Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...

  • @teddy-25 said in Keyboard Controls; from PC TA1 to March 20th 2018...:

    Hey everyone,

    Just a small update from me, but something I thought was fun to share. Tonight we were putting the final touches together on the marketing art for our keyboard layout, and it made me all nostalgic - so much so I thought I'd take a look back down memory lane at how far we've come together...

    "PC Tech Alpha 1" - May 20th 2017
    alt text

    "Sea of Thieves v1.0" - March 20th 2018
    alt text

    Thanks to all the suggestions, feedback, comments and every other piece of input you've all had on our journey. We couldn't have done it without you and I for one can't wait to see what this is like in another 10 months time!

    Ted "Red Rage" Timmins
    (5 days to go...)

    can you make one for xbox controller design?

  • where's the crouch button? ;)

  • The changes are massively different and probably more comfortable to use than the older controls. I really like it.

  • Oh thank you for this. That looks clean

  • That's a great side-by-side to see. And thank you for sharing the exciting hot key additions! :D

    I hope to see some sort of free-look some day, and a key to toggle HUD off/on.
    Very pleased as is though. :)

    See you on the seas... SOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!

  • Noice job guys.

  • @TEDDY-25 Hey Teddy! Could you please look into sorting a separate keybind for the "More" function on open wheels? Im a lefty and youre absolutely killing me here. :D

  • @teddy-25 pc players has lot of advantage over xbox ones with keyboard and mouse. I'm almost quiting this game, because pc players could clearly perform better.

  • @luizfilipefc You're surprised? PC controls will always be superior to console. But, Sea of Thieves isn't that much of a gap for the two, since swordplay has little to no difference and the guns aren't very responsive anyways.

  • @captorangebeard the point is mouse and keyboard give more mobility, it's better to aim. Using mouse and keyboard, you could reach the points to shoot more faster and precisely. Using keys to move a character is really fast in comparison with a stick, you could rapdly press 3 of them to avoid situations that tou coulnd't avoid using a left stick. Also keybord has more keys you could set all shortcuts to things like change to banana and eat it, change to a cannon ball, use a plank to fix the boat and even more. All that combined with tasks like manage sails, will be a lot faster than a guy using thimbsticks.

  • I oneshot xbox players all the time. Thank you RARE for allowing cross platform. I dedicate all 30 forts I'v done to the beautiful console players.

  • I'd love if eventually we could have a second row of "alternate" controls as well, but I know there's a lot to work on before these for of "extras" can be thought about.

  • @teddy-25 Bug[PC]: If you accidentally unbind "Primary Use" , you lose Mouse Click as a way to navigate menus.

    Enter and arrow keys work as a backup, though you can players will panic when their clicks do nothing. I've seen other games separate Menu navigation and In-Game to avoid this sort of incident; might be worth looking into.

  • This game is a piece of magic thank you RARE for making such a beautiful game

  • Any idea on when the custom keybinding (for hotkeys at least) will come to Controllers? That will be a swell feature for Xbox players and take away one minor advantage that PC players have at the moment

  • What kind of monster uses 'S' as backwards rather than 'x'?

  • @captain-fet Another day, another necro. @Deckhands

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