Whats your reason, im gonna quit if...

  • Im not alone but im curious to see if others feel the same or have other reasons that they quit playing a game.

    For me and sea of theives, the game is amazing, the people i have to confront not so much. I just wasted the last 2.5 hours in the game and managed only to sell 2 disgraced skulls. This is my typical game session. No progress and no sense of acheivement.

    Im going to quit sea of theives if i keep having multi hour game sessions that are unfruitful. Im gonna quit if every other ship remains to be an enemy. Im gonna quit if every mission keeps taking over an hour. Im gonna quit because i turn the game off angry frustrated and in a bad mood every time.

    Its just a game, its a fun game (when i meet no other players), but the lack of acheivements and progression over multi hour sessions and multiple game sessions is making the game a burden and not the escape it was meant to be.

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  • @vuarapung I'm gonna quit if the noobs I like to sink quit...

  • Just a suggestion, but if a game makes you angry, frustrated and puts you in a bad mood, it's probably time to move on to something else.

  • @carlosylu lol, while im not a noob i dont plan to ever be good at pvp. I dont have the time to ivest in practice when i have a full time job and family and rc cars and gundam models and 40k models and sw armada and star wars legion and cars to work on and a so much more. I play games to relax not to fight other people which is all that sea of theives has become.

  • @vuarapung Do you play solo more often than with a crew?

  • @warspyder i typically play with just my wife on a sloop. I was on a galleon with two of my cowokers also but we couldnt get much done bc we can agree on what we are gonna do.

  • I'm gonna quit if...I get my fill of the game and move on?

    I don't quite understand the goal of this thread...just sounds like bait for people to complain about things that have already been complained about.

    Just an admittedly quick observation on my part. If you have other intent with this then by all means ignore me~I mean no offense.

  • @vuarapung said in Whats your reason, im gonna quit if...:

    @carlosylu lol, while im not a noob i dont plan to ever be good at pvp. I dont have the time to ivest in practice when i have a full time job and family and rc cars and gundam models and 40k models and sw armada and star wars legion and cars to work on and a so much more. I play games to relax not to fight other people which is all that sea of theives has become.

    a) become strong enough that people dont want to fight you
    b) hire someone strong enough to stop people from fighting you
    c) give up

    If you need someone for b and see me on ill be happy to help :)

  • @john-hatter i wanted to just email the sea of theives team but couldnt find that easily so i just started a thread. I would rather keep enjoying what i like about the game but i cant do that when im hunted down by other players, that on top of the low yeild quest is making what started out as a fun game a very frustrating game.

  • @vuarapung
    shrug....to each their own~

    My experiences have been luckily different from yours so I'll bow out of this one.


  • This game requires a significant commitment of time. If that doesn't fit your life, I suggest finding a game that does.

    I'm not trying to be rude about this. The game is designed that way. It won't change.

    As for always being hunted down, I don't tend to have that problem. Stay vigilant.

  • everyone jumps to defend, but your points are perfectly worded and they're valid points as well. kudos to you and your wife (especially) for still playing. i play alone now because all the other pirates did was make kissing noises and talk about ******* my wife. she WILL NOT touch this game again.

    I'm waiting for June 5th or so when the game works again after the DLC (lol). we'll see how well this "teamwork" thing goes for the shark when most people just wanna sink-on-sight.

    if this game continues to be an ego-stroking bully-the-weak fest, maybe someone else will make a similar game, more balanced/rewarding for our time.

  • @vuarapung i think it would be wise for you to at least get a head start by teaming up with at least 1 person from the official SoT discord, my play sessions kept being like yourse until someone truly showed me the ropes.

    And i dont only mean pvp but also strengths and weaknesses of each ship.

    And how to gain gold/rep most efficiently.

    Even solo sessions are now quite handsomly rewarded, however even if i go in for only one hour i usually get sucked in for at least 3

  • @vuarapung Honestly all of the concerns from your original post don't seem to come up nearly as much while on a full, competent galleon crew. It stinks sometimes, but it's part of the game.

  • @maquark said in Whats your reason, im gonna quit if...:

    i play alone now because all the other pirates did was make kissing noises and talk about ******* my wife.

    Sounds like you were either playing with some beta male weirdos or they were just trying to mess with you. Either way, don't let some weirdo ruin a game for you (or your wife). Block and move on.

  • I never gonna quit... Not just because I didn't accomplished everything I want to, that just makes want to get better and team up with better mates to let me accomplish things I can't alone.
    I know my limits and won't blame other or the game by my failures.
    If I can't do it, but others can that's not the game's fault, but mine. I'm not good enough and I will need to be.

    I'm not gonna quit because players are griefing and cheating, that's part of all games and life itself. Not everyone is equal and there always more twisted minds then others.

    I'm not gonna quit because I have ideas and suggestions I think would make the game better (my opinion) and others and devs do not listen to it. Because I didn't make and I'm not a developer nor the only player playing this.
    I bought it because I knew and liked what this game is about. If things change is because devs and most of the players agreed with that. Since it doesn't change from a pirate game to other thing completely different, it's all good.

    I won't quit because I think this has not enough content for me to play. Because I know what I bought and I listen carefully to the devs ideas and announcements. Know they're working hard to keeping this growing up. And they're clear with that.
    I never see other game where we could get so in it in its own development like this one.. and that's because people are freaking out.. when we give a finger to someone then the people asks for the hand. If we give the hand, people asks for the arm. And so on..

    So I won't quit. I love this game. I loved since the first glance I had on it. I loved being part of its development since last year. And I'll continue to love it.

    So I won't quit..
    I'm lying, I'm gonna quit on one simple scenari... When Sea of Thieves 2 will release!

