Happy New Year and welcome back Pirates!

  • Ahoy there! It's a brand new year, and we at Rare are back at the helm of the good ship Sea of Thieves sailing toward launch!

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    I know many of you are excited to hear more information about the Closed Beta, and I will be sharing information with you about when that will be very soon. If you haven't already keep your eyes peeled on our social media channels:

    and follow me on the forums (go to my profile page and hit the green + button next to my profile picture) for the most up to date information!

    Some of you may have noticed that the forums look a little different from before! Categories changing, moving and some no longer existing. All the archived categories will be removed from the 5th January 2018 and will be displaying some of these threads in a read-only archive. Got a thread you want to save? Suggest and vote for the threads you would like to save in the sticky threads posted by me in the categories.

    We've got an amazing year ahead of us! Sea of Thieves launches 20th March 2018, and pre-orders are available right now, so what are you waiting for? It's the year to #bemorepirate!

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  • Welcome back @khaleesibot & all at Rare :)
    Hope you all enjoyed the festivities & your time off.
    We look forward to the exciting times ahead!!

    Now, if i could just find a cure for my SOT withdrawals??

  • @khaleesibot Welcome back! Hope you all had a great holiday!

    Im kinda dreading that beta anouncment lol, im going to do some real SoT on Thursday and am jamming two weeks in the Caribbean (Need to ditch this english weather! :P) But im well scared im gonna miss the Beta!

    Gonna have to go treasure hunting irl instead xD

  • Raising your tankard confirmed.
    Drinking straight from the barrel confirmed.
    White paint confirmed.

  • Welcome back @khaleesibot and happy new year!

    It's going to be one exciting year, I can't wait for the forthcoming announcements... excited!!!!

  • So when can we hope to see announce of beta date?

  • I'm so excited! and I just can't hide it!

  • @khaleesibot

    Follow you. Damn. Such a simple thing that I didn’t think of doing until you mentioned it. Now I’ll never miss out on the good information!

    Welcome back, pirate queen!

  • @knifelife That was me during the last Alpha session...diving real ship wrecks in the Dominican instead of in SoT.

  • @jediknightxiii I heard you where there! How bads that heat l***o! Ive never left the UK so im climatised to our freezing cold weather here pahaha, think im going to be in for a bit of a wake up call! XD

  • @khaleesibot The Mother of Dragons has returned!!
    Time to get things back in operation and let 2017 burn!!
    Happy New year

  • It's been really quiet without @khaleesibot about and the other lads and lasses of Rare! Hope you all had a good rest, it's got to be go, go, go up to release!

  • Can't wait to sail and sing on the high seas again the grog withdrawl has been real, no matter what games i played they couldnt compete with the thrill of crewing a beautiful galleon.
    Oh we'd be alright if the wind was in our sails!

  • Welcome back!

  • @khaleesibot Welcome welcome welcome back to you and to Rare!

  • Welcome back and Happy New Year! This year will be full of piratey awesomeness - a year of pirates! Arrhhh, can't wait!!!

  • More Sea of Thieves stuff is coming!

  • Welcome back all, happy new year everybody. Let's make it a great one.

  • @khaleesibot - Welcome back friend!

    Hope you and the whole team had a nice break! Looking forward to the exciting next few months 😁

  • Happy new year! I pumped to see what next you guys have in store for us!

  • @khaleesibot Happy New Year. The past month has been fierce for me with little time to drop in. Looking forward to a fantastic year some of it spent on the high seas.

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  • Welcome back!

  • @khaleesibot welcome back and Happy New Year!

    I'm wondering...is SOT feature locked for the beta or will we see new features for release? Thanks in advance and for the news update xD sorry if this was discussed elsewhere I may have missed.

  • Happy new year me and Mad Pirates are looking forward to the new year and the lunch of a great game.

  • Happy New Year to all Pirates and Sea Dogs (pugs) ☠

  • Ready to play again!!

  • Happy New Year Ladies and Gents.

  • Happy New Year.
    Can't wait for the game... And the controller as well.

  • @xo-ace-xo And the book. Don't forget the book :D

  • @jcmdeadpool You're right, the book too.

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