Blackcloud Wrecker Assistance

  • I know this isn't pertaining to a particular voyage but I was wondering if anyone has any tips and/or pointers on how to find blackcloud wreckers. I know the requirements are to find a sunken ship in a storm but I was wondering if there's a particular way to consistently catch them. I was using the merfolkslullaby site to try track the storm patterns and I was leaning between following the patterns to find sunken ships in the path or try have a sunken ship added via lost shipment voyage within the path. Which one of these would seem more reliable or if there's another method I'm not seeing that could help. This is actually the last fish I need to complete to get the Legendary Hunters of the Sea of Thieves commondation.

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  • Random shipwreck barrels are the way to go imo

    It's so much more enjoyable to just passively check random shipwrecks regularly than it is to mess with the conditions of fishing for them.

    It's a pretty common shipwreck barrel fish as far as the more sought after fish go.

    Random rowboats and storage crates too but shipwrecks are def the way to go imo.

    Any reaper chest can be a starting point for shipwreck barrels if you don't see any nearby random shipwrecks from your starting location.

  • Check the storm map at merfolk’s lullaby and find when the storm is going to hover around a known lost shipment or legend of the veil shipwreck site. They made it significantly easier to get wreckers when they allowed them to be fished at voyage wrecks. Then vote on the voyage until you get the location that will be in the storm and sail to it. Try to pick a location that gives you time to travel to it before the first pass of the storm, and try to pick a path with at least 2 storm visits showing on the map so you get lots of time in storm. Also try to get someone to join you so you have the chance to catch more fish per visit.

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