Game Freezing

  • I'm not sure how prevalent the issue is but the game has been glitching and freezing a lot for me lately.

    Yesterday, the game repeatedly froze during a skull fort battle. My crew mates and I kept getting kicked off of the Galleon we were on, killed and getting black screened until, finally, we all gave up and quit.

    I opted to go solo on a Sloop after that, tried an OOS mission and after running a voyage with 5 skulls, my game froze when I was within swimming range of the Ancient Spire Outpost. I waited and waited and waited for more than 5 minutes before I finally quit the game...throwing out a good 45 minutes of gaming treasure.

    I've always been very forgiving of the game's shortcomings because, overall, it's so much fun for me (even losing loot to pirates) but, when you can't play the game because the game won't even function, it stops being fun.

    Yesterday wasn't my first run in with freezing in this game. Rare, please do something about this. Based on the randoms I've played with I'm not the only one experiencing this problem.

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  • Same here on my xboxone and xboxone x both of them freezing happened many time after path 1.08 i even check it with different Internet connection. Nothing change the game is unplayable now

  • @holybegeezus The game is freezing from time to time, as well as crashing from time to time. This is a new behavior since the last update.

    Also, the "infinite loading screen" that was fixed after this last update is not fixed. It is just happening less frequently. Honestly, this issue has existed for just doesn't happen very often. It was a lot worse after this last update before being hotfixed.

  • @holybegeezus I play with a variety of people, but only one of them seems to be having this issue somewhat commonly. We usually play 4-6 hours a day, and he will usually have his game crash 2-3 times over that time period. He’s on the XB1X, and the crashes started occurring after 1.0.8.

  • I can confirm that 1.0.8 increases the rate of crashing at least on my overclocked to the max 7 year old PC that is about to explode every second now. Worked fine before though. 🤔

  • Today i findout that For me freezing just happen in galleon i played with sloop about 4 hours without any problem but with galleon every 15 or 30 minutes game freeze and return to home screen.i also check with original xbox one and xboxone x both of them was same.i also change my connection between dsl and my mobile phone lte.same things happened.

  • @majid1970s I thinking you were on the galleon with me that was having the problem! lol

  • @holybegeezus maybe i don't remember. I realy hope the problem fix before hungering deep i wait to much for that.

  • @holybegeezus Freezes for me too at skullforts or when fighting skellies and sometimes when just triggering explosions or firing cannons. Sometimes it freezes for a second then recovers, other times it freezes, I hear a repetitive stutter noise and then get kicked to dashboard. My hardware is good and my internet connection is godlike so it has to be the game. It happens to my friends on both Xbox and PC at least 2 or 3 times every day since the last week.

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