How to Share Cursed Cannonballs

  • At the end of a session when everyone is logging off, you likely have a good stock of cursed cannonballs left over, with no way to sell them.

    If there's another ship in sight I'll sail over and give them to them before I leave, but if I can't see anyone on the horizon that's not an option.

    I usually sail to an outpost, and fill a barrel in the tavern with all the cursed cannonballs we have, so if someone checks there, they'll hit the mother lode.

    Means there's at least a chance they aren't lost when we log off and might be able to help someone out!

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  • @peteloaf777 we do the same thing, but we put it in a barrel at the dock...I wonder when/if they despawn

  • @schwammlgott @Peteloaf777 they despwan quite quickly, all barrels on islands are on a timer (which is not very long) and when that timer reaches 0 the barrels get restocked which in the process removes all previous items.

  • A good stock ? I went to 85 barrels last night n ended up having 5 cursed in total that was also visiting forts etc not enough theres not green ones imo

  • @chris-houlden so you just got unlucky, we had yesterday within about 30-40 minutes 15-20 cursed cannonballs

  • Every island i went to had like 1 normal cannonball n 3 wood was rather annoying

  • @peteloaf777 last night my partner and I refilled a couple of barrels of an outpost with all the supplies and they were reset in a few seconds disappearing everything we put in. The only way to share resources is to look for a ship and give it to them

  • @xuleitor brilliant idea I usually leave a castaways chest or foul bounty or a gunpowder barrel lol

  • @callmebackdraft Outposts resupply every hour on the hour. Not sure if it’s the same for islands :)

  • i like to leave them in outposts as well. so if the outpost resupplies do they go away?

  • @callmebackdraft Oh.

    I also do this - the stocking a barrel up before I quit - but now is there any point? I feel I've been wasting time lol

  • I just tried to give 57 cursed cannonballs to a 3 man Brigantine at an outpost before I logged off for the arvo. Sad for them but they thought it would be better to kill me. I just laughed.
    Their loss! Idiots!

  • If you put your cannonballs in a none ship barrel they will normally despawn within 30 seconds. So no point leaving them at an outpost.

    We always try to give them to someone, however it normally ends in us actually spoiling there session as they shoot at us and then we use the cannonballs on them to sink them. Sad story.

  • @peteloaf777 Whenever i have some CCBs left and am about to log off, i just kill myself with my last gunpowder or drown and then give it to someone on the ferry of the damned. If there is nobody on the ferry after a few minutes waiting i put them into a barrel on the outpost as well ^^. But it's pretty nice to see the reaction when giving a random person all your canonballs.

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