[Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat

  • Today was not fun at all playing the game. First hour was spent immediate getting shot and killed and respawning and getting killed by the same pirate over and over and over and over again. Really is there no Karma is this game. You just respawn and get killed again again again and again. This game is so far from being fun. I started the day with mission to explore and just spending so much time just getting killed getting nothing for it. Some kind of adjustment is needed in this game please.

  • @angrycoconut16
    I think you misunderstood the motive behind my post. First off, I love the game for what it is too, Iv been playing it since the alpha release, which was probably before you even heard of the game. Im only addressing issues I have heard other players complain about. To clarify the whole navy part too, anyone can still sink anyone the only immunity implemented in the navy is navy ships cannot sink any neutral ship of the ocean they started the quest in unless that neutral (pirate) ship attacks them. I absolutely adore the game for what it is and trust me there’s parts of the game That were omitted that Iv played which you have never seen and never will see. Sea of Thieves is a unique game but just like every game out there, always has room for improvement.

  • Hi there!

    I wanted to give my feedback as to my experience since launch and where I'd like to see this game go.

    Overall, I have been incredibly pleased by the game, however I have found a few things lacking which I think others have as well.

    The key feature that is bothering me right now is the exploration (hence posting in this megathread). I feel like a good functioning feature for an explorer is to make discoveries that feel worthwhile. Unfortunately, I just don't feel like we're there. Allow me to explain.

    While sailing across the high seas from voyage objective to voyage objective you'll come across uncharted islands, and floating rocks abound. Just for the heck of it, me and some friends stopped off at an uncharted island and found an amazing underwater network that led to an ancient shrine with a stone head! This was cool!....but that was about it. I've seen in a video of someone exploring similar runes, and they found a neat little shrine underwater with a peculiar triangle cut out of the altar at the shrine. Cool also!...but again, not much else.

    I know this is an entirely different game, but I want to compare it to BotW. In that game, exploration feels vibrant, you are rewarded for your efforts. Underneath an interesting rock you'll find a Korok. If you run to those far mountains, you might find an interesting puzzle to solve that gives you a little prize. In SoT, that exploration just feels...more empty.

    That shrine underwater should've had some valuable artifact worth some gold. That shrine with a triangle shrine should've had a stone, somewhere on the beach island that, if you place it on the shrine, rewards you with some artifact or chest or skull. Random riddles and clues that lead to puzzles to solve, absent of a need for a voyage, those islands that distract you from your initial voyage because you know there is a chance for great plunder and glory if you go check them out.

    THAT is exploration, THAT is the incentive to delve into the deeps of unknown islands and uncharted lands! In absence of that, why bother? Why not just continue grinding voyage after voyage.

    So, that is my main critique right now. I'd really love to just EXPLORE and be rewarded for it. Small rewards like above, or even more complex and dangerous ones, involving ghost tunnels or buried pirate grounds. I'd like to see all those jutting uncharted rocks have some sort of role, maybe a treasure if you find a way to the top of one, or a marker for more underwater exploration. REALLY reward that exploration this game should be all about!

  • One thought I had was based on something like a bounty system.

    If a crew repeatedly attack other ships, or the same ship for a prolonged period of time them place a skull and crossbones icon on the map table for all other crews to see. When in this state let other players attack that ship without penalty.

    This would allow other 'pirate hunter' crews to form to hunt down repeat offenders while discouraging some of the negative play styles in all but the die hard PvP teams.

  • @angrycoconut16 The excuse of " It's a pirate game" is getting old.. That is all everyone says.. You saying if I dont like it play something else works both ways. You want pvp go play overwatch. It's whatever to each their own. Majority of you responses to anything is trashing other people's idea.

  • @trenix90 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:
    but nothing is out there punishing players who simply want to do PvE.

    YOU are punishing players who simply want to do PvE. THAT is the argument with players wanting a PvE sandbox.

    I don't get it, if players don't want to engage with you, why does that bother you? Unless you're just out there looking for easy targets and enjoy ruining the game for them, what does it matter if there are people who want to spend THEIR time doing voyages building rep and working towards the intended END GAME of becoming pirate legend (which, by the way, doesn't include building rep by killing other pirates).

    You're not being forced to play like everyone else by being put into a world with other PvP players. THAT is what you're asking for, so stop acting like you would be punished for getting what you want.

    I don't have a problem with this game, I could care less if they added PvE servers or not. Personally I haven't had the issues with griefing that some of these players are experiencing, but I can understand their frustration because, like it or not, this game has PvE in it, and right now it sounds like the PvP parts of this game is making the PvE parts frustrating. You, and others in this thread, keep drumming the beat of "this has always been a PvEvP game", and though that is true, doesn't acknowledge the fact that as the game stands now, players are always forced into PvP, and never forced into PvE.

