Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.5

  • Being able to earn doubloons at your own pace is greatly appreciated. I'd very much like to see that become a permanent feature for standard Bilge Rat Adventures. Maybe big expacs as well.

    The woes of a sailor without a regular crew. :(

  • So, unless I'm mistaken, it will be another week of dealing with the ponderous, inconsistent new UI. I'm willing to bet I still run the risk of inadvertently exiting the game on PC. I didn't expect that they would have everything ready based on the feedback, but I'm hoping they at least fixed that - should be a key issue to be fixed.

    It's interesting to hear that Joe thinks this is the best non-DLC update in terms of content. It seems the most controversial, to be sure. While I love the game, I'm not particularly a fan of anything they've added with this update. I don't care for a "take all/store all" button, it should take time to empty a barrels content - particular boarders. I think they should extend the 'hold to take/store' to Xbox. There is a little delay and then quickly, but not instantaneously, you take what's there. Unless I'm mistaken, a crew with multiple CCs will have all of the varying types taken by a boarder instantly with a "take all" option. That doesn't make sense.

    I get changing the commendations, but I don't understand the logic behind changing them without having something else ready for the "most engaged players." There already was the short-sighted lack of content for PL's (the point at which the game was supposed to really begin, they said). So, the dedicated players worked on commendations and then Rare takes those away, saying - as they have with pretty much all the lacking PL content, "We'll get you something soon." It just makes very little sense.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @nunoazuldimeter said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot I thought Joe said in the Devs video the feature for take all & store all would be in this update as well. But it's not in the patch notes. Did I misunderstood?

    It's something that we're working on, to test with the Pioneers first before giving to the wider community!

    Thats a dangerous sentence right there

  • Right, So you fixed stuff you broke, moved UI things around because you released a beta to the world, that needed to be rethought altogether.
    Inventory system "Empty" label is a crutch to help us hobble through a bad design choice.
    Oh, and you're letting us keep earning doubloons and commendations as a way to appease us for dealing with broken stuff.
    Same goes for increasing the odds we find stuff in barrels. Something else you broke since ~75% of barrels were empty in this previous update.
    Ya!, handing stuff off hardly is a "needed" item in the game we did fine before. In fact, I bet, aligning your character to accept something from another player probably takes longer than dropping a chest and the other guy picking it up.

    Update 1.2.5 is really a cover your derriere update because the wheels are seriously starting to wobble Mike and Joe. Seriously.

    I've never played on so many empty servers. The one part of you DEV Video I liked the most, was the surprise on your face when reaper's mark crews friended each other and took turns shooting cursed cannonballs at each other and earned the "Easiest" commendations ever. I believe 90-95% of these commendations were done this way.

  • @blissfulgecko77 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    I don't know what to say about this game any more. As an Athena 10 PL the only good thing that has come out lately has been the new boat. I have worked so h*****n this game and played it almost every day since day one. Until the accommodations were changed. They were the only real reason I had for continuing this game and now I feel the titles and accommodations I had worked so hard for a struggled with and was enjoying working towards are just being given away. Like Merchant of the Dawn Caller means nothing. Hoarder of the castaways gold which I haven't earned but a friend has means nothing. I have only sailed 6.6 million meters myself but I have a friend who has sailed more than 15 million. We're both about to uninstall the game. What is the point if we had to work hard to earn and felt proud of the work we did and the titles we earned. Now they mean nothing it went from 1,000 castaway chest to 90. I have sold 3,244 gold hoarder chest 4th on my friends list, 962 voyage completes 3rd on my friends list, 4637 merchant alliance cargo delivered, and more states. Most of these I'm in the Top 5 on my friends list all of whom play this game. I was working with noobs and helping teach them the game in order to get that done but there's no point anymore. Why should I work with low level people and help them learn to play this game when my entire reason to do so has been taken from me? I don't want to do Athena's anymore I want to work towards earning all these accommodations that were actually somewhat hard and worth the work and effort. Oh wait I've already earned them all and all I had to do was sell 1 of each type of chest and animal.
    I'm going to be uninstalling SOT today and I don't know that I'll ever give it another chance. This was my first online game and I'm sad that my time with it has come to an end. I feel like Y'all have been prioritizing the new players and don't care about the people who have been around and actually loved this game and loved grinding this game. I haven't posted in the forms before because I was never mad or upset enough about anything to care to until I saw the developer update today. Joe just proved RARE doesn't care about those players who have been here since day one and are upset. I'm just one player and I'm sure won't make a difference but I'm completely saddened and disappointed to know that my time on this game has come to an end until what has been made wrong has been made right and Joe basically said that's not going to happen. So thanks for ruining a big part of my life.

    Nice meltdown

  • @darth-noc said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    Being able to earn doubloons at your own pace is greatly appreciated. I'd very much like to see that become a permanent feature for standard Bilge Rat Adventures. Maybe big expacs as well.

