[CLOSED] Win Wednesday - Sea of Thieves Cursed Sails T-shirts giveaway!

  • Pirates Ahoy!

    I am sailing in on the waves of great news!
    A Forum giveaway is here again, this time with exclusive Cursed Sails themed merchandise!

    FIVE lucky pirates get a chance to win this vibrant T-shirt. To enter, reply to this thread telling us about your first encounter with the mighty and terrifying skeleton crews!

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    Winners will be picked randomly and announced at 4PM BST tomorrow.
    Best of luck!

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  • Aye we laid eyes upon them near marauder's arch we did. A fouler gathering of villains then ever before. But even harder then fighting them off, was communicating with our alliance brethren.

    For lo and behold: Only Italian did they speak, and none of our crew did.

    We put up a mighty effort, but alas...

    We were thwarted by the clock as the event ended while fighting the very last skelly ship...

  • My first encounter... we showed up when a few other boats were killing the captain.. captain sunk and the boats took off. While we loaded up some left over loot, the whole event started over , the ships had no skeletons aboard and sunk easily. We defeated the captain again ourselves, and loaded up loot. While loading loot it again started over.. we realized the potential this had and stayed and farmed until we ran out of supplies and made off with a pretty heavy boat full of loot

  • @old-salt-gorg first encounter was at shark bait cove.
    We 3 got drunk, filled our buckets with vomit, sunk and got eat by sharks.

  • I was sailing out of Smugglers Bay to see what its all about. A lone sloop was also sailing in the same direction as me but far enough away that I wasn't worried, yet. 10pm rolls around and the horn sounds. There was nothing around me, just calm waves. Then I heard a cannon fire. Poor little sloop didn't stand a chance. The skellies were on them, so I rushed over to help in my sloop. They had the same idea as I noticed they turned right into me to lead the skellies towards my cannons. One problem, the skellies rammed me head on. There ship came to a grinding halt and I ponders wither to board them or turn my cannons. I turned my cannons and fired. At this point I don't know where the other sloop had gone, probably left me to die. I fought the good fight and after taking some shots I went to bail. Then I noticed that they where getting shots on me every two seconds again and again. To my dismay I realized something, there was no more cannon fire but the all to familiar music, the edge of the map. I go up and in the heat of the fight I made a fateful error, I did not pay attention to where the fight was taking place. The red waves roared in all directions. So I played my gurdy and slowly descended into Davey Jones locker.

  • We came upon a north east bearing after a routine stop for supplies and rum swilling tales at Marauders Arch searching for spoils floating among the waves circling a lonely rock. Then suddenly a eerie music started to play and seas began to boil an avast y scurvy dogs there they be! a bonefied crew of devil spawn straight from davy jones locker! We questioned the stability of of new ship the SS Just Brig It! and if she be the sturdy sea fairing vessel the shipwright had sold us on at golden sands. But to think back on it we were in the tavern most of the day and the usual robust Sharon looked very slim and lovely after hours of grog swilling. Just when we thought we could best these fowl creatures another demon crew spawned up from the depths! Cannon ball after cannon ball we dodged and repaired. Many times were struck into dancing fools while the Brig It just filled and gurgled with water. Be she be a true and sturdy vessel surviving the first two onslaughts sending the beasts back to the depths. But our celebration was short lived as two new demon crews spanned up from the depths and shortly turned us into dancing drowning fools as we heard our own breath leave us we could only see the foul beasts sailing away with a gut wrenching laughter eminating from the boat. All we had left was the empty sign that use to be our Brig It!

  • @old-salt-gorg Our crew, The Angry Powderkeg, met with another crew who were all French and we made an alliance, funnily enough called the Angry PowderMonkeys. We sailed west of Shark Bait Cove and attacked the skeleton ships while fighting off a megaladon! We emerged victorious, and left with enough treasure to last us a lifetime.