  • @vuarapung said in Whats your reason, im gonna quit if...:

    @warspyder i typically play with just my wife on a sloop. I was on a galleon with two of my cowokers also but we couldnt get much done bc we can agree on what we are gonna do.

    I'd hate to see what a day at work is like...… I'll quit when I'm bored of the game or something really good comes out that takes my time. I don't care about slow progression, giefers, PVP players or other things people complain about. It's a game and I have fun with the other people even if what they do seems unfair.

  • @vuarapung If an hour is too long for you you might as well stop now. Legendary voyages take an absolute minimum of 2-2.5 hours with a good crew.

  • I don't know what your expectations are. I sol all the time. When I complete a Voyage, I'm lucky to get a single level of faction gain in a night. That's after 2 hours. So I know it's going to take me awhile to get to Legendary.

    i don't care the game is still fun, plenty of islands I've yet to even explore some so why rush it?

  • @vuarapung I think you're going in with the wrong mindset. A fruitful game session is one in which you have fun and you don't have to turn anything in to accomplish that!

  • I already quit. I'll come back when there is something interesting to do or the mechanics require a level of skill above "baby's first". I'm only here right now looking for information about the new update.

  • The grinding got boring. So I took a break from it. But I’m most definitely looking forward for the new content coming out on the 29th.

  • @jonaldinho i blocked and reported lol this was back when the game first released. sad part is they probably don't even play it anymore

  • Downloaded latest update on 38mbps dl the server flippped between 0 and 3mbps so it took ages.

    Couldn't be bothered to start the game as update is auto and I read enough to know nothing that needs improving has been - i.e. balancing out the play between crews so all purchasers can enjoy it no matter their pvp skill. High rank pvp should be pitted against other high rank pvpers so they get enjoy full matched battles and those that aren't high rank pvp aren't simply treated as digital abuse fodder.

  • @vuarapung dijo en Whats your reason, im gonna quit if...:

    @carlosylu lol, while im not a noob i dont plan to ever be good at pvp. I dont have the time to ivest in practice when i have a full time job and family and rc cars and gundam models and 40k models and sw armada and star wars legion and cars to work on and a so much more. I play games to relax not to fight other people which is all that sea of theives has become.

    Ahm... I have three kids and I'm married... And... I have a rule, I only play at night when EVERYONE is asleep... I have an awesome job... And I don't play a lot (about three hours a day)... And I've been called an "Aimbot user" (I play on xbox)... I don't invest time on PvP, I guess the fact I played videogames since I was 4 makes the difference...

  • @maquark
    You and her can join me and a female friend of mine. We are goofy but never disrespectful. We don't sink, and we get stuff done every night. Always rewarding for us. Sometimes you just have to find the right people!

  • @bearcubbin I need to jump in with you. You usually seem locked in with a full crew and I try not to disrupt. I'll just send an invite next time to see what the status is.

  • @gatorwocky
    I was just thinking of that. Last time we tried I was having connection issues but I got that fixed. I will be on tonight though! Hit me up man, I've got lots of pirate friends so sometimes I accidentally leave people out :( I'm sorry. Let's play tonight

  • @carlosylu and im the guy in destiney that draged down a team of 3 vs 2 bc i die too often. So i quit crucible.

  • @bearcubbin Word. I'm done working on the house for the night. I'm going to go grab some grub and then I'll be on.

  • I play for a few hours at a time 90% of the time I make decent money. Add me. I will play with any level as long as you have a mic.

  • I already did quit what a waste of time become pirate legend and have nothing more to do.

  • @vuarapung

    I keep saying the same thing in these silly threads...

    Been Playing Since Before Launch At All Times A day - So Far:

    No Ships camping at outposts
    Possibly one cheater after (way too many hours of gameplay) - a sniper that never missed in the water and on a boat that was chasing us

    The past couple months - servers have been ghost towns at all hours of the day - with the exception of slightly more ship sightings on weekends
    These constant threads of PvE - Solo play has to be people that aren't paying attention of what's going around them... Here is what I've seen and done:

    • I play solo - I do a quest - I watch for ships. If it turns my direction I leave. I come back later. I'm am not robbed.
    • I play solo - I slowly sail around the island until I come where I can get chickens or where the treasure chest is - I do my quest with the ship line of sight. If I see a ship - I pause my quest I leave. I'm am not robbed.
    • I play solo - I always make sure the ship is ready to leave - anchor up - sails in position for best wind - ship pointing in the best direction - I am not attacked parked on a quest or robbed.
    • I play solo - I do not put gunpowder anywhere lower than the crows nest - or not at all.
    • I play solo - If I see a ship I do not ignore it I assume it is following me I go a different direction than my quest I am on the way to - I am not attacked.
    • I play solo - If I am jumped and attacked - I set sail. I find a good place to turn the ship in a circle if I have no treasure and fight back - I do not let them, board. I use cannons - I shorten sail if needed. If the player skill is too high I run. I'll jump in water - I'll board their ship pull anchor etc etc.
    • I play solo - If I am dropping off loot - I watch for ships In all directions - I watch for mermaids - If I see either/or - I go to a different outpost.
    • I play solo if while dropping off loot a ship appears - I stop dropping loot and leave - their other outposts.
    • I play solo - there really aren't that many people online anymore - the game is basically PvE - Please stop your PvE - Solo Sloops - Camping Outpost Threads. They're not valid in the context of changing how the game works. Perhaps you should change how you play the game...
  • @blg-strong-dad said in Whats your reason, im gonna quit if...:

    @vuarapung If an hour is too long for you you might as well stop now. Legendary voyages take an absolute minimum of 2-2.5 hours with a good crew.

    Actually they take about 50 minutes with a good crew.

  • @holezinya That's if every single person is a legend who doesn't care about the loot at all. I wouldn't assume this guys going to be in that party.

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