Skeleton Curse Cosmetic Ideas

  • The Skeleton Curse is cool and all but it has so much more potential as a curse. I had an idea where if you sell a certain amount of a skull for example a "Villainous Bounty Skull" there should be an option to buy it and have that skull as a head. This would also make some PVP players have some fun doing PVE while working towards a curse cosmetic. Also skulls like the Ashen Winds and Siren Skulls would be amazing heads to have and be able to wear And you can tell how many skulls you have sold to the reapers by checking the Servants of the flame and if you get a commendation such as "Sell 50 Ashen Wind Skulls To The Reaper" You will be able to buy the skull.

  • 2
    communityjust for fun
  • Skellie Accent Cosmetic… Yes… Skeletons will be pleased…

communityjust for fun
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