So they aren't going to fix the barrels

  • @venvip1983 said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    But as I understand it is ok for you to have broken Athena quest, skull that cannot be taken, pig that is always hungry, empty barrels that you have to check time after time just because it so "interesting" and it make the athmoshere of a good game. I forgot about CCB that brought a lot of "fun" into this game!

    I play daily and have since day 1, your point on actives holds no weight. And neither does the implication that because people are complaining that's cause for rollback.

    Barrels 2.0 didn't break Athenas, or skulls, or pigs. Something else broke those in a minor way update wise, it's happened before... And guess what.. they're being hotfixed.

    Handing players items literally broke the entire game, entirely and in the literal sense unplayable for everyone because the game ceased to function in any capacity. Hence rollbacks.

    Barrels 2.0 haven't broken the game despite people crying "literally unplayable" because they don't like the new barrel UI.

    Your complaint on empty barrels doesn't justify it being removed either, and that's already been addressed as a fix coming sooner rather than later as well.

    My point still stands.. rollbacks aren't things devs to to appease people whining about an update.. rollbacks aren't used for some bandaid quick fix to people's temperamental issues. Rollbacks are a taxing and massive deal if and when they need to occur, and sorry to say, dislike of a mechanic isn't one of those neccessary instances.

  • @tre-oni написал в So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @venvip1983 said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    But as I understand it is ok for you to have broken Athena quest, skull that cannot be taken, pig that is always hungry, empty barrels that you have to check time after time just because it so "interesting" and it make the athmoshere of a good game. I forgot about CCB that brought a lot of "fun" into this game!

    I play daily and have since day 1, your point on actives holds no weight. And neither does the implication that because people are complaining that's cause for rollback.

    Barrels 2.0 didn't break Athenas, or skulls, or pigs. Something else broke those in a minor way update wise, it's happened before... And guess what.. they're being hotfixed.

    Handing players items literally broke the entire game, entirely and in the literal sense unplayable for everyone because the game ceased to function in any capacity. Hence rollbacks.

    Barrels 2.0 haven't broken the game despite people crying "literally unplayable" because they don't like the new barrel UI.

    Your complaint on empty barrels doesn't justify it being removed either, and that's already been addressed as a fix coming sooner rather than later as well.

    My point still stands.. rollbacks aren't things devs to to appease people whining about an update.. rollbacks aren't used for some bandaid quick fix to people's temperamental issues. Rollbacks are a taxing and massive deal if and when they need to occur, and sorry to say, dislike of a mechanic isn't one of those neccessary instances.

    I see your point of view. But still we have issues that are not fixed thought it is Tuesday already. I am playing this game every day and I want to play it without bugs.

    I agree with you that it is possible to play the game with Barrel 2.0 but it is so far from beeing perfect. I don't what to tell what is wrong with new UI it's been described a lot on forum and I am sure that you know it, but it's not comfortable still and I am waiting for bugs fixing and fixing Barrel 2.0

    Now is the biggest question when devs will fix what they have done with their "cursed" update. Hope it will be soon.

    And about "whining" - players are free to express their attitude to any changes in game, I don't see something wrong with it. If players don't like Barrel 2.0 there should be found compromise to make players and devs be satisfied by new UI and it doesn't matter will be it Barrel 1.5 or Barrel 2.5

  • @lu-loop2 the new barrels are just trash! Simplicity was one of the games strong points and now thats basically gone

  • @aod-fluid That's a bold claim, sadly one you cannot back up and I suspect is bathed in toxicity.

  • I find it surprising how resistant to change this community is or maybe I only see the ones who really vocalize themselves and I'm not talking just the barrel change but also other previous changes that people freaked out about

  • Man, this is still going on, huh?

    I mean, compared to most gamers I'm frickin' 'Casual Carl' over here. Yet after a couple play sessions I was taking quick dips into barrel menus for bananas while running from mobs of skellies all hungry for my sweet, piratey buns.

    I guess I can understand people not liking them, but the conniption fits seem a little much.

  • Stop sympathizing imo. If your significant other or future husbands/wives/ cheated on you would you just be calm and accept the new system? I certainly would not. I would find new ones.

