Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.1

  • Still missing 10 items from the stores to complete 5 sets.
    Also, all of the new cosmetic item bugs were not fixed, or even acknowledged(Shame on you).
    But the cannon fix thing is great, it can be used properly now =)

  • @sir-lotus said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    @khaleesibot said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    • Players fired from cannons will no longer occasionally travel in unintended directions.
    • Firing yourself out of a cannon no longer causes muffled cannon audio to persist.


    This is almost as good as the event itself :')

  • Great update! Thanks everybody. I asked for Thursday off. Hopefully I can get a head start on the new captains.

  • 2 weeks no Kraken with no ETA when she'll be back...kind of expecting a rework at this point. Maybe we'll finally get to see the face of the beast.

  • @guepard4 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    Known Issues
    Inclined characters <------------------- Don't forget this ¬¬

    I don't find inclined characters to be an issue. It's the disinclined characters that really aggravate me...

  • Still miss the Friendly fire disabled in Alliance.

  • @nd3e USA Pacific time would be great

  • Oh and... I still hope to see better Skeleton Forts !

  • The cannon misfire glitch being fixed is amazing! Nice job team! I am so so excited about that :)

  • Forts doesn't seems to be 100% in this Live Build... Skellies walk a bit glitchy here.

    And the Ghost Skelly waves need a twerk.... Ghosts with pistols, snipers, blunderbuss and gunpowder at night? what were you thinking when you decided this? ahaha

  • Anyone able to confirm what the new cursed cannonballs are this week?

  • Why do merchant crates now sink and become unavailable to pick up from sunken ships? What was the problem with being able to loot them?

  • @peteloaf777

    Anyone able to confirm what the new cursed cannonballs are this week?

    I can confirm one locking your supplies in The Ancient Islands battle and one dropping your anchor in The Wilds battle :)

  • Appreciate the changes!

    Is there any reimbursement (/catch up period maybe?) in sight for those who missed out on Week 1 commendations due to issues fixed in this patch though?

    We only got one of the three crews due to ships despawning for no discernable reason or battles completely restarting despite being in the area and then running out of play time as these battles take foreeeeeeeever. It's the first commendations I've missed since the Bilge Rat adventures started 😭

  • Patch isn't queueing up on my computer. Reinstalling because it won't update, I have the time to do this but others might. May want to figure out why the xbox app isn't applying patch for others?

  • @treefittymonsta The Xbox App has nothing to do with updating your game. It's the Windows Store App. And a lot of people have this problem. You need to push the update manually, like it is described here: Link Text

  • @khaleesibot Good Job Guys! Keep going like this...SOT is becoming my GOAT!!!

  • The Brigantine’s missing bell has now been found and added.

    I haven't rofled at a patch note this hard "in a good minute." I imagine the dev avatars heads bowed, spyglasses pointed at the flooring of the ship, peeking around barrels, looking for a darned bell......

    Then finding it and hammering it into place conspiratorially hoping no one notices it was missing.


  • @khaleesibot the timings issue being fixed to some extent is very much appreciated!

    I'm glad the cannons have been fixed and the battle timers for despawn and spawn will be a godsend along with the extra time to see barrels of plenty (who knew they were called that??!)

    Looking forward to getting online to play.

  • @nd3e said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    @treefittymonsta The Xbox App has nothing to do with updating your game. It's the Windows Store App. And a lot of people have this problem. You need to push the update manually, like it is described here: Link Text

    Er windows store app? Where can I download that. It always sends me to a website for the store.

  • @treefittymonsta It's already installed on Windows 10. Should be in your Taskbar. Actually it's called Microsoft Store. My bad.

  • @nd3e said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    @treefittymonsta The Xbox App has nothing to do with updating your game. It's the Windows Store App. And a lot of people have this problem. You need to push the update manually, like it is described here: Link Text

    I wonder why everything can't be in just hopping.around to multiple apps. Wish Microsoft would look at valves steam for a precedent on how a gaming app should work. Xbox trash.