    The woes of a sailor without a regular crew. :(

    Agreed, but I wonder if they are doing this to appease us for their errors or will it be permanent? There was no specific language that said this is permanent, right?

  • @blissfulgecko77 these are just patch notes discussion dude. If you want to complain, please do it somewhere else.

  • And what happened to the snake bug? When the killings are still alive but invisible

  • Another bug I found is that when you pull the boat with the technique of the sword, the character does not move properly by the arena loses mobility

  • @ivanneri0410 I'm sure this is a translation issue, but I can't make heads nor tails of your last post.

  • "Were in the final week of the latest temporary content in a game that desperately needs permanent content" jesus man how do you guys not see the problem with this design philosophy? you are punishing players who take a break from the game. New games come out all the time but youre telling anyone who plays your game to stop playing anything else and focus solely on sea of thieves and if you dont want to do that then DONT COME BACK! like really? this is the approach you are taking to adding content?

  • @bran-the-ent Sorry, I mean when you throw yourself off the boat with the sword

  • @skullmanbeard attitudes like yours calling people entitled because they want the freedom to play other games? or for the same issue that oh we accidentally called captains skulls skull for skulls in the achievement so people werent getting credit for 2 months of skull forts. so after getting 250 forts completed we fixed the typo so now you have 1 skull fort skull handed in with 250 forts defeated. man sucks to be you for losing 249 fort skulls because you clearly suck at the game! lol

    people pointing out flaws with the game design in an attempt to make a better game for EVERYONE isnt being entitled. You however are bing a FANBOY in the fact that oh rare can do no wrong. they made some voyages unplayable for an entire week secondarily making the achievements harder to get as the voyages were broken. But rare can do no wrong so its ok. Temporary content is a brilliant idea! no other developer has done such a thing...... not because its a bad idea to give a game with no content new temporary content every 2 weeks but because rare is so awesome!!! memba golden eye? donkey king 64? i memba.......

    memba starfox dinosaur planet? where only the 3rd swing of your melee attack did damage and if you got interrupted after swing 2 you just wouldnt be hurting the monster EVER? seriously you can hit a monster 50 times and do 0 damage if you dont follow through with the 3rd swing. And this was in the era of games not getting patches. I used to love rare and gave up on them after that. until now but somehow this game despite having such glorious design in some aspects is insanely flawed in others.

    my loyalties used to be nintendo, rare, capcom. then i bought a PC and found blizzard games which actually have content. theres so much to do in world of warcraft im putting in 80 hours a week and I still cant get it all done. Yet sea of thieves? a day or 2 to blow through the temporary content so i dont miss it. basically being forced to login so i dont miss something instead of being allowed the freedom of taking a break to come back and casually earn bilgerat stuff while doing voyages...... not that an athena 10 has need to do voyages all i need is mileage at this point

  • @sprungnickel427

    No, but I figure giving positive feedback to that change may encourage them to make it the norm. There's no real downside to doing so. It means more stuff that's worth doing, that you can work on as you play at whichever pace you can. It'll help players avoid feeling burnt out as we go from one timed event to the next.

  • @ivanneri0410 Are you talking about the jittery bits when you try to sword lunge and seem to get caught on something?

    I do know that, when doing a normal sword lunge, if you don't hit anything with your sword, you lose mobility - that's intended.

  • @blissfulgecko77 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    I don't know what to say about this game any more. As an Athena 10 PL the only good thing that has come out lately has been the new boat. I have worked so h*****n this game and played it almost every day since day one. Until the accommodations were changed. They were the only real reason I had for continuing this game and now I feel the titles and accommodations I had worked so hard for a struggled with and was enjoying working towards are just being given away. Like Merchant of the Dawn Caller means nothing. Hoarder of the castaways gold which I haven't earned but a friend has means nothing. I have only sailed 6.6 million meters myself but I have a friend who has sailed more than 15 million. We're both about to uninstall the game. What is the point if we had to work hard to earn and felt proud of the work we did and the titles we earned. Now they mean nothing it went from 1,000 castaway chest to 90. I have sold 3,244 gold hoarder chest 4th on my friends list, 962 voyage completes 3rd on my friends list, 4637 merchant alliance cargo delivered, and more states. Most of these I'm in the Top 5 on my friends list all of whom play this game. I was working with noobs and helping teach them the game in order to get that done but there's no point anymore. Why should I work with low level people and help them learn to play this game when my entire reason to do so has been taken from me? I don't want to do Athena's anymore I want to work towards earning all these accommodations that were actually somewhat hard and worth the work and effort. Oh wait I've already earned them all and all I had to do was sell 1 of each type of chest and animal.
    I'm going to be uninstalling SOT today and I don't know that I'll ever give it another chance. This was my first online game and I'm sad that my time with it has come to an end. I feel like Y'all have been prioritizing the new players and don't care about the people who have been around and actually loved this game and loved grinding this game. I haven't posted in the forms before because I was never mad or upset enough about anything to care to until I saw the developer update today. Joe just proved RARE doesn't care about those players who have been here since day one and are upset. I'm just one player and I'm sure won't make a difference but I'm completely saddened and disappointed to know that my time on this game has come to an end until what has been made wrong has been made right and Joe basically said that's not going to happen. So thanks for ruining a big part of my life.

