I already got an eyepatch! It’s hard enough t’ see WITHOUT the sails in me way!

  • Well shiver me timbers! I do love sailing those large ships. With how intricate everything is, and having to not only adjust the sails for speed and turn them to catch the best winds... but also to weigh anchors, patch holes and bail water too! it’s wonderful!

    But gosh darn it if I can’t see where I’m goin’!!

    I’ll need to find me a crew to help traverse the treacherous sea, read a map, and man the crows nest for me, so we can find all the treasure we can carry!

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  • @buzzbomber64
    You can always not lower the sail fully!!
    If you leave it slightly furled at the bottom, you should be able to see under it!

  • @buzzbomber64 Our crew always raises the mid sail slightly, you’d be welcome to join us :)

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