[Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4

  • Anyone who says this game isn't competitive is a fool
    Anyone who uses the term "minor/slight" when referring to the advantage of the PC is a fool
    And that guy who said hitting Max level isn't an achievement....well I have 50 50 50 so right there is literally 4 achievements for hitting max level...so yeah

  • This might be another novel, sorry.
    Icurrently have bananas, planks and bucket hotkeyyed on the controller, and had to remove the emote option😢 to make room for the planks. This was because i believe these are the most useful items in combat, and if running from the map table stairs to the plank stairs in a straight line (left thumb), i can reach over with my right thumb to use the Dpad hotkeys, but only while moving straight. This would allow me to get my repar item out ready to help the bottom deck. It also allows me to use bananas while running from skellies.. I still cant turn fast, jump alot, eat bananas and aim when in PVP, but its something at least. I hope this helps some ppl. What might also help is moving the map radial, and combining it with the item radial, so items are on radial 1 and 2, maps are on radial 3 and 4. This would free up 1 more button for remapping options on controllers, maybe this will level the bunnyhopping field a little? Any thought anyone? Or Rare? I cant give all my remapping secrets away, but there are some interesting combinations possible, 😉.

    Another balance that I can see:all the sliders. If it is possible for a PC player to increase their sensitivity through game and dpi untill they are happy with the speed, why restrict the speed on xbox? Instead of maxing out at 10, max the sliders out at 30 , no one will use the top end of the scale because a controller would be too inaccurate and the frames too low, but each individual player can speed up or slow down their controllers until they feel they are playing at their desired 'sweet spot'. If the scale remains the same, i would probablybe on 16 or 18 myself. The best part about this? EVERYONE will be able to adjust their settings without hitting a wall - currently, PC players can circumvent the max slider settings with mouse settings outside of the game menus.
    Unfortunately this only closes the gap a little-any turn speed increase will decrease controller accuracy overall.
    Sorry for so many words, but i hope this was useful and positive, i know there's plenty ofnegativity out there

  • @judas-nevermore I understand Pika's point. Lets give the 'vocal minority' a number, say 5%, if crossplay was optional, and 5% turned it off, you cant serously expect that to influence your game, the 95 mob will be enjoying the crossplay or be unaware its an option, so surely it wont hurt? Your pirate legend argument doesnt really work either, as Rare said its supposed to be a level playing field, with experience (thats pirate legend accordingto you) being what separates players. Currently, experience AND input device is separating players

  • @i-mite-dominate Sorry, but whichever side of the debate you are on, player numbers and forum numbers cant be used as evidence - ive had over 65 friends playing at prime time, down to a full galleon recently. Thats plenty of quitters, and only one of them was on here complaining, the rest just split the playerbase by quitting instead. They may have got $60off those 65 people, but they will get no$ from microtransactions...isnt that whats supposed to fund the game for the next few years?

  • @wesk89 said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    And I've said it before. There is no advantage when playing on PC, sure the aiming is quicker but the weapons behave the same.

    That would be an advantage. One of many.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 Great points! Also, they might not have gotten the $60 from those people if they played via Game pass or got it refunded.

  • Personally, while playing in a galleon with 3 other xbox players, i dont mind the cross platform. But when playing as a single or 2 player sloop, i definitely feel the difference when PC players attack - especially from a 4 player PC galleon. I dont want the platforms to be completely divided, but i would like the option to choose between cross platform and single platform compatibility. From what ive read, the only people that are opposed to the players choice between platforms are PC players. If they didn't have (even a slight) advantage, they wouldn't care if there was an option. My husband and i are far from noobs when it comes to xbox games, but it's easy to tell when you're up against xbox or PC players.
    My suggestion is to make single platform a choice if you are playing on a sloop, but on a galleon it's a free for all. If you can't win PVP with 4 capable players, then opt to play single or 2man sloop on the single platform. That's my 2 cents.