    If I go rob a fruit stand in the city right now and stop to pause life while I open my menu and manage my inventory, I will get shot, arrested, or beat up. You would bet that I would grab as many as I could while running and keep running.

    JUST LIKE IN SEA OF THIEVES WHEN YOU PAUSE THE GAME EVERY 10 seconds to loot, your immersion is shattered, your health is shot down, and your patience is tested.

    Many people have lived long enough to see their favorite games destroyed over time. We are not ready for this in sea of thieves, after all of rares hard work and devotion. These topics have to stick.

  • @warlord-skarrik said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @aod-fluid That's a bold claim, sadly one you cannot back up and I suspect is bathed in toxicity.

    Dear little one,

    I am sorry, but it is physically and technically not possible for this current barrel system to be "as efficient" or "more efficient" than the single keypress system that we had before. So it may be a bold claim, but common-sense is proof enough to back it up completely.

    As for toxicity, I don't even mind the barrels the way they are... I just think there were a ton of ways to do it that would have been better.

  • @cjstrongarms said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    your immersion is shattered,

    I think you perhaps meant "it breaks the flow".

    Otherwise you're talking about breaking the deep immersion of teleporting objects out of closed barrels.

  • Its not just about getting used to Barrels 2.0 there are things that don't work anymore with this system that were for me very important, Communication. With all of the Menus Text Chat isn't visible but luckily you weren't in an inventory menu whilst on the ship or a skelly fort only if you were checking out Achievements or in the Stores buying something and all avoidable if in battle. Hence in a battle situation your "head" was always in the game and communication via Text was always able to be seen. With Barrels 2.0 and another Menu guess what, some of us lose communication while we are in there when we are with people who don't use a mic. The amount of messages I have missed in crucial situations is rising so why would I like this change?

    I know why its been changed but if I compare in one hand a new food type or some other Barrel item to be added or Communication back to how it was with Barrel 1.0 what do you think ill choose? There is no point for me getting some new item if a way more important feature I rely on is flushed down the toilet so we can have shiny new things that really don't matter.

    With ship battles that are getting harder due to CCB's and the probability of getting beaten from the first shot if youre not on top of it losing an important feature is very disappointing. There are actually reasons people don't like this updated system and ive named one of them that is real and not just "whining" and I would like to see this resolved with an update to 2.0 or the game for me is less than it was before regardless the amount of toys added.

  • I like the new barrels interface. I think people are very harsh in their judgement's against it. It really feels like a logical progression to being able to have multiple item types into a single barrel. It's going to allow for any number of items to be added and not have to flood the islands with more barrels for every single item we could need to find in a barrel.

    I get that it's a change from how things used to be, but it's a good change in my opinion. My immersion isn't broken or lost because I have to open a barrel and choose what contents I want to take from it. To me it's simply that, opening the barrels now instead of running past spamming a button.

  • @personalc0ffee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    No apples to oranges comparisons.

    Stop that immediately.

    Barrel 2.0 is staying and will be worked upon.

    Barrel 1.0 is dead. They stated on stream that the sole reason we do not have the Banjo was due to the limiting Radial inventory system.

    That's been improved upon and now they can start giving us things we actually want and move the game forward.

    It is time to move on and look to the future.

    This is way too huge of a price to pay so we can have a banjo...
    This is not an improvement or progression. This is a nightmare.

  • @cjstrongarms said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    Stop sympathizing imo. If your significant other or future husbands/wives/ cheated on you would you just be calm and accept the new system? I certainly would not. I would find new ones.

    I'm not in a relation ship with this or any other game …

    If I go rob a fruit stand in the city right now and stop to pause life while I open my menu and manage my inventory, I will get shot, arrested, or beat up. You would bet that I would grab as many as I could while running and keep running.

    You're probably right, but on the other hand a stolen banana won't cure you after being shot by a sniper rifle.

  • @personalc0ffee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    No apples to oranges comparisons.

    Stop that immediately.

    Barrel 2.0 is staying and will be worked upon.