    But it'll be ok, for you and other PvP-focused players, because the players that are playing the part of the game that encourages reputation-building through the factions at the outposts will soon quit and move on to other games that reward time spent playing those games. And guess what, you'll get your wish where you can sail around looking for other ships and KNOW they're there to just battle other ships, and, hey-ho ... you're playing CoD or Halo but on the ocean instead of land.

    I called you out on this thread because here, as well as other threads, you're not content to just "grief" people in the game, but here in the forums as well. You're not providing constructive solutions or trying to help figure out the problem, you just want to be a bully and argumentative. You don't have to be though, and just because you're anonymous in a game or online doesn't mean you have the right to act indecent. Pirate game or not, you're still you, and how you act behind the curtain reflects who you are when you're in front of it.

  • @samurai2083 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @trenix90 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:
    but nothing is out there punishing players who simply want to do PvE.

    YOU are punishing players who simply want to do PvE. THAT is the argument with players wanting a PvE sandbox.

    I don't get it, if players don't want to engage with you, why does that bother you? Unless you're just out there looking for easy targets and enjoy ruining the game for them, what does it matter if there are people who want to spend THEIR time doing voyages building rep and working towards the intended END GAME of becoming pirate legend (which, by the way, doesn't include building rep by killing other pirates).

    You're not being forced to play like everyone else by being put into a world with other PvP players. THAT is what you're asking for, so stop acting like you would be punished for getting what you want.

    I don't have a problem with this game, I could care less if they added PvE servers or not. Personally I haven't had the issues with griefing that some of these players are experiencing, but I can understand their frustration because, like it or not, this game has PvE in it, and right now it sounds like the PvP parts of this game is making the PvE parts frustrating. You, and others in this thread, keep drumming the beat of "this has always been a PvEvP game", and though that is true, doesn't acknowledge the fact that as the game stands now, players are always forced into PvP, and never forced into PvE.

    But it'll be ok, for you and other PvP-focused players, because the players that are playing the part of the game that encourages reputation-building through the factions at the outposts will soon quit and move on to other games that reward time spent playing those games. And guess what, you'll get your wish where you can sail around looking for other ships and KNOW they're there to just battle other ships, and, hey-ho ... you're playing CoD or Halo but on the ocean instead of land.

    I called you out on this thread because here, as well as other threads, you're not content to just "grief" people in the game, but here in the forums as well. You're not providing constructive solutions or trying to help figure out the problem, you just want to be a bully and argumentative. You don't have to be though, and just because you're anonymous in a game or online doesn't mean you have the right to act indecent. Pirate game or not, you're still you, and how you act behind the curtain reflects who you are when you're in front of it.

    ^^this person gets it...

  • personally i would like to see a Star Citizen-esque (tailored obviously) reputation/bounty system implemented.

    Unlike SC, SoT outpost will have the strict pirate code. But you can do what you want. and if you do happen to attack another player while near an outpost a bounty is instantly activated and parsed on to all players on the server, a bounty that is heftily rewarded.

    In SC the no combat zones are literally just that. so it's not the exact same. But something to look at (also worth noting that games like Elite, Eve etc all work similarly or along the same lines)

  • Burying Treasure.

    It would be nice if we could bury our treasure to be dug up some time later (currently, I hide mine in a bush if there's predators around).

    Each time you bury something (possibly multiple items?), the game generates a map, with an X marks the spot, exactly the same as a standard treasure map. However, if you die, you drop that map (let's say, as a message in a bottle) for other players to pick up.

    There's probably a few flaws that I haven't seen, but it would still be a nice feature.

  • Hey,

    I’m about 50 houses in the game and I’m not a really good pvp player. I didn’t read all the post in this thread but I want to share my experience with SOT.
    I don’t want separate servers for pve and pvp because it would take the thrill out of the game. Last night I was playing solo and had some good chest on board and got hunted by a gallion. I don’t want to loose that feeling of danger in the game. However, after I was killed and spawned on an island the same galleon attack me again even they knew I had nothing on board anymore. Got killed 3 times and logged out and back in to get another server. I didn't mind losing my loot but get killed 3 times because you spawn nearby. That’s just insane and it breaks the game in my opinion. There was a good idea about a white flag. That would be another option to get some friends in the game, at the moment everyone runs or start shooting on site. Like I said, I don’t mind the pvp but sometimes it’s just pointless killing over and over again. I do enjoy the game but I think they should address a few things. Spawning further away on the map would be nice, it doesn’t break the game in my opinion because you lost your ship and loot. Move on to another quest.
    I had a few encounters with players that where nice, funny and enjoyable but those are rare at the moment. It’s a shame because I think the game has a lot of potential for pvp/pve.
    Those are just my thoughts.