  • Good to see there is still some positivity and common sense on the interwebs. Lets all just agree that even ods in a game is what everyone wants and aiming with a controller is a lot slower and less accurate than a mouse. It sucks to know that no matter how much you play and how good and b****s a pirate you might get, you are never going to be as good as the person playing with mouse and keyboard. I sailed for over 2 million miles and are easily outgunned anywhere by mouse and keyboard players, its very demotivating. For the nonbelievers, check youtube and see how mouse and keyboard players singlehanded destroy 4 player crews.

  • The way the movement on pc is smoother because of the higher fps, the aiming is faster and more accurate, turning around and being more aware of environment isfaster and easier.

    Here you can see the gameplay of a pc player(force gaming) easily taking out a 4 pirate crew. They arent very experienced obviously, but the movement you see is just not possible with a controller and a good example of the advantages of a pc player against xbox players.

  • For all Xbox gamers who really want to change the current situation in which Xbox players are being forced to play cross platform with PC players...

    Please go to this link to Microsoft's Ideas


    This idea when voted for can actually implement the change in Microsoft policy regarding forced cross platform gameplay.

    We all know that PC players have an unfair advantage over Xbox players. The time has come to stop arguing the issues and start changing the situation.

  • @jmftgtav said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    For all Xbox gamers who really want to change the current situation in which Xbox players are being forced to play cross platform with PC players...

    Please go to this link to Microsoft's Ideas


    This idea when voted for can actually implement the change in Microsoft policy regarding forced cross platform gameplay.

    We all know that PC players have an unfair advantage over Xbox players. The time has come to stop arguing the issues and start changing the situation.

    The idea suggestion has been deleted :(

  • Hi there I’m siding with opting out for cross platform gameplay, giving both pc gamers and Xbox gamers seperate servers when they want to, my reason is there is a great advantage to how pc gamers play the game, in terms of using a mouse, (aim sensitivity) and (aim bot) - (mid zone crosshairs) making them absolutely amazing at pvp, even godlike. Destroying galleons 1v4.
    I throughly enjoy this game, and have spent many days and hours of my time, playing it.
    But I have mostly always had grievers, spawn trapping galleons, from outstanding pc gamers. Only one of them. And it’s very easy to know it’s a pc gamer. I’m good at pvp, but I’m completely helpless against pc gamers. Please help us by giving the option of not playing cross platform with pc gamers, or I will not be playing this game for much longer.

  • @khaleesibot
    Sea of Thieves is designed as a game without player progression, upgrades etc. - in order to create this marvelous "everybody is equal setup" … and I love it. But this also means that SoT and its community is very sensitive when this equality is disturbed, e.g. by letting PC and Xbox guys fight each other in player vs player combat.

    Personally I don't care so much if my opponent has an advantage, there are enough options to avoid most of these situations and some to win by experience. And honestly, we all like to blame somebody else if we lose a fight right? When I get hit by a sniper bullet, I instinctively think "Take cover, PC player incoming" - but hey, not every lucky or good shot was fired by mouse aimed weapon. Sometimes it's obvious, yes, but well, I am not sure if this mediocre handicap is worth splitting up the community.

    See you on the seas, pirates!

  • @pomalotacusmk3 I like that idea with sliders. For me, something like this is the correct way to go. Trying to come up with solutions on how to level the playing field more (even tho i don't feel like the difference is that big) instead of splitting the servers.

  • @malcolmsrevenge said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    Sea of Thieves is designed as a game without player progression, upgrades etc. - in order to create this marvelous "everybody is equal setup" … and I love it. But this also means that SoT and its community is very sensitive when this equality is disturbed, e.g. by letting PC and Xbox guys fight each other in player vs player combat.

    Personally I don't care so much if my opponent has an advantage, there are enough options to avoid most of these situations and some to win by experience. And honestly, we all like to blame somebody else if we lose a fight right? When I get hit by a sniper bullet, I instinctively think "Take cover, PC player incoming" - but hey, not every lucky or good shot was fired by mouse aimed weapon. Sometimes it's obvious, yes, but well, I am not sure if this mediocre handicap is worth splitting up the community.

    See you on the seas, pirates!