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg
    It was the dawn on the 1st of the month and both our sister ship and ours were docked at Golden Sands, awaiting the skeleton’s challenge. At the first sign of light upon the horizon, we dashed to our ships, overflowing with cannon crates, wooden planks crates, and banana crates that the merchant alliance had so “graciously” parted with for the war effort against the undead. With anchors raised, we road the winds, skipping across the waters like a recently tossed stone. Soon our boatswain spotted a faint erie glow upon the horizon, the silhouette of the skeletal vessel. As we drew near, we could make out the form of a sloop, riddled with pock marks from where the undead’s cannons had punched through. Acting fast one our crew members swam over to them with a crate of planks as the rest sailed forward, hoping to save their vessel and gain an ally. As the battle raged on, cannons roared, each blast a reminder of the challenge we have taken upon ourselves. With each passing wave, more of our crew fell. Our helmsman to a cannon to the skull, a quick yet brutal fall. Our main cannoneer to the megalodon who rose upon from the shadowing depts. Even the crew our of flag ship who were undone by the very powder kegs they had planned to use on the skeletons. Before long, the battle subsided and a new dawn was upon us. Many had not made it. In the time that had past, three brigs and two sloops had sunk and returned, fighting with what last gasps of breath they had. With the skeletal menance now sunk, her bounty laid upon the waters ripe for the picking. In a blow of greed, one of the brigs who had fought along side us stormed forth to claim it for themselves, a fools errand none the less as the ship was met with volleys from those who stayed among the alliance. As we sailed back to port on the 6th of the month, each one of us carried back with us a memory of the battle that had been fought.

  • @old-salt-gorg I was surprised on how good the ai was made! The skeletons really know how to man a ship and shoot cannons, and it was overall a tough battle with those Grogballs.

  • @old-salt-gorg my first encounter last night happened with our crew of 4. We could not find any other ships on the server, so we headed towards the fight alone. everything was quiet. All of us listening, watching. Then surprise!!! Skeleton ship birthday party and Meg decided to join.

  • First encounter: went to battle in fresh galleon. Ran out of planks. Sank quickly. Lesson learned.

  • I was playing with my friends on the new Brigantine and we had no idea what was about to happen.
    We managed to get one ship down and were so proud, little did we know that there were tree more ships coming from the bottom of the ocean. They hit us with their cursed cannonballs, we got drunk and threw vomit on each other. We couldn't repair the ship in time and sunk pretty fast.

  • My first experience was while part of an alliance, after taking down the first skeleton ship, the other crews in the alliance decided they wanted all the treasure for themselves so they dropped our gunpowder barrels, sinking us. They forgot to come out of the alliance so we still got something at least

  • We came up the scourge of the seas and say a friendly sloop attacking them we rushed to them joined the alliance and sank those cursed sailors back to Davy jones. HOWEVER the Megalodon decided to join in. The sloop sank we defeated the cursed crew but ran out of planks and sank too. We spawned 1 island over however and rushed back! Only to find that the encounter is still active and restarted for some reason lol. We got the achievement but the loot was lost. Thanks megalodon!

  • Made a alliance with a brig and another Galleon right away at golden sands outpost. Headed out to location that was on skellie sign.

    once at location ghost ships spawned on both sides of us and went full pirates of the Caribbean on us.Lighting up both sides of our ship.
    All we could do is dance from the curses coming in our walls non stop.

    Finally the brig in our alliance came in and took the brunt of the pounding as we were able to patch and rejoin the fray.

    We sunk wave after wave. Seemed like we were only ship that collected loot so we had a lot. (most just sailed away for next fight) the brig sunk and the galleon was rubbing hulls with last ghost ship. We went in for ram and boarded which let us guard last holes in ghost ship until they fully sunk.

    Way to much action to log it all, We did have the meg show up also and had to send the other galleon after him as we fought skellies.

    was amazing, Love the lore/story and the battles.

    Great job rare very fun cant wait to get back on today.

  • First skeleton crew we fought it was just my buddy and myself on our Brig, we fought it together with another brig and a sloop. We were wholly understocked to have taken them on ! We greatly did not expect the amount of balls and planks we would use during the battle. But we had a blast. Especially afterwards when the two other ships just sailed to the horizon and we noticed that the skeleton ships dropped loot. So we got it all for ourselves.