  • @madmich-be said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:


    I’m about 50 houses in the game and I’m not a really good pvp player. I didn’t read all the post in this thread but I want to share my experience with SOT.
    I don’t want separate servers for pve and pvp because it would take the thrill out of the game. Last night I was playing solo and had some good chest on board and got hunted by a gallion. I don’t want to loose that feeling of danger in the game. However, after I was killed and spawned on an island the same galleon attack me again even they knew I had nothing on board anymore. Got killed 3 times and logged out and back in to get another server. I didn't mind losing my loot but get killed 3 times because you spawn nearby. That’s just insane and it breaks the game in my opinion. There was a good idea about a white flag. That would be another option to get some friends in the game, at the moment everyone runs or start shooting on site. Like I said, I don’t mind the pvp but sometimes it’s just pointless killing over and over again. I do enjoy the game but I think they should address a few things. Spawning further away on the map would be nice, it doesn’t break the game in my opinion because you lost your ship and loot. Move on to another quest.
    I had a few encounters with players that where nice, funny and enjoyable but those are rare at the moment. It’s a shame because I think the game has a lot of potential for pvp/pve.
    Those are just my thoughts.

    i feel most people are beginning to feel the same as you and are experiencing these sorts of events. maybe not since launch, but the alpha and beta phases I had some awesome stories of comradeship and socializing. It seems non existent now. It amazes me how the game has the fun, quirky aesthetic of the likes of Fortnite BR, which you think would promote goofiness and silly youtube vids, streamers teaming up, messing around with friends, meeting strangers. but yet it has ended up with a dull CoD-esque "git gud" mentality. Since launch i have Sadly only ever once logged off from a play session with a smile because our crew had an enjoyable fun laugh. It's a shame really, i'm hoping the perception of what the game can be will change over time. The win win kill kill attitude will never have legs in terms of a lasting community with a game that isn't designed to be strategic or competitive

  • @mcdougle99

    I don’t know how it is in other pvp games because I don’t play them but I think it will always be pvp versus pve discussion. It’s a pirate game and I get it but a few changes will make it for both parties more enjoyable I think. Safe zone? Not gonna work I think, imagine a bunch off pve players around an outpost and pvp players waiting. bounty system...hmmm, didn’t really work in Elite Dangerous because that’s what a pvp player wants right, more players to fight. If I was a hardcore pvp player I would get my bounty very high. Lol
    Only pve server, pffff...no feeling of thrill and danger.
    I like it how it is except the mindless killing for no loot over and over again.

  • @bluejacket-1272 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    This game needs a PvE option. To each their own. Give people a choice. Let the PvP players kill each other if they want. Out of the 12 people I met in the game the first couple nights post release only 2 still play it. To say that trend won't continue is turning a blind patched eye. Getting chased for 30 minutes 4 vs 1 by people just trying to snipe kill the 4 specific colored pigs a person took an hour to collect just isn't everyone's idea of fun.

    Only 30 minutes? I've been chased for hours at a time. It's got to the point I'll just dump my loot while being chased so they either pass it up or have to stop for it, kill the animals, and log out. Because face it, your not going to get anything done so might as well leave nothing but an empty ship or a few animal crates behind.

  • @lacyclover26906 Lol. I hear you. Sad but true my friend. My gameplay has changed from "Hi. How you doing?" to "I trust no one. Get the F away from me."

  • @samurai2083 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @trenix90 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:
    but nothing is out there punishing players who simply want to do PvE.

    YOU are punishing players who simply want to do PvE. THAT is the argument with players wanting a PvE sandbox.

    I don't get it, if players don't want to engage with you, why does that bother you? Unless you're just out there looking for easy targets and enjoy ruining the game for them, what does it matter if there are people who want to spend THEIR time doing voyages building rep and working towards the intended END GAME of becoming pirate legend (which, by the way, doesn't include building rep by killing other pirates).

    You're not being forced to play like everyone else by being put into a world with other PvP players. THAT is what you're asking for, so stop acting like you would be punished for getting what you want.

    I don't have a problem with this game, I could care less if they added PvE servers or not. Personally I haven't had the issues with griefing that some of these players are experiencing, but I can understand their frustration because, like it or not, this game has PvE in it, and right now it sounds like the PvP parts of this game is making the PvE parts frustrating. You, and others in this thread, keep drumming the beat of "this has always been a PvEvP game", and though that is true, doesn't acknowledge the fact that as the game stands now, players are always forced into PvP, and never forced into PvE.

    But it'll be ok, for you and other PvP-focused players, because the players that are playing the part of the game that encourages reputation-building through the factions at the outposts will soon quit and move on to other games that reward time spent playing those games. And guess what, you'll get your wish where you can sail around looking for other ships and KNOW they're there to just battle other ships, and, hey-ho ... you're playing CoD or Halo but on the ocean instead of land.

