Add a way to save outfits

  • Different clothes and appearances for different occasions and crews... There should be a way to save an outfit (including the weapons, equipment and vanity chest items). Ideally you can have an infinite amount of slots for outfit sets. All you have to do is equip everything you want in that slot and say "Save Outfit". This can then be accessed later when you want that outfit again, only it'll be much faster than equipping every part one at a time. Various other games have implemented this feature, especially in Sandbox worlds.

  • 13
  • @johnson-carl Same for ship customizations! Yeah this feature would be awesome :)

    I wonder if anything like this will be included in the pirate customization updates that are coming?

  • @johnson-carl Ahoy matey!

    This is a neat idea, I love the idea of having saved outfits I can hop in and out of. There are a few item combinations I can remember that I would love to save as a complete outfit so I don't have to remember them every time!

    A pirate wardrobe would be awesome!

    Love this idea a lot!

  • Been looking for this post for along time! I had to share online to let others know.

    With all the customization added in now after the anniversary update. This should be a feature for sure!

    My would I love to save outfits and my ships.

  • Yes, please for outfits and ship saves 💯

  • It's an old post but i'm still hoping this feature will come to the game! Right now i've made screenshots of all my outfit combo's, but it would be incredible to just have them saved in-game.

  • I think the term you are looking for is a loadout.

  • Right now when i connect i have different equipment 24/7, hilarious :P

  • Yes please, would love this to be an idea! It would be so much easier to change clothes, it would be nice to have it on ships to!

  • It wouldn't even have to be a lot. Just like three. Three presets to jump between. Everyone would appreciate this incredibly.

  • @kestro250 This is true.

  • This suggestion is 2 years old :(
    I still really want it !

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