Ancient Isles with Alliance Sails bugged - now fixed

  • So at long last I had an alliance of a brig and two sloops for the Ancient Isles and we all most definitely had the AI sails on but the commendation didn't pop. :(
    So is it correct it's glitchy?
    Rare please unlock it for me ;) :)

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  • @scoobywrx555 Ahoy matey!

    They are looking into this one... I think we will hear more on patch day for this one.

  • I submitted a ticket and they said it’s a known issue and they are looking into it. I guess my only question is once it’s resolved and they award it will we get the doubloons if it winds up being resolved after Cursed Sails ends?

  • same. done it twice with alliance and sails. no commendation.

  • Nice to know that they are looking into it. I definitely thought they were all potentially bugged at first.

    I got shores of plenty on my first try. Then the bug on ancient islands. Then I didn't get it on wilds. Then tried ancient islands two more times before doing the wilds again and getting it.

    At that time I didn't realize everyone needed to be present. My first wilds "success" my ally sunk just before we finished so we really didn't succeed. The 2nd time we were all there and it awarded.

    Ancient islands. I've done with one ally 3 times (no sinks) and 4 Allys (our fleet was 2 gallons and 3 brigs) and nothing.

    At the very least it's good it's only one. But I'm worried I won't get it by the end since this upcoming week it's in my worst time slot.

    Here's hoping it gets fixed soon.

  • I have same issue with ancient isles alliance commendation not working. I have made a ticket for support on the 9th. Support say me today that they are investigating it and share us info with next update release info.

  • @musicmee cheers. If they are looking into it I guess I don't need to raise another ticket, I'm sure gamertags have been logged who've done it. Hopefully it will unlock at a later date.
    I'm away next week though coming back on the last night I'll be paranoid and will want to LFG for one final attempt at A.Isles.

  • @scoobywrx555 Aye, no need for a ticket I am sure they are inundated!

    I think the release notes tomorrow will give us a better clue as to whats going on and if we need to redo them to get the doubloons.

  • I also submitted a ticket on the 9th having completed this commendation on the 8th.

    Let's hope they can unlock it soon because these commendations are a real pain to pull off to begin with.

  • @thinkmcfly88 said in Ancient Isles with Alliance Sails bugged:

    I guess my only question is once it’s resolved and they award it will we get the doubloons if it winds up being resolved after Cursed Sails ends?

    Rare will have the data of who did what and when, so as with similar issues with commendations and rewards in the past, I'm sure they'll get pushed through eventually. :)

  • Same here nothing for ancient isles after 2 times

  • @perfectdrift8 said in Ancient Isles with Alliance Sails bugged:

    Same here nothing for ancient isles after 2 times

    Yes twice for me also, fixed or not with next patch I will not be doing it a third time.

  • Yep, same s**t different day (we done it twice) and still not getting the commendation for it.

    The Ancient Isles event is definitely broken for many of us.

    Today we went on to also do The Wilds event and although it is the 15th here in Australia, it didn't award the commendation.

  • @admiral-rrrsole @Captn-StormRage @perfectdrift8

    I would still submit tickets for this issue, in this way the scale of the problem and reports can be logged and recorded by Rare.

  • @katttruewalker Yeah I will thanks Katt.

    Bug report submitted. Request ID: 73707

  • @katttruewalker
    I have and thankyou for your help.

  • @captn-stormrage Ahoy matey!

    I am guessing you have checked out the following in the patch notes?

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.2:

    Thank you to everyone who reported an issue with The Fleet Protector of the Ancient Isles Commendation during Week 2 of Cursed Sails. We’ve issued a fix for this and from now on there’ll be no issue in receiving the Commendation after completing the battle in Week 3.

    Those of you who met the requirements for the Commendation during Week 2 of Cursed Sails but didn’t receive it, we’ve got your data logged and we’re working on a system to deliver you your rewards!

  • @musicmee
    Yes I have and thankyou too for helping out. Only problem is I am still busy at work for some time so I can not log in game to check anything out, but I will continue to be patient and hope for best to see if rewards go out to all those with this unfortunate problem.

  • @katttruewalker bolded text

    Yup I have sent in a ticket after I posted

  • Lovely jubbly! Thanks Rare for fixing. And more time for skelly battles when I return!

  • Those are all bugged. I have had problems with that one unlocking as well for all three zones.

    Not to be negative, but they really should test these things out on a public test server. I had the same problems during Gunpowder Skeleton Week when I wasn't getting any credit for killing 5 skeletons with a gunpowder barrel with another crew on the fort.

    That is the same kind of thing. Either fix your commendations or let us know exactly how to unlock them.

  • Just wanted to stop by and thank all those whom have helped me in getting the Ancient Isles commendation fixed. Received it today and am glad that is over. Hope others are getting their rewards fixed also.

  • @captn-stormrage did it just pop in for you when you loaded up or did you have to fight the battle again?
    Hoping to get on next week and try it again.

  • @scoobywrx555 It does matey, on first login you should get your commendation and doubloons....

  • @musicmee sweet. Though I have missed out on this weeks battles (I assume also pass onto next week as it's extended) so I'll have a goes if I can. What time was the AI slot, 9-1am? Also please don't tell me it was the snake bite one, that sounded evil.

  • @scoobywrx555

    Looks like the wilds! Can't remember which on that is off hand.

  • @musicmee thanks, yup AI is from 8pm. I'm going for that one again, just in case.

  • Hi guys! It worked for me and my friends on wednesday after doing the battle in alliance one more time. It was definitively bugged last week. Good job Rare!

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