  • @old-salt-gorg
    I was heading to the spot, and ended up teaming up with 2 brigs and 2 sloops. All of us started an alliance and kick some skeleton bum!
    After the fight it was neat just watching all of them sailing around on your map. I think that's a really cool feature.

  • Me and me best mates, Matt Man and Secomber we sailing the seas on the new Brigantine, we formed an alliance with another Brigantine and set sails North East ward from Dagger Tooth where since we were told of some sorcery we needed to take care of! My crew and the other Brigantine were pondering what the Music notes meant on the help wanted sign as we sailed to East of Marauder's Arch.

    We arrived and started fighting the dreadful ships, both crews had a hoard of Gunpowder Barrels they would use to fend them off. Keeping one or two faithful crew member on board to endlessly patch, repair, steer and bail the tireless brigantine, and the others to harass the undead adversaries. Actions were very hard to perform onboard due to the devilry that forced our crew to dance like monkeys, endlessly stunning them.

    As the team of 6 were searching for a stop to the endless waves of the undead servants of Wanda, they arrive on the final wave of ships, the captains wave. With less than ten planks on both ships, we fought valiantly, eventually we needed two people bailing at once on each ship to keep the girls afloat. Now, disaster struck, the other crew sank. While the captain made his way back to the battlefield, my beauty was taking on water from all sides, needing 3 people to bail water out of her while reinforcements came.

    With my whole crew and one of the other crew members on my ship, we were able to keep bailing water, but eventually our plan collapsed, all four of us got hit by the incantation of their cannonballs, making us all dance, then volley after volley we were locked in place forced to watch as our ship sank into the depths of the ocean, not being able to do anything about it.

    Once we sank, my captain left to bring our brigantine back. Now it was time to stall and keep the captain wave around, we were not going to give up so easily. My swimming towards it, the no brained captain was not able to leave because of a duty, one sworn to finish off its challengers. I was helping as much as I could but with no fruit to heal my wounds or ammo to my trusty Eye of Reach, I would fall to sharks who smelled my blood in the water.

    Eventually the other brigantine made its way back and got the captain's ship down to its last undead breath, waiting for my captain's ship to sail back. We slew the corrupt galleon and a bond was not forgotten. With the alliance formed we shared the loot between each other, selling the skulls of their leaders and their treasure. The unforgettable teamwork lead us to work together to eradicate the wrong doing ships that would come to challenge us throughout the day.

  • @old-salt-gorg it was awesome I hope it never changes. Last night was the most fun I’ve ever had playing this game and I’m loving the alliance system.

  • After the frightful sight of an undead captain and a cowering outpost me and me first mate set out for Shark Bait Cove. As soon as we arrived just west of the island the seas began to rumble as a huge black mass appeared under the waves besides us. The bow of a broken ship broke the surfaces as it leaped out of the depths like a dolphin, firing at us the whole way up. With limited supplies and being caught by surprise the undead ship took me crews life...

  • Went out with two allied Brigs. We each sank once but kept the fight alive. Sank two skelly ships only to realize more we spawning and neither ship had the actual captain on it. Got valuable experience but overall epic failure.

  • We set upon the cursed crew, and although we ran out of time the first go, we sent them all to the locker the second time.

  • I think there should be game add ons like outfits and sword packs stuff like that, it would make you(rare) money and make us happy so we don’t have to grind so much like 13,600 for a jacket which will take us half hour 🙂

  • we formed an alliance with another brigantine on golden sands than we found the skeleton ships and sink them in 10mins.

  • My first encounter :,) I remember being sailing with my galleon crew and we saw 3 brigantines fighting against a galleon with blue lights or at least that's how we saw it our first time, I remember that when we got close to it, they went underwater and I said wow that's so cool! And then the guys in the brigantine told us to join their alliance so we did and then that skeleton galleon returned with 2 other ships they surrounded us and when we were sinking a sloop came from the horizon but sadly it was a solo sloop and it didn't really change anything but at least he tried, at the end we sunk and the time for that battle had ended
    The skeletons had won the battle of the ancient isles but not the war...

