Meg's Grog - The best way to celebrate Shark Week!

  • Meg's Grog - My take on an 1816 recipe Chowder Beer
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    In honour of the Shark Week competition going on I thought I'd give it a go myself and create something I could submit. Unfortunately, I'm not great at video creation and can't take a decent screenshot to save my life, so that shot that plan out of the water...

    Instead, I cut my losses and settled on doing something I can do much better and made a celebratory brew! It's loosely based on a recipe from 1816 that I found online for an old style called 'Chowder Beer'. No fish/sharks/megalodon/chowder actually go into the brew but it seemed like the perfect thing to make and the name alone really fits the tone of the Sea of Thieves.

    The recipe called for Black Spruce needles (which I couldn't easily get hold of) so I freestyled it and substituted the spruce for Juniper Berries. Add a dash of lime to keep the scurvy at bay, plenty of molasses to feed the yeast and then ferment it for a week and you end up with what I'm calling Meg's Grog - my homebrew take on Chowder Beer.

    In true pirate fashion it really is cobbled together with whatever ingredients I had to hand, but it came out surprisingly well. With a final ABV of 3%, it's a piney, light wine beer with an ever so slight liqourice sweetness on the finish. All in all, the perfect drink to see off a successful voyage with.

    Here's to the Crew!

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