    Barrel 1.0 is dead. They stated on stream that the sole reason we do not have the Banjo was due to the limiting Radial inventory system.

    That's been improved upon and now they can start giving us things we actually want and move the game forward.

    It is time to move on and look to the future.

    More like it's time to move on and look for a new game.

  • Completely destroyed the flow of the game, which destroys the game. We didnt need barrels. Who cares if you add foods? Lets say you add pineapples or coconut. Who cares? Heres what you needed to do. Leave the barrels how they were, then, add another faction to grind to lvl 50. Thats it. Everybody i know has been begging for this. We dont want a garbage inventory system! We just needed more grinding, more reason for PVP, harder forts. Thats it. This game takes so many hours to get anywhere, so what did you do? Waste more of our time instead of giving us something to work towards. Well guess what, your loyal players can find a far better way to waste their time. From what I can see, they have. You lost sight of the FIRST rule in business, "give the customer what they want". You bite the bullet, fix what people dont like, and they'll be loyal. Thats it

  • @the-b-tra1n

    MORE grinding?

  • Changing an entire UI so they can more easily add a banjo.

    A BANJO.

    Just think about that for a moment.

    Have accepted the barrel changes but Cursed Cannonballs need to practically disappear after the event is over.

  • @aclassali said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    Changing an entire UI so they can more easily add a banjo.

    A BANJO.

    That's.... that's really not why it was changed.

  • Since the change my other half has mentioned to me on a few occasions that I'm not playing any more.

    I played for a few stints when the update came out, and twice the Athena chest didn’t appear, so that was pretty frustrating. But more than anything, when I went to destroy a skeleton ship or two, or help newbies (as there are loads) with the forts, it was a nightmare getting cannon balls, wooden planks and bananas, so I just got fed up and feel no motivation to play.

    Someone mentioned the flow and they’re right, the flow has changed hugely. It’s a shame but exactly what we’ve come to see from Rare who, for some reason, are desperate to change the game rather than add to it.
    Oh well. Plenty of other things for me to be interested in and plenty of new games coming out.

  • @v**a-hombre said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @aclassali said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    Changing an entire UI so they can more easily add a banjo.

    A BANJO.

    That's.... that's really not why it was changed.

    Sorry, a banjo and fish.

  • @aclassali

    Much better!

  • @personalc0ffee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    They stated on stream that the sole reason we do not have the Banjo was due to the limiting Radial

    Oh come on you and I both know that was a lie. There's plenty of room on the radial for stuff and if there wasn't they could just give us more pages. You aren't going to put your banjo in a barrel, we don't need better healing items or SUPER planks, and CCBs can be carry items.

    We don't need this garbage yet.

  • @lu-loop2 said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @personalc0ffee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    They stated on stream that the sole reason we do not have the Banjo was due to the limiting Radial

    Oh come on you and I both know that was a lie. There's plenty of room on the radial for stuff and if there wasn't they could just give us more pages. You aren't going to put your banjo in a barrel, we don't need better healing items or SUPER planks, and CCBs can be carry items.

    We don't need this garbage yet.

    Did you disregard everything else he said? Lol he's right..

    When we hit 3+ pages how is that any more efficient than 2 button presses?

    Not needing it YET is also just opinion. As far as CCB go, we do.

    This also gives everyone time to adjust, suck it up, and get used to it rather than having 9+ items all at once that utilize it, and the inventory system to handle them all dropping at the same time and still having to sit through the "you killedthe game" posts, and then still not even having the feedback and QoL tweaks to it we're now getting, instead of getting them all just when you deem they're needed, and then fixed going forward from there.

  • @seamus-hound @Owl-Hisson well said the both of you. I have seen this scenario we are facing in this game happen before in another pirate rpg I was involved in for like 10 years... so much was changed for the loudest voices of the game’s minority that the majority of players who loved the game as it was inevitable declined so significantly that the company had to sell/hand over its servers to a start up company of a handful of people to keep the servers up.

    All this is to say that I do not understand why all these new items and cursed cannonballs needed to be in the game and in the hands of players. Why Rare? Because you wanted it soloely? Or you think everyone (heck, let’s go with just majority) wanted these type of things?