    Its not like console and pc will never play with or against eachother ever again. just the option for people to choose not to when they want. Plenty of players have friends that play the game on pc and they will still play together. Plenty of other players wont care. You can look at it as skill based matchmaking, nothing new. just a way for people that are otherwhise discouraged to stay in the game.

  • @sir-lotus I have another larger idea on levelling the playing field, but to get acceptance, you would have to re read my initial post and decide whether you accept those differences are accurate and well explained. If it just causes argument because pc players cant accept that those differences are real, then id just be wasting my time typing.
    edit:im typing on Xbox virtual keyboard. using edge, so it would be alot of time wasted.

  • So many people just call out someone as a PC player or cheater, or even don't see the line between those two anymore, without usually knowing if he/she is a PC player. I myself always play with a controller on PC and Xbox and have been accused of being a "PC hacker". Making this optional will make a lot of people cut themselves off from the PC group of the community just because they go along with the general panic about it on the forums/reddit/youtube.

    I think Rare is handling this issue quite well as they are implementing improvements for the issues people are having with "crossplay" without turning it off:

    • Everyone that ever used hacking tools will receive a permanent ban soon.
    • Everyone is getting more options to improve sensitivity for their input devices.

    As I've said before making crossplay optional won't change the scale of "balancing the playing field" as the input device is just one of MANY things that influences the skill of players. To truly create a more balanced playing field, Rare could implement skill based "Searching the seas"-matchmaking. That way players of reasonably equal skill would be more likely to be pitted together independant of whatever hardware/physical/mental "advantages" they might have.

  • @fishst1ck said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    So many people just call out someone as a PC player or cheater, or even don't see the line between those two anymore, without usually knowing if he/she is a PC player. I myself always play with a controller on PC and Xbox and have been accused of being a "PC hacker". Making this optional will make a lot of people cut themselves off from the PC group of the community just because they go along with the general panic about it on the forums/reddit/youtube.

    I think Rare is handling this issue quite well as they are implementing improvements for the issues people are having with "crossplay" without turning it off:

    • Everyone that ever used hacking tools will receive a permanent ban soon.
    • Everyone is getting more options to improve sensitivity for their input devices.

    As I've said before making crossplay optional won't change the scale of "balancing the playing field" as the input device is just one of MANY things that influences the skill of players. To truly create a more balanced playing field, Rare could implement skill based "Searching the seas"-matchmaking. That way players of reasonably equal skill would be more likely to be pitted together independant of whatever hardware/physical/mental "advantages" they might have.

    Talking from my own and my friends experience, I think people just had enough and really dislike the idea of people having an advantage over them. It takes away the feeling of control and fairness and that sucks. I dont dislike pc players at all, I made a lot of friends in Sot and a lot of them play on pc and when there would be an option to turn crossplay off, I would only use that if I wanted to go solo a bit . But the option for people to have an even playingfield in a game needs to be there for when they want it.

    I had a few encounters with good pc players and these encounters still spoil my view of this game until now. Usually when dealing with a good crew, it will come down to close quarter combat, thats where mouse and keyboard gives you the biggest advantage.

    The skill based matchmaking is a great 2nd option, but sounds difficult to realise when having mixed skilled teams.

  • @fishst1ck Although i agree with the matchmaking possibility, saying that optional crossplay wont 'balance the field ' is quite incorrect. If everyone is using an Xbox controller, then it WILL actually come down to individual skill. If one player is using kb/m, that player already has advantages in combat, before you start to measure their reaction times/co-ordination/stress/awareness(in other words, their skill), . Its like 2 top athletes show up for a race, 1 wearing shorts and running shoes(kb/m), the other wearing a business suit(xbox controller). They might be identical in ability, but you already know who will win. I play on xbox, and i cant go and buy running shoes.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    @fishst1ck Although i agree with the matchmaking possibility, saying that optional crossplay wont 'balance the field ' is quite incorrect. If everyone is using an Xbox controller, then it WILL actually come down to individual skill. If one player is using kb/m, that player already has advantages in combat, before you start to measure their reaction times/co-ordination/stress/awareness(in other words, their skill), . Its like 2 top athletes show up for a race, 1 wearing shorts and running shoes(kb/m), the other wearing a business suit(xbox controller). They might be identical in ability, but you already know who will win. I play on xbox, and i cant go and buy running shoes.