  • @treefittymonsta said

    I wonder why everything can't be in just hopping.around to multiple apps. Wish Microsoft would look at valves steam for a precedent on how a gaming app should work. Xbox trash.

    It is all in that one app, mate.
    Mine has just updated automatically.
    I opened the Microsoft Store app to download and it says "Modified minutes ago".

  • @admiral-rrrsole It's not in one app. Microsoft Store and Xbox App are two seperate apps. And you can't update your installed games and apps from the Xbox App. You have to open the Store for that. And I said the same thing as @treefittymonsta in another thread: Why is it so complicated and not like Steam,, Uplay?

  • So what do we do when PC doesn't update the game and lists no updates? I can't play because of a version mismatch and Sea of Thieves refuses to update.

  • @nd3e For a PC the updates are all in the Microsoft Store. Why would anyone on PC open the Xbox app to download updates?
    Different apps for different purposes.

    Steam is great but I don't think it caters for consoles. That being said, it is easier for them to focus on one platform, the PC.

    With both Windows 10 and the Xbox being Microsoft they could merge the two together but then what of other programs on Win 10? Where would you be expected to download their updates? Not all Win 10 users are gamers so they would complain if all updates were accessed via the Xbox app.

  • @Admiral-RRRSole I know all that. But @treefittymonsta didn't, so I was trying to help him.
    @treefittymonsta sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    Patch isn't queueing up on my computer. Reinstalling because it won't update, I have the time to do this but others might. May want to figure out why the xbox app isn't applying patch for others?

  • Good gosh why is the MS Store so complicated. For any PC users having trouble. Open the Microsoft store, hit the "..." icon by your profile. go to "my library" and down to downloads on the left. THEN in the upper right there is a "get updates" button. That should solve the issue.

    This is a terrible games app, but it's not SoT fault.

  • @musicmee

    I prefer listening to Joe as I go sleep... He just has one of those voices...

    To much information, mm

  • @ghost-0f-dawn Correct with the exception of "my library".

    Step #1.
    Open the Microsoft Store app.

    Step #2.
    Open the menu to the right of profile.
    Sometimes this doesn't appear so close and reopen the app until it does.

    Step #3:
    Click the "Downloads and updates" menu item.

    Step #4.
    Click the "Get updates" button.

    Sometime, as with mine, this has already been updated automatically. :o)

  • Great update! It seems some of the flag wonkiness has been ironed out, too. Unfortunately, I discovered a rather serious "infinite flooding" bug that nearly sank our sloop. I reported it and started a thread. Hopefully it's rare enough that it won't cause too much grief before a fix is rolled in.

  • @chitownsace3 game and real world dates do not relate together 😉 Pick your watch on the second page of your items and you will se the date of the server you are on. This can vary.

    From there, 1h=1minute, 24h=24 min

    You Would then spend « 10 game days » if you play 4 hours.

    Been lucky enough to connect and get different dates to do the other ships.

  • @nd3e said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    @Admiral-RRRSole I know all that. But @treefittymonsta didn't, so I was trying to help him.
    @treefittymonsta sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    Patch isn't queueing up on my computer. Reinstalling because it won't update, I have the time to do this but others might. May want to figure out why the xbox app isn't applying patch for others?

    I usually reinstall at every patch because the game usually crashes if I only apply the patch.

  • @khaleesibot said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    @siriondb said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:


    Interesting because I think I've experienced this issue around Old Salts on a Brigantine. I'll make sure to review the footage and submit a bug report.

    You should too.

    Yes please @X1-Two! We're currently investigating this, but please submit a bug report with any supplementary information. Thank you!

    FYI it is when you are bailing water while standing on your boat... anywhere around that Old Salts Atoll when you toss water it hits you (or something just in front of you) and splashes back down at your feet.

    If you are on your ship, you are just cycling the water into a bucket, and right back onto your ship. If you fill the bucket and leave the ship before dumping the water it will not re-enter your ship.

  • @peteloaf777 lowers anger, broken legs, and can't use ship resource barrels.

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