    I called you out on this thread because here, as well as other threads, you're not content to just "grief" people in the game, but here in the forums as well. You're not providing constructive solutions or trying to help figure out the problem, you just want to be a bully and argumentative. You don't have to be though, and just because you're anonymous in a game or online doesn't mean you have the right to act indecent. Pirate game or not, you're still you, and how you act behind the curtain reflects who you are when you're in front of it.

    I'm not being forced to PvE? Really? Every PvE player has been suggesting ways for PvP players to be punished, so they can be forced to PvE. They want to remove incentives to do it entirely. There already is very little incentive to PvP as it is and you're going to tell me I'm not being forced to PvE?

  • @madmich-be said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:


    I don’t know how it is in other pvp games because I don’t play them but I think it will always be pvp versus pve discussion. It’s a pirate game and I get it but a few changes will make it for both parties more enjoyable I think. Safe zone? Not gonna work I think, imagine a bunch off pve players around an outpost and pvp players waiting. bounty system...hmmm, didn’t really work in Elite Dangerous because that’s what a pvp player wants right, more players to fight. If I was a hardcore pvp player I would get my bounty very high. Lol
    Only pve server, pffff...no feeling of thrill and danger.
    I like it how it is except the mindless killing for no loot over and over again.

    other pvpve games are pretty balanced, or have been balanced over time. A game that gets mentioned often EVE has multiple systems in place to actively encourage and discourage PvP preying. as well as PvE grinding. Elite may not have nailed it initially, but they did end up implementing a PvE only game mode to satisfy that audience, and Elite is thriving because of it. Right now the game wants you to Explore (it's even the megathread title) but the Player vs Player interactions aren't balanced enough to entice or deter that style of gameplay. If PvP was remotely enticing other than griefing then you would find the PvE grinders taking part more frequently in the player interactions, if there were punishments for attacking and losing and even winning then that makes the risk for that PvP more exciting and deter the chance takers. That is the issue right now with SoT

    Right now SoT is one giant Dark Zone. as people who played the division know and remember, that system was extremely flawed, easy to abuse and overtly killed the game, since raid content was not up to scratch. Once they finally added the survival mode it was too little too late.

  • @bluejacket-1272 Exactly, at first I would let other ships approach or I would approach them. I always made it non threatening, but I always paid for it. Now I don't go near anyone or let them near me. Even if I'm on an island I'll still be watching and I'll leave, lootless if need be.

  • @trenix90 That's the problem, you are, and there is no incentive for you outside of PvE rewards. Just like on the other side, PvE is having PvP thrust into them. Sure, there are those that like a happy medium and the game the way it is, but you can't please everyone. I like the dangerous part of sailing out and not knowing what to expect. On the other hand, outside of day one, I've yet to have an awesome encounter like the stories on the forums. So are there areas in need of improvement, yes. Are they game breaking, no. I think that overtime things will get fleshed out and the gaming audience will have one of the best games (not to mention best looking) that have been produced in a good while.

    • A possibility to point on the map as the other players when someone is already interacting with it, maybe add a finger to tap or something to ping.
    • Maybe add a Ship's boat, a smaller ship on the galleon for when you want to reach the beach or when sinking. Players need to row for movement.
    • Add another ship more appropriate for a 3 man but minimum is 2. With 2 sails and 4 cannon maybe.

    Again sorry, seems like the threads are very specific and I cannot find anything relating to those type of suggestions.

  • The real issue with PvP is not just 'Lol, I get my loot stolen and that makes me sad'. I Love trying to outsmart a guy who's chasing me after I get a few chests off an island. The issue comes from either plunderers with rocks in their heads, or griefers. I just left the outpost, why are you attacking me now?! Do you think I just casually forgot to turn in a kings chest? At best I have some chicken coops, at worst you're just wasting both our time.

    I feel the problem of PvP vs PvE could be fixed with an addition of a fourth faction/quest giver, the "plunder pack".

    As you sink other player's ships, you gain infamy/a bounty on your head. The infamy is kept track of back at the shop, and you can lower it in one of two ways. One is by getting your bounty 'claimed' by having your ship sunk, and the other is by turning in loot at the plunder pack's shop.

    If you are properly looting the ships, you should have a few treasure chests or skulls to toss at the shop, thus people who are looting smart and actually going after guys with loot can turn in some of their ill gotten gain, and increase their rank. If you're just shooting at anyone or just intentionally greifing, you'll get stuck with more and more bounties until someone pops you and claims all the gold you're worth. The higher your bounty, the more some type of low, dark spooky mist appears around your boat. It's again a trade off, since you stick out like a sore thumb in daylight, but become harder to see at night.

    "But if people pay off their bounties, won't that just mean that they can keep attacking merchants like you?" Yep, but that's where the faction rank would come in. Attacking a ship with a smaller crew or a lower plunder rank would raise your bounty a lot faster then attacking someone with the same rank as you. This is both a good and a bad thing, since if the merchant is a d*****s with several high class treasure items, then you can easily pay off your bounty and gain easy rank. But if you're a 4 man gallon just randomly sinking a 1 man sloop with nothing on it, you'll have a hard time paying off the crime. The main reason I suggest this would also encourage people to not camp the guy they sunk, but go and turn in the loot faster.

