How To: Use Basic and Advanced Combat Techniques

  • @dcbiscuit02 said in How To: Use Basic and Advanced Combat Techniques:

    It’s a shame that most players don’t bother to actually sword fight and just use the blunderbuss since, you know, it’s the blunderbuss.

    I tend to prefer sword and flintlock just because the blunder's range is too close for comfort trading off accuracy for potential damage. A skilled sword player can be quite harsh to a blunderbuss that's missed it's mark as you can get 3 to 4 good slashes in before they are reloaded and by that time many a player will go into panic mode to attempt to heal up rather than take the second shot.

  • Few techniques that may need mentioning

    sword lunging a shark just before it strikes stuns it out of its attack.

    S k e e t i n g
    using a blunderbuss/blunderbomb/cutlass charge to throw a player into the air purposely restricting their movement so u can take a finishing shot.

    Silent board Boarding while cutlass blocking muffles the boarding noise

    **Out of sight out of mind **
    Players can't aim straight up or down meaning their is a small safe zone under and above them this trick is mostly useful in the water for reloading and eating.

  • This is great. Im going to spend a few hours on some of these techniques. Thank you.

  • I have recently learned that the ability to quickly block or aim off of a ladder actually applies to ALL interactables! This is huge!

    I updated my recent entry accordingly.

  • @xzodeak said in How To: Use Basic and Advanced Combat Techniques:

    Few techniques that may need mentioning

    sword lunging a shark just before it strikes stuns it out of its attack.

    S k e e t i n g
    using a blunderbuss/blunderbomb/cutlass charge to throw a player into the air purposely restricting their movement so u can take a finishing shot.

    Silent board Boarding while cutlass blocking muffles the boarding noise

    **Out of sight out of mind **
    Players can't aim straight up or down meaning their is a small safe zone under and above them this trick is mostly useful in the water for reloading and eating.

    I will test these this evening, and if they work as you say, I will see about adding them to the list (though, I already had the silent boarding technique listed). Thank you for your contribution!

  • I would suggest putting your "legend" first. I read threw most of them thinking "what do these random letters mean?"

  • @shifty189 Thank you for the advice. I actually created the letter concept after most of the post and edited it accordingly. I will give your idea some consideration.

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