    Sure the forums had ideas from here to there, but nothing and I mean nothing jumps out to me that was written in the forums in mass stating that they would quit if there wasn’t new magic cannonballs to Crowd Control and easily sink people... or give me new foods or I am out!

    The way I see it the game’s mechanics were already super polished and fluid when it came to ship battles and PVP. Not broken, not needing to be fixed or changed. I think a vast majority of us would have been happy with Rare just channeling their main focus on providing new AI threats, new customization options, and new voyages... a steady flow of all that would be wonderful... and doing all those without changing the fluidity of which battle and PvP mechanics work would have been the ideal. And Yes!, there is absolutely a way we could have had both quick access and enter barrel for UI menu options.

    But there was no need for anything other than NPC’s to have Magic CC ammunition... I loved the equal playing field people had against me. Now I am a magical World of Warthieves level 120 Mage that will crowd control any ill fated crew that comes across me... and I Do Not Want that power for me in this game!

    @Rare Please make this a weekly event that comes around only every couple months or bi-annually... cause a constant wizarding should be saved for a different game of hocus pocus combat.

  • @wesley-sanguin

    Piratical Wizards?!?

    Wizardly Pirates?!?

    alt text

  • @tre-oni said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @lu-loop2 said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @personalc0ffee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    They stated on stream that the sole reason we do not have the Banjo was due to the limiting Radial

    Oh come on you and I both know that was a lie. There's plenty of room on the radial for stuff and if there wasn't they could just give us more pages. You aren't going to put your banjo in a barrel, we don't need better healing items or SUPER planks, and CCBs can be carry items.

    We don't need this garbage yet.

    Did you disregard everything else he said? Lol he's right..

    When we hit 3+ pages how is that any more efficient than 2 button presses?

    Not needing it YET is also just opinion. As far as CCB go, we do.

    This also gives everyone time to adjust, suck it up, and get used to it rather than having 9+ items all at once that utilize it, and the inventory system to handle them all dropping at the same time and still having to sit through the "you killedthe game" posts, and then still not even having the feedback and QoL tweaks to it we're now getting, instead of getting them all just when you deem they're needed, and then fixed going forward from there.

    I think the changes would have been much easier to swallow if the benefit was immediately apparent. As it stands now, it's hard to judge whether this is a change for the better or worse because so far we only have the CCB's as a context to how the expanded menu provides any benefit... and the inclusion of these particular items are controversial enough in the grand scheme of the game. I also think it'll take something that adds significant value to the game to justify disrupting the flow of such simple activities, and without those changes in the game now, it's very hard to see how they will pull that off. Quite frankly if we can't handle 9 different items NOW, we won't be able to handle them in a couple of weeks or months or whatever it takes to see the actual value of this cumbersome system.

  • @dutchyankee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @doctortourettes I don't like it because it is clunky, and unnecessary. Not because I need to get used to it.

    IF and WHEN they introduce so many new materials that a new system becomes necessary then that's a fine. A necessary evil, if you will. But that time is not here and may never come.

    Its clunky yes, but also necessary, with 12 cannonball types the previous system will already fail to accommodate that without being horribly more clunky, either by distributing cannons throughout your ship or making them difficult to use in piles through out your ship.

  • @personalc0ffee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    No apples to oranges comparisons.

    Stop that immediately.

    Barrel 2.0 is staying and will be worked upon.

    Barrel 1.0 is dead. They stated on stream that the sole reason we do not have the Banjo was due to the limiting Radial inventory system.

    That's been improved upon and now they can start giving us things we actually want and move the game forward.

    It is time to move on and look to the future.

    Was not directly comparing, was letting someone know that said "the new system is as fast, if not faster" that there is no way either of those scenarios is true. I don't mind the new system, but I think there were dozens of better ways to implement it. I also believe that this was not in a state to be released at this stage. They should have made it better after hearing pioneers complain about it before they even considered pushing it to live.

