, yet he still orders us, to trim the sails to the starboard, he’s gonna get us killed! Sure, we’ll lose the Aurai’s Blessing in the storm, but only ‘cause the both of us will sink! It’ll be a miracle if we come out of this alive! Whatever good the captain thinks will come of this maneuver, is slim, compared to the chances of bad. He wants to sail into the most violent storm, any of the crew have ever seen, just to avoid a ship. For the love of all things holy, why not change course, and sell our loot elsewhere?! I suppose I should be getting back to our suicide mission. Let’s hope the cap’n knows how to maneuver this storm.

    ~Master Bell – Sailing Master of the Wicked Revenge

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