New Player suggestions

  • Hello, finished playing ps5 closed beta solo and have just a few comments. FYI this was the first time ever playing SoT btw.
    1st. I found the female character choices frustrating . Took me over hours to find something I wanted to keep.
    2nd. I did a lot of fortress grinding and I wish there was a chest to place all the skulls and smaller loot in so you don't have to load them on your ship and remove them one at a time, (especially being solo).
    3rd. Using the table map and sailing the ship at the same time was a little frustrating. Was hoping there was a corner screen map option with marker, or a small map by the helm.
    Lastly, I wish there was a 3rd person option in the game, (just my preference).

    Overall I really enjoyed my beta experience! I'm looking forward to jumping on the game as soon as it's available. Thanks for bringing it to the PS.

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  • @bootylicious736

    Welcome to the seas!

    1st. I found the female character choices frustrating . Took me over hours to find something I wanted to keep.

    Try not dwell too much on how your pirate looks, they’re all supposed to look a bit wonky. Embrace the funny looking side of them, and you’ll grow to love them!

    2nd. I did a lot of fortress grinding and I wish there was a chest to place all the skulls and smaller loot in so you don't have to load them on your ship and remove them one at a time, (especially being solo).

    There is! It’s a plain brown chest with a lid that opens, you can scoop the items up while holding the chest for ease. Usually it’s found among the loot piles you get from forts/sea forts etc.

    3rd. Using the table map and sailing the ship at the same time was a little frustrating. Was hoping there was a corner screen map option with marker, or a small map by the helm.

    The game’s UI is designed to be minimum, hence why a map doesn’t show. That and if you sail with a crew, they will communicate to you where to go etc. This game is very much built in mind for others to sail together and talk to each other. Try it out if you can, I promise your experience will be very different!

    Otherwise, stay safe on the seas pirate!

  • @tesiccl thanks for the tips, wish I knew about the crate

  • @bootylicious736 they only recently updated it where it could scoop items up off the ground and sell quickly to the vendors while the items are still inside it. It only holds 3 items at a time, but much more convenient than running 3 trips! XD

  • 1st. I found the female character choices frustrating . Took me over hours to find something I wanted to keep.

    You spent too much time making a character you will only see 2% of the time. Just saying :P

    2nd. I did a lot of fortress grinding and I wish there was a chest to place all the skulls and smaller loot in so you don't have to load them on your ship and remove them one at a time, (especially being solo).

    Those Fortresses do have 1-2 empty Chests to store stuff. With harpoons, Rowboats...its very easy to load a boat.

    3rd. Using the table map and sailing the ship at the same time was a little frustrating.

    Over time, simply looking at a Rock and knowing that rock you will never be lost ^_^
    Besides, the best adventure is not knowing where your going.

  • Little trick with the map, set the map in a nice spot to see your ship and destination both at the same time, and when you are up at the helm, you can look down back behind the anchor at the map so you dont have to go so far.

    The game is not designed for solo play, but i have spent most of over 700 hours playing solo and can promise its very possible to get used to the play style. It may take a little bit to figure out all the little tricks, but its a lot easier with time. And if you are a bit aggressive while solo, even though you may sink a lot, you can become one of the most dangerous and reliable players in a server compared to most others!

  • @bootylicious736 said in New Player suggestions:

    2nd. I did a lot of fortress grinding and I wish there was a chest to place all the skulls and smaller loot in so you don't have to load them on your ship and remove them one at a time, (especially being solo).

    Besides the plain brown one mentioned, there is also an Ashen variant; though you need to have an ashen key to open it first. These might also be on forts when you get a map after defeating an Ashen Lord.
    Those Ashen Lords are alos found randomly on islands, they drop (besides their skull) a key and a map on the same island for the chest.

  • @bootylicious736 when sailing the sloop you can look over the hand rail behind the anchor to check the map table quickly and easily

  • @bootylicious736

    Once you are out of beta, I suggest hopping on Discord and finding a crew to sail with. I have found that this game is infinitely more enjoyable having even 1 more person a sloop, but 2 or 3 more on a brig or galley to socialize with while playing the game. In fact, it is the socialization that brings me back to this game time after time, to the point that I find solo-slooping to be near intolerable.

    Obviously, your mileage may vary.

  • In regards to the map, you only need to check on it every now and then, so going downstairs is the intended design and the best way to go about it. You're on a ship, it won't go off road if you leave the helm for two minutes. Just take note of your heading and what's ahead of you, and off you go.

    With time, you won't even need the map more often than not. I'm the designated helmsman in my crew and I can recognize where I am virtually anywhere in the sea, and like probably most folks here, I can reach pretty much all islands going by name alone. You'll get there too much sooner than you think.

  • As far as not seeing my character for most of the game so why care about the way it looks, I just do and it's my right to feel that way.
    I realize that after playing the game over an extended period of time the map won't be that big of a issue. Just saying that it was a limited amount of time and I was teaching myself how to play.
    Finally, I didn't even get a chance to learn the chat and text options with the time I had, but definitely looking forward to finding a guild to sail with. Thank you for the help and replies!

  • @bootylicious736

    If you are playing on a sloop, the map table is actually visible from the upper deck. Look behind the capstan, facing down, and you can see the map. It's great design and the minimal UI makes the game far more immersive.

    I usually circle and center the location that I want to sail to on the map and occasionally look down at it while I'm sailing. Even if my ship isn't near the marked spot, it's always displayed on the map, allowing me to see which direction I need to orient myself.

  • Ahoy Matey. First off, Welcome to the Sea of Thieves. And now, to the Answers:

    1. I took 2 hours to find a Interesting Pirate. So don't worry. Thats okay to take alot of time to find yer pirate.
    2. There is a Treasure Chest. Which is basically a Container, which can hold up to 3 Trinkets/Skulls/Gems/Breaths of the Sea. Ye can use it to store 'em, carry 'em and even sell 'em.
    3. If ye playing on the Sloop, there is a small trick, which allows ye to see the map without running from main deck to middle deck of the vessel.
  • @hectiic-pwner People can have opinions about one thing even if their name is not super serious. I dont understand what you are trying to get at.

  • @hectiic-pwner Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

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