    As for something not about PvP, I'd love to see trinkets on pirates. A pirate could wear one or two items that would change small things about how they act... Not necessarily a full on class system, but something to help people match their play style. eg:

    • Rucksack - doubles the amount of items(cannonballs, bananas, and planks) you can carry.
    • Ammo pouch - Increases the number of shots for your guns.
    • Padded vest - Increases health
    • Crest of the mermaid - Increase swimspeed
    • Craftsman tool belt - Increase hole repair speed
    • Crest of the pig - Bananas heal more
    • Crest of the chicken - Increase running speed
    • Crest of the Snake - Sword charge attack charges faster
      You could only have one or two equipped at a time, and they would be an item that actually appears on your player model, so others can easily see what kind of trick you might have.
  • @mcdougle99 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @madmich-be said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:


    I don’t know how it is in other pvp games because I don’t play them but I think it will always be pvp versus pve discussion. It’s a pirate game and I get it but a few changes will make it for both parties more enjoyable I think. Safe zone? Not gonna work I think, imagine a bunch off pve players around an outpost and pvp players waiting. bounty system...hmmm, didn’t really work in Elite Dangerous because that’s what a pvp player wants right, more players to fight. If I was a hardcore pvp player I would get my bounty very high. Lol
    Only pve server, pffff...no feeling of thrill and danger.
    I like it how it is except the mindless killing for no loot over and over again.

    other pvpve games are pretty balanced, or have been balanced over time. A game that gets mentioned often EVE has multiple systems in place to actively encourage and discourage PvP preying. as well as PvE grinding. Elite may not have nailed it initially, but they did end up implementing a PvE only game mode to satisfy that audience, and Elite is thriving because of it. Right now the game wants you to Explore (it's even the megathread title) but the Player vs Player interactions aren't balanced enough to entice or deter that style of gameplay. If PvP was remotely enticing other than griefing then you would find the PvE grinders taking part more frequently in the player interactions, if there were punishments for attacking and losing and even winning then that makes the risk for that PvP more exciting and deter the chance takers. That is the issue right now with SoT

    Right now SoT is one giant Dark Zone. as people who played the division know and remember, that system was extremely flawed, easy to abuse and overtly killed the game, since raid content was not up to scratch. Once they finally added the survival mode it was too little too late.

    FYI, people didn't leave the division in droves because of the dark zone, they left because it's a glitchy mess. Most people love the dark zone. The forums won't lead you to believe that, though, because the forum is where all the gimps go to cry and ask for a system to protect their inadequacy.

  • @ttargetpractice said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @mcdougle99 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @madmich-be said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:


    I don’t know how it is in other pvp games because I don’t play them but I think it will always be pvp versus pve discussion. It’s a pirate game and I get it but a few changes will make it for both parties more enjoyable I think. Safe zone? Not gonna work I think, imagine a bunch off pve players around an outpost and pvp players waiting. bounty system...hmmm, didn’t really work in Elite Dangerous because that’s what a pvp player wants right, more players to fight. If I was a hardcore pvp player I would get my bounty very high. Lol
    Only pve server, pffff...no feeling of thrill and danger.
    I like it how it is except the mindless killing for no loot over and over again.

    other pvpve games are pretty balanced, or have been balanced over time. A game that gets mentioned often EVE has multiple systems in place to actively encourage and discourage PvP preying. as well as PvE grinding. Elite may not have nailed it initially, but they did end up implementing a PvE only game mode to satisfy that audience, and Elite is thriving because of it. Right now the game wants you to Explore (it's even the megathread title) but the Player vs Player interactions aren't balanced enough to entice or deter that style of gameplay. If PvP was remotely enticing other than griefing then you would find the PvE grinders taking part more frequently in the player interactions, if there were punishments for attacking and losing and even winning then that makes the risk for that PvP more exciting and deter the chance takers. That is the issue right now with SoT

    Right now SoT is one giant Dark Zone. as people who played the division know and remember, that system was extremely flawed, easy to abuse and overtly killed the game, since raid content was not up to scratch. Once they finally added the survival mode it was too little too late.

    FYI, people didn't leave the division in droves because of the dark zone, they left because it's a glitchy mess. Most people love the dark zone. The forums won't lead you to believe that, though, because the forum is where all the gimps go to cry and ask for a system to protect their inadequacy.

    i always love the argument of "It's not like that, except all the evidence of people saying its exactly like that, not that at all."