    I think you might have bigger problems then this game.

  • @erinom3 sagte in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    Did someone say.. hot potato?




  • The bilge rat doubloons should have been available to earn for
    ALL of the events.
    Why are you just doing this now? because you realized 2 1/2 weeks isn't enough time to grind out your ridiculous requirements?
    I'm pretty appalled that you have to shut the servers down for several hours to implement & fix a patch that you introduced. (This is what Pioneer testing is for.)
    Get it together. This is why I haven't and will not purchase this game. (And only play it on Xbox Game Pass)

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    alt text

    Wouldn't it be neat to be able to change the accent colors of certain clothing items? Looks like the pirate wearing the seadog hat on the left has a green bandanna instead of the standard red. Also, looks like the hat's feather took that color change too.

    I think it would be a nice customization addition for crews to help identify each other. Not saying full on color customization of these items but just the ability to toggle the accent colors of things like bandannas, headbands, etc.

  • @blissfulgecko77 Nice paragraph you got there, but I think you missed the point of the game. The quests and weekly adventures are supposed to guide the adventure, while the fun in the game is to play with people, run into unexpected circumstances, and just goof around. I commend you for reaching the distant edges of the voyage systems, but I think you spent to much time after the destination to enjoy the journey.

  • Dear Rare, thank you again for great unworkable patch!

  • @seeker-of-peace said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    The bilge rat doubloons should have been available to earn for
    ALL of the events.
    Why are you just doing this now? because you realized 2 1/2 weeks isn't enough time to grind out your ridiculous requirements?
    I'm pretty appalled that you have to shut the servers down for several hours to implement & fix a patch that you introduced. (This is what Pioneer testing is for.)
    Get it together. This is why I haven't and will not purchase this game. (And only play it on Xbox Game Pass)

    Can't wait to play YOUR online game, it must be so awesome, what with your amazing wisdom and knowledge in game development and implementation. I bet your pipeline is jammed full of clients wishing you'd grace them with the honor of your consultation.

    So... what game do you currently have in development, beta, or fully released right now?
    I want to play it!

    I bet it's epic and doesn't ever have patches that create new issues. I'm sure every single software company on the planet will want your recipe for perfect execution of code.

    Rare should pay you for your awesome insight!

  • @vasduten hahaa maybe RARE should ask for help from pretty much any other developer out there. Ask Activision, bethesda games, treyarc, ubisoft, capcom, konami, heck even EA. Because they are creating games with very minimal bugs, I mean minimal. You dont see other developers release a DLC that they have to shut down servers for. Or that introduce new bugs. Heck they don't even created games that are 30% finished and sell them at full retail. Man, even Ray Charles can see this

  • @khaleesibot Great video, love the plans for better testing before release. So to that end...when is the next Pioneer session?

    P.S. I understand that all pioneer posts need to be on those boards, however I cannot find an appropriate thread to inquire about pioneer schedule.

    If you can direct me to that information I would greatly appreciate it!

  • cya, dude.

  • @eddythecaptain said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    We still need a way to pick up items from barrels instantly like we used to be able to do. Having to go into the barrel inventory slows you down, making it feel clunky and unnecessary.

    Let us pick up items 1 by 1 if we need to in the heat of the moment, as well as giving us the option to open the barrels and "take all/give all" like you intend to do!

    Some players on the forums already had a nice UI planned out for these changes.

    alt text

    Just quoting this so it gets seen. Brilliant idea.

  • @bran-the-ent the bug happens when you throw yourself with the sword from the ship towards the shore of an island. You get stuck in the sand, you do not advance. This did not happen before

  • @ivanneri0410 Oh, yes. I've had this issue plenty of late.

  • the translation of a teaching barrel in German is wrong ...
    you called leeren... its leer or leeres....

  • Thank you for keeping us updated. Keep up the good work. I feel the way you are going is the correct one. People need to understand bugs happen and calm down. Keep up the hard work.

  • Joe says the new inventory system was an "improvement" in this week's video. Quite honestly, I just think Rare has totally lost site of what made this game fun in the first place.

    Is anyone getting tired of how every week's video sounds like the type of spin that comes out of politicians?

    Just acknowledge the mistakes, and do a better job of providing your road map forward. It is ridiculous that Rare feels the need to summarize all of their post launch "improvements" in each subsequent video.

  • @ollieoxenfree said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    P.S. I understand that all pioneer posts need to be on those boards, however I cannot find an appropriate thread to inquire about pioneer schedule.

    If you can direct me to that information I would greatly appreciate it!

    Ahoy matey,

    Everything Pioneer related can be found or asked on The Pioneer forum section.


  • @skulliah what if a cannonball barrel has 300 cannonballs in it? Do we take all 300? Or ten?

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