    I don't mind the new system, but you go out and loot barrels on an island while doing a legendary...or you board an enemy ship and try to get bananas. I can think of a dozen ways to avoid what comes ;)

  • @tre-oni said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @lu-loop2 said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    @personalc0ffee said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    They stated on stream that the sole reason we do not have the Banjo was due to the limiting Radial

    Oh come on you and I both know that was a lie. There's plenty of room on the radial for stuff and if there wasn't they could just give us more pages. You aren't going to put your banjo in a barrel, we don't need better healing items or SUPER planks, and CCBs can be carry items.

    We don't need this garbage yet.

    Did you disregard everything else he said? Lol he's right..

    When we hit 3+ pages how is that any more efficient than 2 button presses?
    Common sense man. I know exactly on the radial where things are. I can learn those button presses and do them without having to think. A popup UI I have to stare at, and find what I want.

    Again, I don't even mind the new barrel system. I just think they could have given us a way to remove and store items without the need to open this huge clunky thing that half-way works.

  • They actually ARE going to fix barrels. They just aren't going to roll them back.

    On that same token, though, how many things have they announced they were going to fix that are still broken? Some of those have been broken since day one.


  • @venvip1983 Man, this is so funny. I find it pathetic that someone would rage quit because of 'barrels'. HAH, what a joke, it takes a second longer to interact with it after getting used to it, but THAT is what ruins this massively expansive game for you? Enjoy PubG.

  • For what it's worth, here's my 2 gold pieces.

    The barrel system is not that bad. It actually reminds me a lot of crates in Rust, where you can't see the contents before opening as well. With RARE planning to add more items into the game I can see the barrels being more interesting now. There'll be more incentive to explore islands to check the barrels, because you never know what you might find: resources, ccb's, special foods, potions(maybe one day?), journals, messages in bottles, and most importantly treasure! Possibly bags of gold like what we buy from Duke, and I would love to open up a barrel and find a relic. Being able to find small loot in the barrels alone would make it all worth it. Make me want to go down that tunnel, make me want to check out those ruins... because if I do, maybe I'll find something valuable in a barrel. This is of course dependent on those features making it into the game.

    If the new barrels slow down the game a bit, then I'm fine with that too. If it means that people spend more time PvEing and exploring the islands that's a good thing in my book. I've always felt like a fully stocked ship should be the result of PvE, not something you get out of the way in your first ten minutes.

    My only problem with Barrels 2.0 is closing out of the menu. I'm on PC so it isn't very comfortable to press the "x" key. I would prefer if it was simply "f" to enter and also "f" to close. Then with the mouse I can quickly click on what I want to grab and exit the menu without moving my finger.

  • @the-b-tra1n said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    Completely destroyed the flow of the game, which destroys the game. We didnt need barrels. Who cares if you add foods? Lets say you add pineapples or coconut. Who cares? Heres what you needed to do. Leave the barrels how they were, then, add another faction to grind to lvl 50. Thats it. Everybody i know has been begging for this. We dont want a garbage inventory system! We just needed more grinding, more reason for PVP, harder forts. Thats it. This game takes so many hours to get anywhere, so what did you do? Waste more of our time instead of giving us something to work towards. Well guess what, your loyal players can find a far better way to waste their time. From what I can see, they have. You lost sight of the FIRST rule in business, "give the customer what they want". You bite the bullet, fix what people dont like, and they'll be loyal. Thats it

    This x 1,000,000,000

  • @tre-oni said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    When we hit 3+ pages how is that any more efficient than 2 button presses?

    Because barrels are completely different. Having to use the radial for an instrument is not as important as getting bananas before I die.

  • @harlton-cheston said in So they aren't going to fix the barrels:

    My only problem with Barrels 2.0 is closing out of the menu. I'm on PC so it isn't very comfortable to press the "x" key. I would prefer if it was simply "f" to enter and also "f" to close. Then with the mouse I can quickly click on what I want to grab and exit the menu without moving my finger.

    This is one of my two big issues with the system. I also think F to enter and exit the menu would be infinitely better. The other issue I have is the noticeable delay between exiting a menu and button presses registering. If you don't time it right, you'll have to completely depress a movement key and press it again to start moving. This was an annoyance before for me, but this barrel UI exacerbates issue this quite a bit.

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