    I did play division, and a huge chunk of us had moved over from destiny and we all stopped because once the PvE was done (and the lack luster raid of "kill jeep") all that was left was the dark zone, and like SoT it was just abused to high hell. and yes it was buggy, and laggy, and had spans of hackers ruining the experience as well. these things all add up. but if the Dark zone was well realised and an enjoyable experience people wouldn't have fallen off that game within a month. And i fear we are going to see the same arc for SoT soon until they start making some changes and closing loopholes. (Changing spawn distances is a great start, so we at least know that Rare recognises there is a problem, so i do have hope)

  • @mcdougle99 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @ttargetpractice said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @mcdougle99 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @madmich-be said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:


    I don’t know how it is in other pvp games because I don’t play them but I think it will always be pvp versus pve discussion. It’s a pirate game and I get it but a few changes will make it for both parties more enjoyable I think. Safe zone? Not gonna work I think, imagine a bunch off pve players around an outpost and pvp players waiting. bounty system...hmmm, didn’t really work in Elite Dangerous because that’s what a pvp player wants right, more players to fight. If I was a hardcore pvp player I would get my bounty very high. Lol
    Only pve server, pffff...no feeling of thrill and danger.
    I like it how it is except the mindless killing for no loot over and over again.

    other pvpve games are pretty balanced, or have been balanced over time. A game that gets mentioned often EVE has multiple systems in place to actively encourage and discourage PvP preying. as well as PvE grinding. Elite may not have nailed it initially, but they did end up implementing a PvE only game mode to satisfy that audience, and Elite is thriving because of it. Right now the game wants you to Explore (it's even the megathread title) but the Player vs Player interactions aren't balanced enough to entice or deter that style of gameplay. If PvP was remotely enticing other than griefing then you would find the PvE grinders taking part more frequently in the player interactions, if there were punishments for attacking and losing and even winning then that makes the risk for that PvP more exciting and deter the chance takers. That is the issue right now with SoT

    Right now SoT is one giant Dark Zone. as people who played the division know and remember, that system was extremely flawed, easy to abuse and overtly killed the game, since raid content was not up to scratch. Once they finally added the survival mode it was too little too late.

    FYI, people didn't leave the division in droves because of the dark zone, they left because it's a glitchy mess. Most people love the dark zone. The forums won't lead you to believe that, though, because the forum is where all the gimps go to cry and ask for a system to protect their inadequacy.

    i always love the argument of "It's not like that, except all the evidence of people saying its exactly like that, not that at all."

    I did play division, and a huge chunk of us had moved over from destiny and we all stopped because once the PvE was done (and the lack luster raid of "kill jeep") all that was left was the dark zone, and like SoT it was just abused to high hell. and yes it was buggy, and laggy, and had spans of hackers ruining the experience as well. these things all add up. but if the Dark zone was well realised and an enjoyable experience people wouldn't have fallen off that game within a month. And i fear we are going to see the same arc for SoT soon until they start making some changes and closing loopholes. (Changing spawn distances is a great start, so we at least know that Rare recognises there is a problem, so i do have hope)

    You can't possibly believe that forum posts are evidence of the feelings of the entirety of the player base. The reason that you think that most people agree with this nonsense is that not many people who enjoy a thing go on the internet to talk about how much they enjoy it. On the other hand, many people who want to cry about a thing go on the internet to cry about it.

  • @moristar Hey Rare! Here is an idea going along with different playing styles.... I am not one to go around and search for PvP and grief players.... It has happened to me numerous times and it just gets old quick. Such a turn off of the game. Yes, it is Sea of "Thieves" not friends... But also it should be on the seas... Not while a ship is docked while finding their treasure or doing their voyages to actually progress in game. My suggestion is to have some PvE servers for those who just want to progress in game and complete voyages and get reputation. If there are any griefers on this server they are punished somehow... Just a thought. It'd be more appealing to solo players like myself who actually enjoy the game when we can actually get voyages done and get our stuff turned in. Thanks for making a great and addicting game!!

  • @trenix90 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    I'm not being forced to PvE? Really? Every PvE player has been suggesting ways for PvP players to be punished, so they can be forced to PvE. They want to remove incentives to do it entirely. There already is very little incentive to PvP as it is and you're going to tell me I'm not being forced to PvE?

    Yes, really!

    Can you sail around in SoT and interact with other "players", knowing you don't have to spend a single second doing voyages, get gold, or earn reputation? YES!

    Can you do voyages, looking for gold, build reputation, and fight skeletons knowing other players (PvP) can't take it from you? NO!


    Thus, the point of contention, and the issue this thread is addressing. Again, that's how the game is played. Rare intended to blend PvP and PvE together, not a new concept, and throw PvE at the mercy of PvP. You're rattling the cages of players that are asking for Rare to give them incentive to play the PvE parts of the game. Those people don't want to play with you, and that's their right. You're trying to force them to play the game how YOU want them to play, and that's why you'll always be wrong on this topic. And I know what you will say: "Rare has always intended for those players to face me on the seas". Yup, that would be correct, and no one is asking to change that. But guess what, perhaps that formula needs to be tweaked a bit because it conflicts with Rare's statements of wanting players to make their own stories and become "pirate legend". By definition, facing you or any other player takes that choice away.