    First of all nobody will be identical in ability, not on PC not or Xbox, but making crossplay optional you would remove the relatively small pool of PC players from your experience which includes the people with slow PC's or the ones that are using controllers.

    To think the playing field will be equal then is a myth, even if you only look at hardware you still have loads of difference that might give an advantage over others, just thinking about:

    • Xbox type: Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X
    • Controller type: Default controller, Elite controller, 3rd party controller, Kb/mouse with adapter
    • Display: Size and quality of your display
    • Storage type: default disc, slightly faster disc, hybrid, SSD, internal or external
    • Internet connection: connection speed, ping

    I did enjoy your clever analogy though and yes if you have two top athletes of equal skill and make one wear a business suit it might be likely that the one wearing shorts and running shoes will win. However if the guy in the business suit did all his training that way I'm sure it'll still be a really close finish and not a 15 minute diffence that people try to make it sound like here.

    The thing is though that nobody is of equal skill and by knitpicking over input type and claiming it would "balance the playing field" most forget to see the fact that the weapon of choice means nothing if you're putting up old grannies to fight against trained gladiators.

  • @kuala85 said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    The way the movement on pc is smoother because of the higher fps, the aiming is faster and more accurate, turning around and being more aware of environment isfaster and easier.

    Here you can see the gameplay of a pc player(force gaming) easily taking out a 4 pirate crew. They arent very experienced obviously, but the movement you see is just not possible with a controller and a good example of the advantages of a pc player against xbox players.

    This is a good example of the advantages of aiming with a mouse, at least. It's much easier to track players in close quarters with accurate aim and make quicker turns than console even allows. Aiming with a thumbstick simply is not as precise. He's not even abusing bunnyhopping which makes him a harder target to track while still being able to track enemies easily with a mouse. And he knows that using 2 guns on PC is more effective than using a sword.

  • @SickFox and @OneeEyedWilly Please refrain from swearing on the forums, including using abbreviations and/or symbols that clearly indicate the intended swear word. It is a violation of our Forum rules, and your posts were edited accordingly.

  • @jmftgtav said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    I have given up on the argument for optional cross play it has become abundantly clear Microsoft is taking a hard line on it.

    going back thru an abridged version of history i'm not sure i read it the same as everyone else. they are steadfast in offering crossplay without compromise, but define that as neither platform being treated as secondary. they used the term "no ports" over and over in conjunction with "no compromise". never could i hear the exact term "mandatory crossplay", or any facsimile. they are quite clear that they will continually balance, and thought the pc performed about 5% better vs skeletons. i think we all know now that 5% is unrealistic, and they haven't really attempted to balance anything between the platforms to this point. another notable to me, pc hacks were never mentioned as a possible challenge to cross platforming. if they can't eradicate them i believe it will eventually lead to optional crossplay.

  • @jmftgtav

    No I can’t use a controller due to surgery on my hand and arm. I can only use KBM.

    I would say giving Xbox KBM is a better solution.

  • I'm not for optional cross play. But Xbox does need some improvements. Needs higher sensitivity, native keyboard and mouse support and a fps cap higher than 30. They also should work on faster loading times for it as well. PC needs anti cheat for the small amount of cheating that does occur. If crossplay optional does come, I'd hope it was a last resort type effort.

  • @jmftgtav said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    I have given up on the argument for optional cross play it has become abundantly clear Microsoft is taking a hard line on it.

    The most obvious solution to the imbalance between PC and console is to eliminate keyboard and mouse support for the games ... PC players can use Xbox controller but console players have no good option for keyboard & mouse control.

    So developers of cross platform games make this happen and balance the playing field.

    If that were possible it would be great. The keyboard and mouse is what has the biggest impact on the ballance between console and pc right now. They wont have to go back on their crossplay bs if they could make that happen.

  • @holezinya said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:


    No I can’t use a controller due to surgery on my hand and arm. I can only use KBM.