  • I was soloing in a sloop investigating the mystery surrounding the missing weapons smith and her shop at Golden Sands when a brigantine approached, offering an Alliance with me. They, and other ships that followed afterwards, were to defend the Shores of Plenty from the crew of the Cursed Helm. I was more than willing to accept their offer of joining, and once we finished planning and resource gathering, we set off to the battle North West of Smuggler's Bay.

    Despite being a solo sloop, I managed the first few waves of the skeletal crew, but eventually I hit a roadblock. As I was emerging from the bottom deck after some repairing, I found to my dismay that two of the ships had me between themselves, positioned to hammer the sloop from both sides. I was primed to fight when I slipped, doomed to watch as my craft was reduced to a wooden pulp, and forced to take refugee on a brigantine.

    After taking revenge on the skeleton crew for my sunken sloop, we took what loot we can scavenge from the waters and returned to the nearest outposts to secure our hard earned loot. After giving my farewells, I set out to continue my investigation into the missing weapons smith and her partner in crime, delving deeper into the mystery.

  • I... uuuh... let's just say I won't be getting so cocky as to roam around the designed battle spots in a sloop next time, heheh.

  • I joined an open crew for The Brigantine (Hype). It was fun to saw a ship that is between the massive galleon and the tiny sloop. I asked the other crewmates where we are going towards to. They said: We are going to kill some Skeleton ships. I was hyped but was a little scared too, because I was not sure we can handle that. I said that and they say: LOOK BEHIND YOU! I turned around a saw 2 other Brigantine and a galleon behind us. When I realized we are not alone, I was ready! It was so cool to saw a huge team of pirates helping each other. We managed to get to the place where the skeleton ship should spawn, We heard a music tune and a few seconds later... The ship was behind us, we all screamed and began to shoot. Together we fought the ships, Together we defeated the Skeleton ships, Together we won. (sorry for my grammar! :p)

  • Well, lets just say a megalodon, 2 AI ships and 4 ships, one of which were traitors all at the same time is a nightmare and an amazing time.

  • I thought i would have a little nose on a sloop....Massacred is an understatement to say the least... ill leave it at that lol.

  • I love that skeletons but are haaaard out alliances!! My first encounter was a disaster!! All deads and skeletons laungs...

  • Played with my Dad and Brother on a Brigantine, in an alliance with another Brigantine and a sloop. Made it to the Capt. ship and another ship with him, my brother boarded and killed the Capt on his ship...

    Both of the skeleton ships disappeared and nothing... we sailed around a bit and then a single skeleton ship came up from the depths we sunk it and then two more showed up. We realised the fight had started from the beginning again. So we logged off.

    Was fun fighting the ships and being part of an alliance. Just wish we hadn't had the fight start from the beginning after killing the Capt with no reward.

  • Amidst rumors of a rogue weaponsmith, the crew of the Black Bullet sought out clues from many isles upon the sea of thieves. The adventure brought them together with another crew of a fine galleon as they explored a hidden alchemical lab. The discovery at that lab was so astonishing that they formed an alliance to end the scourge of skeletons roving the seas of plenty. Taking up the challenge we made our way to the skeleton ships berth, only to find empty sea. We were all decieved as the ships rolled up from the waves and engaged. After the sinkong of no less than five of their a
    ships we thought all was done until the grim captain himself rose and fired accursed cannonballs disabling our ships. All was almost lost then, low on shot and full of desperation a miraculous thing occured. From the depths a great megaladon rose with fury upon the dreaded captain and his two ships. Chunk after chunk taken from their ship as we all boarded them for a final stand. We survived and made off with only a wrecked galleon and a single skull, the skull of that ghastly captain, and our black bullet having sunk in the battle. So ended the battle for the seas of plenty...but rumors emerge yet again of more threats beyond in the ancient isles and the wilds.

  • @old-salt-gorg
    My first encounter with Cursed Sails was in a solo-sloop. Needless to say, it didn't end well lol

  • Rammed it hard! Ran down do the hull.

    Realized I had no bananas.

    Realized they all had a blunderbuss.

    Realized they were leafies.

    Realized I was dead.


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