Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4

  • Rare give us info how it is about the achievements. lots of people have other games to play soon, and can't waste there time in this game only.

    you all know it needs to be fixed let gamers now. or don't put them in the game.

  • @aquila-ezio please stop spamming about this and dont pretend that SoT is the only game you dont have 100% for, you do know its easy to check right ?

    Your achievement levels:
    Sea of thieves 70%
    Assasins Creed Origins 24%
    RiME 8%
    Alien Isolation 54%
    Assasins creed the ezio collection 0%
    Styx Master of shadows 0%
    Ryse son of rome 59%
    Assasins Creed syndicate 77%
    The stick of truth 10%

    And thats only the ones i 100% know for sure u have played and i havent so i know your account added them to the list (apart from SoT) also some of the achievements you miss from SoT are not linked to commandations that have changed....

  • Ok so first off the intention of this post/reply are to give feedback on the update itself and acknowledge the bugs within it. I have almost all the commendations so far and the one that was giving me most issues is the 30 voyages with the reapers mark. If you alliance mid voyage it essentially just drops the voyage and you have to start new which is frustrating. However not a huge deal. Not being able to feed pigs is tough and ruins merchant voyages which is unfortunate because they can be quick voyages which would be great for this commendation aswell especially since pirate legends almost always get multi-part voyages. I believe that the center of gravity or maybe the “bottom” of objects has been moved up and causing issues with barres going half way through the ground aswell as skulls on the beach not being able to get picked up. Also everyone knows now Athena’s voyages are currently bugged. That’s all I have found so far.

  • @cpt-custurd I found the best way to get to the 30 is by partnering with a new player. Those Level 1 voyages are usually one or two easy islands. You help out the new guy, and get easy doubloons!

  • @vargar that’s what I’ve been doing honestly but it’s not always easy finding someone with a mic on a open crew ship lol. But I agree it is the fastest and helps both parties.

  • @khaleesibot

    This was a great patch update, you did an amazing job once again.

    The only thing that doesen't convince me is the infamous "barrel 2.0 upgrade". I mean, the barrel update was a good thing but I think that inside the ships the barrels should be restored as they was (I'm talking about the Bananas, Planks and Cannonbals barrels) and maybe add another barrel for all the other objects (cursed cannonbals, new foods, ecc).

    The reason why I'm saying this is because the rhytm of the PVP fight (inside a ship, of course) now is really broken. Now you cannot grab a banana while running away from an enemy. Now you have to open the barrel inventory, take the items and close the inventory, this actions forces you to stand still and become an easy target for your enemies.
    This is just an example, there are a lot of situations that needs to be more dynamic during an intense battle.

    As i said earlier, the best solution could be restore the ships barrels as they was and add another extra-barrel for the new items.

  • Popping this in here -

    "Due to a technical issue outside of our control we won’t be able to issue the latest game update and run server maintenance in our regular Wednesday slots. We’ll be getting the update into players’ hands as soon as possible and we’ll update you as soon as we’ve locked in a window!"

  • @callmebackdraft yes other games are still open, becasue if good reason with problems and microsft it self, lucky i do not have to explain that to you.

    i hope you never experienced what i have had, because i wish that to no body.

    but if you look again my other games are single player games that i can do on my own time and are not depanded for other people or online things.

    i apologise that i do not trust Microsoft and Rare on this part.
    not giving info about achievements while they have problems with that is not fun.

    i payed for it it should work.
    if the airco from you're car does not work you go back. but you don't get ignored if its normal it get fixed.

    i can't tell that about the achievements.

    and another thing. when it not unlocked it was there in the patch list in there youtube vids. still people find the chievo's lots of problem and no info. that is not nice to the people that play you're game.

    and then SoT is a online game. Online games need to be completed first, you can never trust what happens in online games.

    then you looked at my achievement list and thinks you understand my and how i game instant and better then i.

    Sorry afther all the bad things that happend with Xbox. Xbox is no longer my main console.
    Still have PS3 PS4 Switch and all other computers so..... think a little better next time.

    So maybe i focus on good devs and other games first??????

    example big mistake in GOW 2018 game since new patch contacted SMS got in 1 hour a replay it is now already on the team. they are looking into it.

    Can give a ton of examples that with Ubisoft to.
    So yeah companies that work for microsoft and microsoft self can learn alot about that.

    and if you call all this spamming then you need to start living boy,
    if this all is the worst thing in you're life don't bother with this then.

  • @aquila-ezio but that is the thing, Rare (or at least a dev) has answered the question about the commendation connected achievements, they are working on fixing that but they are also in the hands of microsoft here, if you (as a dev) want an achievement edited you need to put in a request over there and wait on them to give a green (or red) light on it. (Same also goes for PS trophies might i add just sony in that case)

    I call it spamming because you have posted this in a couple of different sections now.

    And no you dont have to explain to me how you play games but you made it seem like sot is the only none 100% game and a quick look at your chievos whiped that argument of the table.

    Also asking them to not add anymore because you might not want to come back to this game and want to keep it at 100%, that is called entitlement.

    Next, yes when your AC in your car breaks you take it back or at least to a mechanic but you cannot expect an issue to be resolved instantanious, not with AC’s AND not with games/software.

    S**t breaks, be it in software or hardware it just needs to get fixed and the dev team is on it even though you are not a believer of this it still holds true, soon we will see the fix to at least the spyglass, athenas and pigs got fixed between monday and yesterday.

    Also the achievements are all attainable at this point (the items are still being added if you deliver them) so you could just keep grinding to their original amounts needed instead of just looking at the commendations.

  • @callmebackdraft '

    again you explain things i already know longer then most people who play this game.

    but still. i am aware that devs can't easy fix the chievo's becasue its another group that takes care of that, no problem.

    but not giving info,

    even they told month ago like something: we are looking into fixing the achievements and we hope we have a plan around .........

    if that was the case i am happy. yes on reddit someone let it know.

    that is my problem. nothing else.
    i can understand that devs want to focus on other things first, but let it KNOW to the gamers.

    and that you think i am notg a believer, yeah is you're opinion and i respect that.

    and that i still can grind for achievements in this game is true. but you have seen my list. rather play something else, untill the chievo's are fixed. to mutch of a grind some chievo's

    and don't get me wrong i like Rare (grow up) with there games.
    and normaly i dislike online alot. but not this game this is realy special.

    i find the negative comments and rewievs sad,so please don't see me as a hater.

    if a companie does something wrong i tell them.
    and when they do a good job i tell it to. and the social online aspect if this game is amezing and i believe that only Rare could make sutch games because of the DNA that Rare always have.

    I am very very happy that a dev posted on reddit that the achievements will get fixed asap. i will come fully back to the game when they are fixed.
    and will keep playing the game even afther i have all the achievements.
    and if there are new achievements i hope they are not so grindy and that the people who think about the achievements think a little bit better next time.

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