A friendly encounter turned terrible....

  • Gah, had an experience that left a bad taste in my mouth last night. I'm well aware this is Sea of Thieves, and you can't trust anyone or count on truces to be upheld, but last night left me bitter. A friend and I sailed over to a new skull fort on our duo sloop and got to work. Just a few minutes in and a galleon rolled up. We're friendly and always wait for the other ship to attack us before we engage, so when they showed up we said hello. Luckily, they were friendly, and the five of us all started working on the fort together. Unknown to us, though, a second sloop had rolled up. While we were working on the fort, they kegged the galleon.... who saw it and thought it was my friend and I. They went from friendly to cussing us out. I repeatedly tried saying that it wasn't us, pointing out the second sloop and the fact that our ship had been kegged too, but they stared sneering at what I was saying and responding with nasty things. The second sloop had two guys on it who kept saying very vulgar and racist profanity (I wanted to report but didn't catch their names), and playing ear piercing screeching and static sounds through their mics, all while the galleon was still going into my friend and I. We ended up sinking, but took the second sloop out with us. By the end there were two people from the galleon, two from the second sloop, and myself on the ferry. While the second sloop members ran around with their soundboards going off, the galleon members walked up and got in my face, literally following my pirate around and blocking my view of anything until the doors open. I tried telling them one last time that it wasn't us, but they ignored anything I said. My friend and I both respawned on a far away island and decided to call it quits for the night. 5 AM and a bad experience don't go well together. Hopefully my next voyage will be better.

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  • @valenion

    But your experience goes beyond the "work together until they turn on you" type of thing that usually happens with pirates. It would be expected if you worked together, took out the fort than one crew killed the other, grabbed the loot and sailed away. In this case, you had a 3rd party trolling both you and the other crew, turning them against you even outside the normal game world.

  • @valenion Should be "A friendly encounter turned pirate" Bravo mysterious hero!
    alt text

  • @betsill I don't really think screaming black n***a and blasting ear piercing electronic pitches is worthy of a bravo.

  • @valenion I missed that part while I was skimming the post. The part about turning 2 crews against each-other and sinking the ships is still good pirating though lol

  • @betsill I've got no qualms with pirating like that. Might be unpleasant to go against, but it comes with the game. My post was really about the vulgar insults and the harassment from both crews.

  • That's a great attitude to have! There's always tomorrow. Many community members could learn a thing or two from you!😉

  • @valenion

    I find it appalling, the language some crews use in game, that 'because it's a game' you're somehow exempt from all the 'isms' and language that half the time you wouldn't use in real life.

    It used to be that the recent player list would show not only friends you'd played with but those who you'd encountered on the seas, this doesn't seem to be working properly for me now, but you could then retroactively report and block such players.

    If you believe that an Xbox LIVE player has violated the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct, you can file a complaint against that player. To do so, open the player's profile, select File Complaint, and choose the specific reason for the complaint. You may choose from the following:

    Profile: The player's gamertag, personal picture, or personal information contains inappropriate material.
    Text and Voice Communications: The player used vulgar, hateful, harassing, or threatening language in voice or text communications.
    Video Communications: The player was vulgar, hateful, harassing, or threatening in video communications.
    Tampering: The player tampered with a game, an Xbox 360 console, Xbox LIVE, or the feedback system.

  • @katttruewalker I used to love having enemies on "recents". If they cursed during fights I'd message them saying " We're having a blast fighting with you guys.....try and do the same...... Have fun and keep it clean, great job or you almost had us!". You'd be surprised what a little clean banter and compliments can do to people. More often than not vulgarity became laughter on the ferry with lines like " How'd that barrel taste" or "Look! The rabbit died!" I wish they'd bring it back😐

  • @bern-dimall

    Aye, very true, a little humour goes a very long way and I wish they would too!

  • Hindsight 20/20 and very basic but if one of the five was a lookout and warned the group as a whole this could have possibly been avoided.

  • @bahamutxzer0 the entire initial encounter all happened within the span of a minute, maybe two. not even a wave with the galleon completed. i turned around and killed one skeleton after we made friendly, and then the keg went off.

  • @bern-dimall , @KattTruewalker , it can also, sadly work the other way, whereby very salty individuals would report your for "griefing", even if all you have done is play the game, battle and sink their galleon fairly and without toxicity, before going on to win the fort.
    Happened to me before in the very early days and I was not impressed.

  • Some people are just begging to be sunk, I play with a Danish guy who's white IRL but has a black character and another guy who's from Tobago so I see quite a lot of this sadly, but yesterday we had one that ended up pretty funny, we came across a galleon, sink it, a torrent of abuse comes up from the water, out come the instruments, we play the sad song and use the text wheel + other objects to mock them "wipes tears" "there's something in the water!" "Rolls on deck laughing" etc, my buddy takes a few pot shots and we let the sharks do the rest. Then we see a galleon in the distance an island or two over, it's them, rinse and repeat until 5 or 6 sinkings later we've either lost them or they've rage quit... good times...

  • @reedski 😐 So what's worse, Their ill advised cursing or your crews hour or so of "trolling" (Killing an enemy multiple times for no monetary gain) them? I think along with humor (which your crew provided) it's better to inject a little kindness, positivity and even a little empathy towards verbally abusive crews in hopes of them learning the "Pirate Code" through your example. Talk to them in a way that shows class and dignity as you sink them. Ask them how they're doing!😊 Last night, I asked two angry guys on the ferry how they were doing and one of their responses was " Good, other than the fact that we just lost a captains chest". This was right after I barreled them which killed all 3 of us. Their ship was already in bad shape and I barreled them while patching. The genuine question of "How are you doing?" encited a truthful response from my foes. The were mad but I led them to another frame of mind. I told them "you guys are doing great, keep plugging away and you'll get there" to which they responded "yeah". Lol,We all kill and die in this game eventually. It's how we approach killing and dying that defines who we are as gamers.

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