Why is so many people wanting PvE servers????

  • I see this in alot of threads, people complaining about PvP and how the game is unfair because some meanie came and took your loot, those people really annoy me, here is why PvE servers would be just plain rubbish:

    1. PvP is one of the main aspects of the game, with only the people who want to do PvP, it takes out the danger
    2. There would be no way your boat could be defeated (unless you rammed it into a rock on purpose)
    3. It is easy to avoid PvP, all you have to do is to look out for other ships
    4. without PvP, the game just becomes sailing, finding treasure and killing skeletons.
    5. Your loot is not yours until you sell it! You have to be careful and wary about enemy pirates, if you meet someone, befriend them but then they stab you in the back, thats your fault, you can't get angry with betrayers and ruthless killers in a game about PIRATES!

    some points may have repeated themselves but most are different. Please share your thoughts down below

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  • For some reason Sea of Thieves, a team-based online multiplayer game with heavy first-person shooter influences, has a lot of players that play alone and want to be left alone.

    But to be prepared for and fend off a PvP encounter you have to have a crew and you need to know how to work as a team.

    So naturally, those who play alone often undergo situations that leave them with a negative aftertaste. And instead of adapting their playstyle, e.g. by joining a crew, they want the game to be changed instead.

    Fact is if you're playing in a crew and you got your teamwork sorted out there simply is no griefing, bullying, ganging up and so on in this game, it's just pirate crews digging for treasure and from time to time stealing other crews treasures.

  • I think there’s a problem but it’s not a Sea of Thieves problem: we all need a full single player pirates RPG. Ses of Thieves is a different beast altogheter and can’t satisfied everyone.

  • I understand both sides of the spectrum. I have no real-life friends who play this game (they quit playing after a week or two). Playing with randoms is impossible because they usually are terrible and do what they want and don't think ahead of any consequences. The good players I happen to meet online during games, while we add one another, often stop playing as well after maybe another few weeks. So I am forced to play solo a lot as I find I am usually better off solo than I am with some random jerk who just wants to stand on my boat and get drunk, throw my loot overboard, etc. I wish there was a way to show players in the world that I mean them no harm, and just want to sail and do my voyages. I am not against PVP entirely though, as I have no problem attacking a ship if they are leaving a fort, or heading towards an outpost or if I am passing a island and see them loading a chest on board or something. But what annoys me is when I am already at an outpost and someone attacks me when I tell them I just joined the game, or when I am trying to do a merchant voyage and all I have are chickens and pigs which are worth nothing to other players unless they have the exact same voyage I do. Things like that are what bother me and while I do know without PVP entirely, the game would be dull and the excitement of whether another ship is friend or foe adds the the game, PVE or maybe people playing the game who are not bloodthirsty killers would make it more enjoyable for people who just want to sail and do their own things. While this is a sandbox type game, there are true ways to play the game, hence why voyages are built in. Other days, I just don't feel in the mood to fight with people. No, I am not bad it, I have solo sank countless 2-man sloops before, but sometimes you just want to go about your own business.

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