    And no one is suggesting ways to punish PvP players. Where do you get that from. Bounty suggestions? If anything, it adds more action to PvP by putting more INCENTIVE to play PvP, which you're claiming you have little of in PvP. No, it sounds to me that you're afraid that by picking on PvE players it will force you into actual PvP situations with legit PvP players. So I guess that now makes sense why you're desperately trying to shoot down any suggestions of enhancing the PvE aspects of the game.

    I really don't think adding PvE servers will solve anything, and I agree with those that say it goes against the purpose of SoT, but it's painfully obvious that the players that flocked to this game for the intended PvE aspects of it are not enjoying it. You want to continue to pick on PvE players in SoT? Find ways to incentivize them to stick around.

  • @guardianangelgg said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    @largemarge616 Because one of the four big selling points on the Game Pass site is that all games listed in Game Pass can be play "online or offline". Why should I have to "rise to the occasion" for a game I bought based on game features that were falsely advertised, and that do not exist? That does not even make any sense. Many of us gamers find PvP to just be boring and annoying. I played Sea of Thieves a lot for the first few days, but now just play once in a while, because I got bored with other players interfering in me completing missions, exploring islands, etc. When I do play now, I just play until someone attacks my boat. As soon as they attack my boat, I simply log out of the game completely. I hope my boat and I just disappear from their game, and they don't get any chests or skulls that may have been on my boat. If they want to waste my time, then I will waste their time, as well! LOL :D

    Elite Dangerous does this great:
    Open play (everyone)
    Solo play (just you)
    Group Play (with friends)

  • @canthavetesalsa I didn't misunderstand anything?.. I was saying what I liked about your ideas. Oh and please stop with the condescending tone, I am not interested if you have seen things I will never see I am only interested in what the game is now, and currently PvP and RISK is a major part of it.

    Let me see if I understand you correctly as you haven't explained it in the full context of the game. Navy ships are a faction pirates can choose to be a member of, navy ships can not attack neutral ships unless that ship attacks them first. Pirate ships are able to attack each other like normal and the navy ships could jump in and defend whichever one they feel like? I don't know, I think the idea of a navy is interesting but not sure how feasible this idea is...

  • @brassymussel No it is NOT the same, the equivalent would be me going on overwatch and asking people to stop using their ultimates, or to remove melee attacking from the game because I don't like being punched in the face. If PvP was a new feature perhaps you would have a leg to stand on, but PvP is a CORE feature of the game... and I don't understand why people think that the feeling of danger, risk, and having to EARN and PROTECT your loot on a pirate game needs to be removed just to please a minority? I am happy to discuss peoples ideas and would LOVE to see this game progress but for heavens sake...

    Why do you think everyone says it? Because it's true? It is a pirate game.. I mean for god sake should I download minecraft, go on there and demand that building be removed because I just want to fight mobs all the time?

    Going to attack other ships just for the hell of it, or because you suspect they may have treasure, is about as fundamental to being a pirate as you can get, just doing whatever you want because you want to and being obsessed with loot.

    I am actually supportive of some other peoples ideas such as a safe zone (I mean I ultimately don't care but if people feel the need then I would not be against it at all), but totally unsympathetic to people who want their own server.

  • @madmich-be I think that's a very fair idea. I was killed by a galleon the other day on a sloop, fair enough well played them. But then we spawned fairly close so they decided to follow us and hunt us down again for no reason when we clearly had no loot. That is definitely toxic, although Rare have already said they are aware of this issue and will be altering the respawn distance, hopefully that will fix it......

  • @bluejacket-1272 That's the risk you take when you sail alone, especially with that much loot o_O If I ever sail solo I go to outposts as frequently as I can, it's almost like a 'save' feature in a game, you lose less loot if something does go horribly wrong. I know it's hard when doing the animal quest but I always do those quests with friends anyway, I mean for one thing it's handy to have someone stay close to the ship to keep the greedy pigs fed :P

    I know more people that love the danger and risk of it and think such a passive server would be boring.. I think the idea of a PvE option or server is silly, or if it ever comes to pass, I hope the rep gain is 0-40% of a normal server, gold can be normal (and lets face it you will earn gold faster as you will never be chased or attacked on a PvE server..) but people who are reluctant to participate in a PvP server with other pirates should not be able to earn the title of pirate legend so easily....