    I would say giving Xbox KBM is a better solution.

    Thats most likely not going to happen, and very likely not for shooters. It would force everyone that wants even odds in shooters to play behind a desk with KBM. Thats not what most consoleplayers want. Most enjoy a relaxed couch, a big tv and a controller. Besides the cost for pc gaming its a big reason I chose for console instead of pc.

  • @squallycircle7 said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    @jmftgtav said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    I have given up on the argument for optional cross play it has become abundantly clear Microsoft is taking a hard line on it.

    going back thru an abridged version of history i'm not sure i read it the same as everyone else. they are steadfast in offering crossplay without compromise, but define that as neither platform being treated as secondary. the used the term "no ports" over and over in conjunction with "no compromise". never could i hear the exact term "mandatory crossplay", or any facsimile. they are quite clear that they will continually balance, and thought the pc performed about 5% better vs skeletons. i think we all know now that 5% is unrealistic, and they haven't really attempted to balance anything between the platforms to this point. another notable to me, pc hacks were never mentioned as a possible challenge to cross platforming. if they can't eradicate them i believe it will eventually lead to optional crossplay.

    Every article including the "no-compromise crossplay" video that PC elites refer to as if it were religious text, talks about it regarding no porting between versions. The code in the xbox version of the game is the same code in the PC version of the game. That was the "no compromise". NOT forced crossplay.

  • @fishst1ck said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    @fishst1ck Although i agree with the matchmaking possibility, saying that optional crossplay wont 'balance the field ' is quite incorrect. If everyone is using an Xbox controller, then it WILL actually come down to individual skill. If one player is using kb/m, that player already has advantages in combat, before you start to measure their reaction times/co-ordination/stress/awareness(in other words, their skill), . Its like 2 top athletes show up for a race, 1 wearing shorts and running shoes(kb/m), the other wearing a business suit(xbox controller). They might be identical in ability, but you already know who will win. I play on xbox, and i cant go and buy running shoes.

    First of all nobody will be identical in ability, not on PC not or Xbox, but making crossplay optional you would remove the relatively small pool of PC players from your experience which includes the people with slow PC's or the ones that are using controllers.

    To think the playing field will be equal then is a myth, even if you only look at hardware you still have loads of difference that might give an advantage over others, just thinking about:

    • Xbox type: Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X
    • Controller type: Default controller, Elite controller, 3rd party controller, Kb/mouse with adapter
    • Display: Size and quality of your display
    • Storage type: default disc, slightly faster disc, hybrid, SSD, internal or external
    • Internet connection: connection speed, ping

    I did enjoy your clever analogy though and yes if you have two top athletes of equal skill and make one wear a business suit it might be likely that the one wearing shorts and running shoes will win. However if the guy in the business suit did all his training that way I'm sure it'll still be a really close finish and not a 15 minute diffence that people try to make it sound like here.

    The thing is though that nobody is of equal skill and by knitpicking over input type and claiming it would "balance the playing field" most forget to see the fact that the weapon of choice means nothing if you're putting up old grannies to fight against trained gladiators.

    If 2 similar people started playing the game at the same time the same amount, one on xbox and one on pc, the one on pc would destroy the one on xbox in close quarter combat 90% of the time. Its unfair and it ruins the experience to know that. If you play enough you will experience that. Even odds are important to enjoy games.

  • @jmftgtav said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:

    @kuala85 It absolutely is possible in fact it is an easy solution to the problem.

    I guess you are right, lets hope this actually gets some attention though, it looked like Rare was heading the opposite direction lately.

  • @holezinya said in [Mega Thread] Play Anywhere and Cross Play - Part 4:


    No I can’t use a controller due to surgery on my hand and arm. I can only use KBM.

    I would say giving Xbox KBM is a better solution.

    ironically this is similar to why i play shooters exclusively on the xbox. trying to aim and move with a mouse leaves my wrist and forearm in great pain after only a short while. i even tried a steam controller, but can't stand the track pad. when xbox controller can seamlessly work on pcs just as they do on console i will give my pc another go. this would include being able to sync the pc to the controller and use it wirelessly.

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