  • @moristar can't appeal to absolutely everyone though. At the end of the day if they want your loot or to get the last beat in then it's your choice whether you engage that or not - they've did what they had to do with respawn distance and that is good enough - their next step should be crew management and introducing new weapon's for different advantages and disadvantages so we have a good variety and more than just aesthetics - here's an article on the various weapon's pirate's used once upon a time, they could implement a good portion of these and make thing's real interesting from a combat perspective.

  • @angrycoconut16 I respect your opinion although I wouldn't call a PvE option silly. A lot of PvP games are criticized for not having some sort of option like a campaign for solo players. See the first Titanfall and Star Wars Battlefront to name a couple. I am almost level 25 in all 3 factions playing mainly solo so I am well versed in the art of avoiding people and frequent visits to outposts.. People underestimate the amount of players that don't care about leveling up in this game and their only mission is griefing people. Having a PvE option would hopefully allow more people to enjoy the game.

  • A thought I've had, ties in a bit with the "Bounty" system suggestion.

    The current bounties would be shown or bought in the tavern, and can only be placed on a ship's crew (potentially persisting until claimed, regardless of server) and bought by those they've sunk after being shot down. Bounties can be made larger over time this way too. How much was on a victim's ship before it was sunk would determine the size of the bounty; ships that had little/nothing on them cannot place bounties.

    The main thought is as follows - 3 items on your ship become lootable by other crews - the flag atop the crow's nest, the navigation chart below deck, and a letter of marque in the captain's room. Each possibly has an animation; either way, these aren't quick things to take. These serve as the mechanism of payment for those that successfully come to collect a bounty - they're handed in to the barkeep, or even the mysterious stranger, and they're worth significantly more if a bounty applies. Perhaps a new faction?

    Now the obvious drawback here is that navigating without a map is going to be a little more difficult. But there's a North Star, right? And of course, a missing flag is a mark of shame among your fellow pirates. What'd be even worse is that without your letter of marque, you can't hand in your booty until you get a new one. Once they've been taken, the effects would persist on respawn until replacements are obtained. Note that none of this completely stops play.

    Once one of those 3 pieces has been taken, the crew it has been taken from receives a new quest - which is to go to the assigned outpost (a way away) and receive a new flag/map/letter. The quest map would even have a directional indicator to follow to get to that location, and the new spawn would be closer to said outpost.

    Now who you go to at the outpost is determined by whether or not your crew had a bounty on you. If you were marked, you need to go to the counterfeiter - and a new flag, map and letter of marque doesn't come cheap. If you're a victim of piracy, you need to go to the respective Outpost Mayor, who are all almost universally naive and will give you some small commiseration prize compensation for your troubles.

    How do I think this will help? There's now incentive for others to give them thieves some justice, and they pay some of their ill gotten loot to the counterfeiter (and I'm sure there are also those who'd like the handicap). People who repeatedly spawn to attack you are going to have a harder time of it. Two ships going at each other are going to find different things go awry, which could make for more fun. And if you're being griefed, on respawn you now have a convenient mechanism to get away, and furthermore the mayor will help compensate you and your fellow shipmates for your time.

    It's not perfect, but it's an idea :)

  • @trump4fools Not sure about armor (but yes, maybe in the future some light cuirasses and even some light ship plating) , but some 2 barrels guns (or the capacity to "buy/unlock" a dual wielding pistol set), and maybe rapiers or longsword like weapons would be a nice add to the game, and about cannon balls, Imagine if you could load your cannons with some sort of flaming projectile, setting enemies ship on fire and doing dmg over time or damaging sails, giving the buckets a secondary function, collecting water to put fires out (and, as long as you aim for the fire, the water used would not fill the ship up). Only ideas, but I would like to see them in the future, I would also like to see some "skull" ships (sloop like ships) used by skulls wandering in the sea (with a spawn rate similar to sunken shipwrecks), from one point to another, and shoting any player ship on sight (to balance the fact that skulls use infinity cannon balls, they would lack the capacity to repair their ships, but you would need a couple more shots to make some holes on them), and if you sink them, you could collect some tresure (something random like a sunken ship loot) from what is left, just to add more enemies to our ship combat experience.

  • Just one thing to mention, with PvP I do less coin than doing a voyage, this is a drawback for me in gaining anything relevant in the game. Most of my battles I gain the upper hand. So yes I maybe do 1000-2000 Gold per hour if I'm lucky also it can be 0 because the person I'm chasing has nothing of value. Anyways I enjoy PvP and I am happy to hunt down others. But even I met a person which doesn't enjoy fighting so when we do voyages I'm there for fighting and my new friend is there for exploring. So maybe you should have more options for social interaction. I met the person while chasing him/her down. I got offered a chest if I let him/her leave and I declined the offer, but I offered to escort the person back to port so there should definitely more social interaction. I mean everyone is now shooting at any ship coming closer even if you mean them no harm. In the beta it felt more social. You know you get a lot of achievements just for being nice. And the last sentence here. I really love and enjoy PvP in this game!

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